Hillary Clinton
Latest Hillary Clinton News and Updates
CelebrityEmails PROVE Clinton Armed ISIS, Wikileaks Founder Claims
Julian Assange says there is more damning evidence against Hillary. CelebrityHillary Bombshell: New Claims SHE Is The One In Cahoots with Russia!
New details of her shady cash connections EXPOSED. PHOTOSCrooked Hillary's Lies EXPOSED! Clinton's 13 Most Infamous Scandals — So Far
From Benghazi to her email scandal and so much more. CelebrityHillary Under Fire! Benghazi Victim Families Launch Blame Campaign Against Clinton
See the new ad that will destroy her! CelebrityMore Humiliation For Clinton! Secret DNC Voicemails Leak
Find out what's on the secret recordings. PHOTOSObama, Biden & Broadway! 7 Shocking Moments From The DNC's 3rd Night
The President is 'ready to pass the baton' to Hillary Clinton. Celebrity'How Do We Blame Someone Else?' Hillary Engineered Benghazi Cover-Up 'As Gunfire Was Still Raging'
'When it happened, she realized she was responsible & went into full cover-up mode.' CelebrityBombshell DNC Emails Reveal Staffers Used Homophobic Slurs & WORSE!
Will Hillary Clinton's campaign be destroyed by her own party? VIDEOSAnthony Weiner Laughs Off Affair Scandal On Same Night As DNC
It's another embarrassment for wife Huma Abedin and her boss, Hillary! VIDEOSThe Election Is 'Rigged!' Leaked Emails Suggest DC Insiders Pushed Hillary For President
Bernie Sanders slams 'outrageous' abuse of power. CelebrityTrump Surges Ahead Of Clinton In New National Poll
Find out why Donald has surpassed Hillary in the race to the White House. PHOTOSDesperate Move? Hillary Books Lady Gaga, Demi Lovato & More For Democratic Convention
Find out what other A-listers will speak at the DNC next week. CelebrityBenghazi Victim's Mom: 'I Blame Hillary For The Death Of My Son!'
Pat Smith blasted Clinton at the Republican National Convention. CelebrityRepublican Legislator: Hillary Should Be 'Hung' For Treason
Michael Folk tweeted harsh words for Clinton over the weekend. CelebrityHillary Clinton Flunks Lie Detector Test Over Email Scandal
'My conclusion is that this was a cover-up,' reveals expert. CelebrityThe 2016 Vice Presidential Cheat Sheet EXPOSED
Inside Trump and Clinton's big decisions. PHOTOSHillary Clinton FAILS FBI Lie Detector Test Regarding Leaked Emails, Expert Claims
Find out who covered up the betrayal! CelebrityDonald Trump TIED With Hillary In New Poll
Clinton's email scandal is taking a toll. CelebrityNew Claims FBI Agents Were Forced To Stay Silent On Hillary Email Scandal
Inside the 'chilling' allegations by one former agent. CelebrityCIA Expert Claims Hillary Is 'Engaging In Deception' Over Emails
'Clinton's behavior suggests that she sees herself as being above the law.' CelebrityHillary's Lies EXPOSED Again!
New tell-all reveals even MORE secrets she's tried to hide. Celebrity'Disturbing!' Hillary REFUSES To Testify In Email Scandal Lawsuit
Does Clinton have something to hide? CelebrityHillary Clinton Explodes Over Horndog Bill's Latest Humiliation!
Find out all the juicy details on the hot-headed presidential candidate. Celebrity'Hillary Lied!' House Republicans Demand Justice Dept. Probe Clinton For Perjury
FBI evidence contradicts Clinton's sworn testimony, one rep claims. CelebrityBernie Backs Hillary For President!
Sanders insisted Clinton 'is far and away the best candidate.' CelebrityHillary Lookalike Earns $10,000 A MONTH Impersonating Clinton
But will she vote for her? CelebrityHillary's 'Careless' Aides Could Be Blacklisted, State Dept. Warns
Find out why some of them might never work again in D.C.! PHOTOSTour For The First Time: Inside Bill Clinton Pal's 'Lolita Express' — The Pedophile Billionaire’s Sex Jet He Flew On 11 Times
Disturbing never-before-seen photos of the pedophile's den of sin and seduction. CelebrityStaff Warns Hillary Clinton: 'Bill Is Out Of Control!'
The prez hopeful was once alerted about her husband's 'sabotaging' strategies. CelebrityMore Trouble For Hillary? FBI Director Hints At Probe Into Clinton Foundation
The most telling sign of a new investigation revealed. CelebrityPaul Ryan Demands 'Sanctions’ For Hillary Clinton
Read the House Speaker’s blistering statement. CelebrityAnother Clinton Cover-Up? FBI Bans Release Of Pedo Pal's Sex Den Surveillance Video
A hidden camera caught four hours of footage. Find out who's on it! CelebrityState Department Reopens Hillary Clinton Email Investigation!
Spokesman warns: 'There could be repercussions.' CelebrityIn The Hot Seat! Congress Grills FBI Director Over Hillary Clinton Email Scandal
Get the latest updates from the hearing. VIDEOSSecret Video Reveals Hillary Clinton's Biggest Email Confession
Watch the leaked footage on RadarOnline.com. PHOTOSKiddie Porn, Sex Toys & Worse: Clinton Pal Jeffrey Epstein's Pedophile Palace Revealed
Teen girls told cops he raped them inside. How will Hillary explain this? CelebrityCAUGHT Red-Handed! Leaked Hillary Email Reveals Another Major Benghazi Blunder
Clinton warned of 'raining terror' but failed to take immediate action. PHOTOSAlways On Call — Hillary Clinton Exposed As Demanding Boss From Hell!
Leaked emails prove she knew staff was 'killing' themselves with 'bruising' schedule. CelebrityIt Isn't Over! Congress To Grill FBI On Hillary's Email Scandal
FBI Director faces a congressional probe after letting Clinton off the hook. CelebrityREVEALED: The Smoking Gun Email That Could Destroy Hillary Clinton
Wikileaks founder claims he has evidence she committed a felony. PHOTOSLeaked Emails Detail Hillary Clinton's Desperate Health Crisis Cover-Ups
'Having a cracked head is not fun at all,' she complains in one disturbing message. PHOTOSEmail Leak Exposes Hillary's Sick Obsession With Anthony Weiner Sexting Scandal
Did Huma Abedin know what her boss was saying behind her back? PHOTOSREVEALED: Hillary's Daily Call List! Martha Stewart, Bon Jovi, Barbara Walters & More
Email leak exposes Clinton's A-list ambitions. CelebrityDonald Trump OUTRAGED Over FBI's Decision Not To Charge Clinton
Find out how he'll get revenge. CelebrityCrooked Hillary Won't Face FBI Charges For Email — Despite Sending 100 Classified Documents
But FBI director labels her and aides 'extremely careless.' CelebrityBUSTED: Hillary's Secret Meeting With Clooney Exposed In New WikiLeaks Emails
What are the crooked presidential candidate and the actor trying to hide? CelebrityHillary PANICKED Over Monica Lewinsky Tell-All
Leaked emails reveal what Clinton REALLY thinks of Bill's mistress. CelebrityHillary Grilled By FBI After Bill Clinton's 'Inappropriate' Meeting With Attorney General
She is facing criminal charges. CelebrityWhite House Slams Attorney General For Secret Meeting With Bill Clinton
'No one is above the law! REALITY TVDesperate Hillary Rips Off Kim K With New Emoji Line
Is Clinton's latest attempt to connect with the youth vote her lamest yet?