Jose Baez
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TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Will Do Online Courses On Probation; Officials Say She’s ‘Most Hated Women In America’
By Radar Staff We’re learning new details about Thursday about Casey Anthony’s surrender to the Florida Department of Probation Wednesday night, to begin TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Back In Florida; Has Met With ‘Spiritual Advisers & Therapists’
By Neil Woulfe - Radar Senior News Director She’s b-a-a-a-c-k! Notorious ‘Tot Mom’ Casey Anthony is back in Florida, is reporting. Anthony’s TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony’s Attorney Jose Baez Being Investigated By Florida State Bar
By Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Senior Reporter Casey Anthony might be out of jail, but her lawyer Jose Baez is fighting his own legal battle over the handling of TRUE CRIMEMust Casey Anthony Return To Orlando? Judge Says ‘It’s A Mess’
By Neil Woulfe - Radar News Director Casey Anthony doesn’t have to return home to Orlando, Florida – at least for the time being. Judge Belvin Perry, during an TRUE CRIMELIVE STREAM: Casey Anthony Probation Hearing -- Watch It Here Live
By Neil Woulfe - Radar News Director UPDATE: The judge has recessed court without making a decision. Casey Anthony’s defense team is back in court Friday TRUE CRIMEFamed Attorney Claims New Casey Anthony Pics Are Fake
By Jen Heger - Radar Legal Editor Famed attorney, Mark Geragos, who is an acquaintance of Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, made a stunning revelation on TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony's Uncle Shocked At Verdict, Doesn't Know Where She Is
By Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Senior Reporter Casey Anthony's whereabouts Sunday are unknown not only to her parents but also to her aunt and uncle in Ohio, TRUE CRIMEWhere’s Casey? Mystery Grows As Lawyer Says ‘Respect The Jury Verdict’
By Radar Staff As the whereabouts of Casey Anthony remain a mystery Monday -- although there is speculation she could be in Arizona -- her attorney Jose Baez TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Hiding Out On Geraldo Rivera's Yacht? 'Untrue!' Says His Brother
By Amber Goodhand - Radar Reporter Where in the world is Casey Anthony? The latest rumor swirling in the media industry is that the 25-year-old had taken TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Release: New Threats, Security Tight
By Radar Staff Casey Anthony is only hours away from being released from prison, and security around her is intense amid a growing number of threats.There were TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Foreman: Jury Sickened By Casey’s Antics Following Caylee’s Death
By Adam S. Levy - Radar Staff Writer The foreman of the jury that acquitted Casey Anthony in her daughter Caylee’s death told Fox News' Greta Van Susteren TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Sued By Group That Searched For Caylee
By Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Senior Reporter Casey Anthony has another lawsuit pending against her, and she isn’t even out of jail yet. Texas EquuSearch filed a TRUE CRIMEJerry Springer $1Million Offer To Casey Anthony Dead
By Radar Staff A $1 million offer for Casey Anthony and her family to appear on the Jerry Springer Show is now dead after it sparked outrage, Star magazine and TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony's New Life: What She Can Expect On The Outside
by Radar Staff She's undoubtedly dreamed of sun drenched days on the beach and pampering at the spa, but as Casey Anthony prepares for her release from jail TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony To Go Free Next Wednesday
By Amber Goodhand - Radar Reporter Casey Anthony will be a free woman in six days. The announcement was made on Thursday, just hours after Judge Belvin Perry TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Lets Her Hair Down For Sentencing
by Radar Staff She didn’t exactly have the courtroom couture of Lindsay Lohan, but Casey Anthony looked noticeably differently during her sentencing Thursday in TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Sentenced To Four Years In Prison
By Neil Woulfe - Radar News Director & Adam S. Levy - Radar Staff Writer UPDATE: Court officials just announced that Casey’s calculated release date from jail TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony's Lawyer: 'I Knew I Had Saved Her Life'
By Adam S. Levy - Radar Staff Writer Casey Anthony's defense attorney Jose Baez has granted his first network TV interview since Tuesday’s stunning verdict, TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Verdict: Not Guilty Of Murder
By Amber Goodhand - Radar Reporter Casey Anthony is not guilty of murder. In a stunning decision, the 12-member jury in the Orange County, Florida, trial of TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Could Walk Free Today – Radar To Live Stream Sentencing At 9 am ET
by Radar Staff 9:35 am ET UPDATE: Casey gets 4 years for lying to police and is fined $4,000. She will get credit for time served which the judge will TRUE CRIMELIVE STREAM: Verdict Reached In Casey Anthony Trial – Watch It Here Live
by Radar Staff UPDATE: In a stunning decision, Casey has been found not guilty of first degree murder. She was also found not guilty of aggravated child TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Murder Trial – Jury Deliberates For Second Day Tuesday
By Neil Woulfe - Radar News Director The jury in the Casey Anthony murder trial in central Florida will begin its second day of deliberations Tuesday. The TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Trial: Jury Deliberations Begin
by Radar Staff After 33 days of testimony and a day and a half of closing arguments, the Casey Anthony case is finally in the hands of the jury. Anthony is TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Trial: Tears & Laughter During Closing Arguments
By Radar Staff In an unusually long day, the Casey Anthony case didn't wrap up until 6:37 pm EDT, and has your highlights of what went on. It TRUE CRIMELIVE STREAM: Testimony Continues In Casey Anthony Trial – Watch It Live
by Radar Staff The Casey Anthony murder trial resumes Friday, and has you covered in all of the developments in the court case America's been TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Will Not Testify -- The Defense Rests!
By Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Senior Reporter In a shocking twist Thursday, Casey Anthony told the judge in her murder case that she will not testify and her TRUE CRIMELIVE STREAM: Testimony Continues In Casey Anthony Trial – Watch It Live
by Radar Staff Testimony resumed Wednesday in the Casey Anthony murder trial in central Florida, and once again, is live streaming the TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Defense May Rest Case On Thursday
By Radar Staff The Casey Anthony trial may be coming to an end soon, as her defense attorney told the judge that they may be wrapping up their case on TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony’s Family Gives Shocking Testimony
By Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Senior Reporter Casey Anthony’s family took the stand again in her explosive murder trial in central Florida on Tuesday morning, and TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Trial: Meter Reader Says He Put Stick In Caylee’s Skull
By Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Senior Reporter The highly anticipated testimony of the meter reader who found little Caylee Anthony’s remains occurred on Tuesday, TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Trial: Meter Reader Who Found Caylee’s Body Takes The Stand – Watch It Live
By Neil Woulfe - Radar News Director & Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Senior Reporter UPDATE: Court is in recess until 1:30 pm ET. Testimony continues Tuesday in the TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Trial - Meter Reader Who Found Caylee’s Remains Expected To Testify Tuesday
By Neil Woulfe - Radar News Director & Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Senior Reporter The meter reader who found the remains of 2-and-a-half year old Caylee Marie TRUE CRIMEAll Evidence Points Towards Casey Anthony Murdering Caylee - Says Famed LA Prosecutor
By Jen Heger - Radar Legal Editor Famed Los Angeles prosecutor, Danette Meyers, tells is an exclusive video interview that all evidence points TRUE CRIMELIVE STREAM: Testimony Resumes In Casey Anthony Trial - Watch It Here Live
The defense resumed presenting its case in the Casey Anthony murder trial in central Florida on Thursday, and once again, is live streaming the TRUE CRIMELIVE STREAM: Testimony Resumes In Casey Anthony Trial - Watch It Here Live
UPDATE: Court has adjourned early for the day. Testimony resumes Thursday at 9 a.m. ET The defense resumes presenting its case in the Casey Anthony murder trial TRUE CRIMEHalf-Day Session Wednesday In Casey Anthony Trial – Radar To Live Stream Testimony
By Radar Staff Testimony resumes Wednesday in the emotionally charged Casey Anthony trial in central Florida, and once again, will live stream TRUE CRIMEDid Casey Anthony Copy Drowning Defense From Another Inmate?
By Radar Staff It could be a case of copy cat for Casey Anthony after prosecutors revealed Tuesday that they are investigating whether her story was stolen from TRUE CRIMETestimony Resumes Tuesday In Casey Anthony Trial – Watch It Here Live
Testimony resumed Tuesday morning in the emotionally-charged Casey Anthony trial in central Florida, and once again, is live streaming the TRUE CRIMETestimony To Resume Tuesday In Casey Anthony Trial After Manic Monday -- Radar To Live Stream
By Neil WoulfeRadar News Director By Alexis TereszcukRadar Senior Reporter Testimony will resume Tuesday morning in the emotionally-charged Casey Anthony murder TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Trial Halted Until Tuesday -- Judge Slams Lawyers For 'Gamemanship'
By Alexis TereszcukRadar Reporter The judge in the Casey Anthony trial ended court early Monday and slammed the attorneys in the murder case. “Yes there has TRUE CRIMECasey Anthony Trial: Hair & Air From Car Trunk Introduced As Evidence
by Radar Staff In a half-day session in an Orlando, Fl. courtroom Saturday, more forensic evidence was introduced in the murder case against Casey Anthony.A