Cheryl Scruggs
Latest Cheryl Scruggs News and Updates
CelebrityLauren Scruggs One Year After Horrific Accident, 'I Thought I Was Ugly & No Guy Would Ever Love Me'
By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter Disfigured model Lauren Scruggs revealed what a difference a year really can make by filming an inspirational video in honor of CelebrityAnything You Can Do! Lauren Scruggs Proves Horrific Accident Hasn't Altered Her Life, Shows Off Her Prosthetic Arm Abilities
By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter Model and fashion blogger Lauren Scruggs isn't going to let her horrific propellor accident stop her from doing anything, even CelebrityDisfigured Model Lauren Scruggs Reveals Post-Accident Anger, 'I Just Wanted My Hand Back!'
By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter Hot on the heels of her new memoir, Lauren Scruggs is continuing to open up about the depth of the physical and emotional CelebrityLauren Scruggs Screamed 'I Am So Ugly!' When First Saw Her Disfigured Face
By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter She has put on an incredibly brave front to the public, but behind her smiles model/fashion blogger Lauren Scruggs is revealing CelebrityDisfigured Model Lauren Scruggs Reveals That Propeller Accident 'Made Her A Better Person'
By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter Rather than complaining about her life being torn apart, Lauren Scruggs is celebrating the positive outcomes of her devastating CelebrityDisfigured Model Lauren Scruggs Shows Off Her Surprisingly Realistic Prosthetic Hand And Eye
By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter As the first anniversary of her horrific accident approaches, disfigured model Lauren Scruggs is proudly showing off how far CelebrityRecovering Amputee Model Lauren Scruggs Is Learning To Drive A Stick
By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter Model and fashion blogger Lauren Scruggs has refused to let a horrendous propeller accident stop her from doing anything in CelebrityLauren Scruggs’ Parents: She’s Doing ‘Remarkable’ 4 Months After Walking Into Plane Propeller
By Radar Staff In a special appearance on Good Morning America Friday, Lauren Scruggs’ parents Jeff and Cheryl said their daughter’s recovery has been nothing CelebrityDisfigured Model Lauren Scruggs Bravely Reveals Amputated Limb
By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter Instead of shying away from her injuries, Lauren Scruggs has bravely showed off her amputated arm for the first time since a Celebrity'Positive Week' For Lauren Scruggs, It's 'The New Norm' Her Mom Says
By Amber Goodhand - Radar Reporter After bravely enduring surgeries and physical therapy after losing her left hand and eye in a tragic plane propeller CelebrityOn The Mend! Brave Lauren Scruggs Shows Off New Prosthetic Eye
By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter Lauren Scruggs has bravely battled every adversity that life has thrown at her since her devastating collision with a small CelebrityDisfigured Model Lauren Scruggs Hits The Ski Slopes
By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter After being severely disfigured by a small plane propeller, model Lauren Scruggs is proving that she’s well on the road – and CelebrityLauren Scruggs Gets Prosthetic Eye; Mother Says It’s ‘Beautiful’
By Radar Staff The healing continues for Lauren Scruggs. The 23-year-old model & fashion blogger, who's yanked at the nation's heartstrings the past two months, CelebrityDisfigured Model Lauren Scruggs Suffered ‘Toughest Week Yet’
By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter It’s been two months since she walked into a small plane propeller but life is not getting any easier for model and fashion CelebrityLauren Scruggs' 'Pain Was Raising Its Ugly Head Again,' Mother Says
By Radar Staff Lauren Scruggs’ mother Cheryl says the 23-year-old model & fashion blogger has been suffering through “ferocious” pain in healing from numerous CelebrityLauren Scruggs Horrific 911 Call Released
By Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Senior Reporter The frantic 9-1-1 call that was made immediately after Lauren Scruggs walked into the propeller of a plane has been CelebrityFirst Photos Of Lauren Scruggs Smiling Bravely As She Goes For Rehab
By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter More than six weeks after she suffered horrific injuries from being hit by a small plane propeller, Lauren Sruggs is CelebrityPilot Warned Lauren Scruggs To Walk Behind The Plane Before Horrifying Accident
By Radar Staff Curt Richmond, the pilot of the fateful flight in which Lauren Scruggs walked into a live plane propeller, told air officials he raised his arm CelebrityLauren Scruggs: 'My Heart Is So Grateful Beyond What I Could Ever Imagine'
By Radar Staff Lauren Scruggs on Monday wrote on her Lolo blog for the first time since her accident, as the 23-year-old model & fashion blogger expressed warm CelebrityLauren Scruggs Mother: ‘I Am Emotionally Drained And Physically Tired’
By Neil Woulfe - Radar Senior News Director The mother of Lauren Scruggs -- the former model/fashion blogger badly injured last month when she walked into a CelebrityLauren Scruggs 'Had A Horrendous Day Of Pain,' Says Mother
By Radar Staff Lauren Scruggs’s mother Cheryl said the 23-year-old model & fashion blogger suffered through a tough Thursday, leaning on her supportive family CelebrityLauren Scruggs’ Mother: ‘The Kind Words Are So Encouraging’
By Radar Staff The mother of Lauren Scruggs -- admitting she is a “bit tired” -- thanked the public Thursday for their ongoing support in the recovery of the CelebrityLauren Scruggs’ Mom Opens Up: ‘This Is Hard… Very, Very Hard’
By Neil Woulfe - Radar Senior News Director The mother of Lauren Scruggs – the model/fashion blogger who was badly injured when she walked into a plane’s CelebrityMore Than 10K Raised At Fundraiser For Injured Model Lauren Scruggs
By Radar Staff A fundraiser Tuesday night at a restaurant in Plano, Texas raised more than $10,000 for Lauren Scruggs, the 23-year-old model/fashion blogger who CelebrityLauren Scruggs Smiles For First Time Since Plane Propeller Accident
By Radar Staff Lauren Scruggs smiled Saturday night and it was one of the biggest accomplishments she's made since accidentally walking into the propeller of a CelebrityModel Lauren Scruggs Finally Sees The Extent Of Her Injuries, 'It's Not That Bad'
By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter After being horrifically injured by a plane propeller, model and fashion blogger Lauren Scruggs has finally seen her disfigured CelebrityParents Of Model Injured By Propeller: ‘She Will Fight Through This’
By Radar Staff Jeff and Cheryl Scruggs, the parents of injured model Lauren Scruggs, tell The Today Show they have faith their daughter’s strong spirit will