Paula Broadwell
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CelebrityPaula Broadwell's Back In Action! General Petraeus' Ex-Mistress Accused Of Getting 'Friendly' With Charlotte Mayoral Candidate
Almost exactly one year after Paula Broadwell's sleazy affair with General David Petraeus was exposed, the former West Point grad is making headlines again for VIDEOSEx-Gen. David Petraeus Breaks Silence & Apologizes For Sex Scandal
Former U.S. Gen. David Petraeus, giving his first public speech before 600 attendees at the University of Southern California's ROTC dinner Tuesday night, ScandalsGen. Petraeus Cheating Scandal Explodes: Mistress Launched 'Blackmail, Extortion, Threats,' At Me, Says Socialite
The scandal that brought down General David Petraeus after his illicit affair with biographer Paula Broadwell grew as she was accused of sending threatening CelebrityGeneral Petraeus On Scandal: I Screwed Up Royally But Wife Is Sticking By Me
By Radar Staff After a headline-making extramarital dalliance with his official biographer, General David Petraeus oddly refers to himself and his wife as “Team CelebrityGennifer Flowers Claims Bill Clinton Tried To Hook Up With Her Again In '05, Fifteen Years AFTER Affair
By Radar Staff Even the stink of scandal couldn't keep Bill Clinton from the sweet scent of flowers … Gennifer Flowers!The ex-president's one-time mistress, now ScandalsMenacing E-Mails Allegedly From David Petraeus's Ex-Mistress Threaten Rival, 'I Can Make You Disappear'
By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter The drama swirling around U.S. Gen. David Petraeus took a dark twist on Tuesday when the depth of menacing messages that his ScandalsPetraeus Scandal: Mistress Paula Broadwell 'Deeply Regrets' Affair, Devastated By Aftermath
By Radar Staff Regrets, she's had a few … Paula Broadwell "deeply regrets the damage that's been done to her family" in the wake of her affair with Gen. David CelebrityPetraeus Mistress Paula Broadwell Makes Show Of Unity With Husband Scott
By Radar Staff Dr. Scott Broadwell is apparently standing by his woman, the infamous Paula Broadwell, whose affair with David Petraeus ended his career as CIA OMG!SNL Breaks Down Petraeus Sex Scandal Winners & Losers
By Radar Staff Leave it to Saturday Night Live to break down the winners and losers of the David Petraeus sex scandal.At his Weekend Update desk, Seth Meyers CelebrityJill Kelley Calls David Petraeus Mistress Paula Broadwell A 'Criminal' And 'Stalker'
By Radar Staff The gloves have come off!In emails she sent to the mayor of Tampa, local socialite Jill Kelley is calling David Petraeus' mistress Paula ScandalsKiss It Goodbye: General David Petraeus Smooches Jill Kelley In This 2011 Shot
By Radar Staff The saga of disgraced U.S. Gen. David Petraeus continues, and just received these images of Jill Kelley, the Tampa socialite ScandalsGeneral David Petraeus Breaks His Silence On Sex Scandal
By Radar Staff Disgraced U.S. Gen. David Petraeus broke his silence in a chat with HLN’s Kyra Phillips Thursday, and the journalist recapped the chat in a phone CelebritySpilling Secrets! The Biggest Spy Sex Scandals Of All Time
By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter With a high-operative CIA agent, an extramarital relationship, a socialite mistress and a national security breach that reaches CelebrityPetraeus Socialite Jill Kelley Banned From Military Base
By Radar Staff Jill Kelley is no longer welcome at MacDill AFB. The socialite who launched the David Petraeus sex scandal that's now also enveloped General John ScandalsPaula Broadwell's Creepy Email To Jill Kelley: 'Does Your Husband Know You've Been Touching Petraeus Under The Table?'
By Amber Goodhand - Radar News Editor More of the content of emails Paula Broadwell sent to Jill Kelley — her perceived rival for the affections of CIA Director CelebrityDavid Petraeus Wrote Letter To Court Supporting ‘Unstable' Twin Sister Of Close Pal
By Radar Staff General David Petraeus may be in the fight of his life – to restore his reputation, as new details involving the disgraced Marine continue to be ScandalsDavid Petraeus 'Second Woman' Jill Kelley Hires Monica Lewinsky's Crisis Manager & John Edwards' Attorney!
By Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Entertainment Editor The second woman involved in the David Petraeus scandal is in some legal trouble of her own – she owes millions CelebrityDid David Petraeus Have A Second Girlfriend? Woman Threatened By Mistress Paula Broadwell Identified!
By Radar Staff Jill Kelley has been identified as the woman who was threatened in a series of anonymous emails sent by Paula Broadwell, CIA Chief David ScandalsDavid Petraeus Scandal: Feds Raid Home Of Mistress; Gen. John Allen Under Investigation
By Radar Staff The saga of disgraced U.S. Gen. David Petraeus continues full bore Tuesday, after investigators raided the home of his mistress Paula Broadwell, ScandalsDavid Petraeus Sex Scandal: Mistress Paula Broadwell’s Father Says ‘The Truth Will Come Out’
By Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Entertainment Editor As the cheating scandal grows surrounding CIA Director David Petraeus’ affair with Paula Broadwell, her father ScandalsDavid Petreaus Sex Scandal: Wife Holly Is ‘Furious’
By Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Entertainment Editor David Petraeus's wife is enraged that he cheated on her with his biographer Paula Broadwell after 37 years of CelebrityDavid Petraeus Scandal: Mystery Second Woman Received Threatening Emails From Paula Broadwell
By Radar Staff The stunning revelations about CIA Chief David Petraeus' extramarital affair came about because a woman close to him began receiving anonymous CelebrityWho Is Paula Broadwell? What You Didn't Know About The Woman Who Brought Down CIA Chief David Petraeus
By Radar Staff CIA Director David Petraeus' steamy extramarital affair led to his shocking resignation.The four star general-turned spy chief, 60, had an Celebrity'Sex Under The Desk!' Sexy Emails Led To CIA Chief David Petraeus Shocking Downfall
By Radar Staff The stunning resignation of CIA Chief David Petraeus -- the result of a steamy extramarital affair -- is reading like a script from the ScandalsRevealed! Woman CIA Director Had Affair With Is Paula Broadwell, His Biographer
By Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Entertainment Editor The identity of the woman with whom General David Petraeus cheated on his wife with and resigned his position