Robin Williams Found With Superficial Cuts On His Wrists & Belt Around His Neck — Sheriff Reveals How Robin Williams Killed Himself

Aug. 12 2014, Published 2:47 p.m. ET
Details of Robin Williams' suicide were confirmed on Tuesday morning by the Sheriff's Office, who revealed that the iconic actor had used a pocketknife to give himself superficial cuts on his wrists and was found hanging with a belt around his neck.
Lt. Keith Boyd explained the heartbreaking details during a live press conference in which he said Williams, 63, was "in a clothed, seated position . . . slightly suspended" with a "belt around his neck" and the belt was secured between the door and the frame.
"We're not releasing the nature of how many superficial wounds there are," Boyd continued.
"They were on the inside of his left wrist."
Although not the cause for his death, Lt. Boyd expanded on the cuts.
"The inside of Mr. Williams' left wrist had several acute superficial transverse cuts. A pocket knife with a closed blade was located in close proximity to Mr. Williams," he said.
A forensic examination "did not reveal any injuries indicating Mr. Williams had been in a struggle or physical altercation prior to him being located deceased."
When Williams was unresponsive to knocks on his bedroom door, a personal assistant "was able to gain access to Mr. Williams' bedroom and entered the bedroom to find Mr. Williams clothes in a seated position, unresponsive, and with a belt secured around his neck with the other end of the belt wedged between the closed closet door and door frame," Boyd said.
"Mr. Williams at that time was cool to the touch with rigor mortis present in all of his extremities and livor mortis positioned appropriately for the position he was located in."
As previously reported, Williams' wife, Susan Schneider was the last one to see him at approximately 10:30 p.m. the night before and 911 wasn't called the next morning until 11:55 a.m. — Boyd revealed it was because Williams and his wife had been sleeping in separate bedrooms.
"She retired to bed prior to Mr. Williams to a room in the home… He went to a different room in the home... At approximately 10:30 a.m. on August 11, 2014 Mr. Williams' wife left the home believing Mr. Williams to still be asleep," Boyd said.
Toxicology tests will be performed but results will not be available for another two to six weeks, and Williams' death will remain an open investigation.
Stay with as details continue to emerge . . .
If anyone you know, is struggling with thoughts of suicide, please immediately seek help. You can speak with a skilled, trained counselor at a national Suicide Prevention Lifeline crisis center in your area, anytime 24/7 — call 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

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