Vienna Girardi
Latest Vienna Girardi News and Updates
REALITY TV VIDEO: The Bachelor's Vienna Girardi Keeps Jake Gay Rumors Afloat
The Bachelor's Vienna Girardi fielded questions from her fans via Twitter on Lopez Tonight Thursday, and everything from ex Jake Pavelka to the Prop. 8 ban to REALITY TVPoll: Would You Rather Be Snooki, Lilo, Britney Or Vienna?
Our friends at posed their readers an interesting pop culture dilemma with this interesting question last month: Which troubled celebrity starletREALITY TV VIDEO: 'Bachelor' Jake Pavelka Tells The View: 'I'm Not Gay'
The Bachelor's Jake Pavelka told the panel of The View Wednesday that he's not gay, and has all the scoop for for you.The gay rumors sprouted up Fashion PolicePHOTOS: Reality TV's Sexiest Bachelorettes
Whether they are like the hot girl next door or the resident vixen, the women of reality television continue to keep tongues wagging. has REALITY TVVienna Poses In Sexy Bikini at Disney World
The Bachelor winner Vienna Girardi got into the sexiest of bikinis for her visit to Disney World, and has the photos for you.[ami-related Fashion PoliceDressed For Success? Best And Worst Thursday
It was a busy day for our famous friends, as they popped up on our Radar across the globe promoting their latest ventures. Jennifer Aniston, who launched her REALITY TVEXCLUSIVE: Jake Pavelka Holding Vienna's Cell Phone Number Hostage
The icy relationship between reality television exes Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi is getting even chillier. has learned that the Bachelor REALITY TVVIDEO: 'Bachelorette' Ali Dishes On Jake Gay Rumors & Frank's Shocking Exit
Just a day after with Frank Neuschaefer’s shocking exit from The Bachelorette aired on ABC, 'Bachelorette' Ali Fedotowsky appeared on Lopez Tonight Tuesday to REALITY TVEXCLUSIVE: Former Bachelorette Stars Talking About Secret Double Wedding!
Fairytale endings for reality show couples Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi and Ed Swiderski and Jillian Harris may be out of the question, but OMG!EXCLUSIVE: Vienna "Blew off Men" During Wild Vegas Weekend
Vienna Girardi isn’t jumping into a rebound relationship just yet. Jake Pavelka’s ex hit Sin City over the weekend but opted for quality time with the girls OMG!Vienna Girardi Wants You On "Team Vienna"
Vienna Girardi is definitely enjoying her post-Jake Pavelka lifestyle. Saturday she hosted Hpnotiq Celebrates Single & Fabulous at TAO Beach in Las Vegas, and REALITY TVPHOTOS: The Bachelor's Jake Pavelka Makes A Splash In Malibu
The Bachelor's Jake Pavelka sharpened up on his paddleboarding skills with a female friend in Malibu Sunday, and has all the pics for Fashion PoliceBeach Bunnies And A Wacky Robin: Best And Worst Monday
While the Kardashian’s steamed up Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Miami showing off their covetable curves in sassy style, a full-bodied actor bared his belly in REALITY TVEXCLUSIVE: 'Bachelor' Winner Vienna Asked Ex-Boyfriend To Marry Her Right Before Show
The scandal surrounding The Bachelor split never ends! Vienna Girardi accepted Jake Pavelka's romantic proposal on the show's finale, but can REALITY TVEXCLUSIVE: Vienna Tells Ex "Jake Is Obviously Gay"
Hunky Bachelor star Jake Pavelka’s sexual preference has been under the microscope since his very public breakup with his fiance Vienna Girardi. But OMG!EXCLUSIVE: The Bachelor's Vienna Throwing A "Fabulous And Single" Party In Las Vegas
Broken-hearted Bachelor winner Vienna Girardi is ready to embrace the single life by hosting her very own ‘Fabulous and Single’ party in Sin City on Saturday, REALITY TVEXCLUSIVE: Vienna's Ex: 'I Want To Punch You in The F**king Face' -- Read His Shocking Texts
Two million Americans watched as an irate Jake Pavelka, also known as The Bachelor, faced off against his ex-fiance Vienna Girardi in their now infamous TV REALITY TVEXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: "Vienna Had Sex With Me While Dating Jake" Claims Ex-Boyfriend
Bachelor Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi were only engaged for a brief six months, but that was plenty of time for the one-time Hooters girl to cheat on her REALITY TVEXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Vienna - "I'm Moving On With My Life"
Taking advantage of the balmy summer night and her newly single status, Vienna Girardi hit the town on Saturday night in Hollywood and told that REALITY TVEXCLUSIVE: Vienna Says 'Cheating' Emails Were Fake, Threatens To Sue
A flurry of sexually charged emails that seemed to prove Vienna Girardi was having an affair with her ex-boyfriend were fake -- and have left her furious, REALITY TVEXCLUSIVE: Vienna A Pathological Liar Says Former Pal - Her 6 Biggest Lies Exposed
The ugly breakup of Jake Pavelka and his one-time fiancée Vienna Girardi is proving to be one of the most volatile splits in Bachelor history – spearheaded by a REALITY TVEXCLUSIVE: Jake: Vienna's Tears Were Fake
Vienna Girardi used "tear-inducing eye drops" before confronting ex-fiancé Jake Pavelka in their explosive post-split interview on television, according to the REALITY TVEXCLUSIVE: Ed Cheated On Jillian, Say Former Friends
Another reality show couple bites the dust amidst more rumors of infidelity! has exclusively learned from friends of former Bachelorette REALITY TVEXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: 'Bachelor' Reunion Was Edited To Make Vienna Look Bad, Says Her Stepmom
The drama between Vienna and Jake continues! In an exclusive interview with Vienna’s stepmom Lisa Girardi tells exclusively that ABC edited the REALITY TV"My Heart Goes Out to Vienna," Says Former Bachelor Contestant Elizabeth Kitt
Jake and Vienna’s shocking showdown has sparked a passionate reaction from one of the women who was originally battling for Pavelka’s heart. Former contestant REALITY TVEXCLUSIVE: Vienna Wanted $250,000 For Second Reunion With Jake
Vienna Girardi has put a price on seeing ex-fiancé Jake Pavelka again -- and it's a jaw-dropping $250,000. has exclusively learned theREALITY TV VIDEO: Jake & Vienna's Ugly TV Showdown - He's "Disgusted" With Her; She Calls Him "Fake"
Talk about explosive, Vienna Girardi and Bachelor Jake Pavelka finally had their very public TV showdown - and one day after the 4th of July, the fireworks were OMG!EXCLUSIVE: Vienna Heading To Vegas For 4th of July Girls Weekend
Girls just wanna have fun.[ami-related target="_blank" url="" title=" Jake & REALITY TVEXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Vienna Family Photos Show A Distant Jake
Vienna Girardi has ditched her reality TV fiance Jake Pavelka and knows there is one thing you can usually count on in tough times – family. [ami-relatedREALITY TV VIDEO: Jake Says Vienna Brought Guy To Apartment, She Calls Him A Liar
Feuding former reality couple Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi’s final showdown will air Monday night during the Bachelorette, but a clip from the show that CelebrityJake Says He Has No Plans To Strip For Ladies - 'I'm Not Doing Playgirl'
Vienna Girardi is not the only one asked to bare all. [ami-related target="_blank"REALITY TV WATCH: The Jake And Vienna Face-Off On TV
Finally, what we've all been waiting for-the Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi face-off on TV.[ami-related target="_blank" REALITY TVEXCLUSIVE: Jake "Wouldn't Touch Vienna" Says Her Stepmom; Used Her To Become Famous
Vienna Girardi has revealed the shocking news that while she and Jake were together, he refused to have sex with her for the final six months of theirREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Jake: Vienna Made Me Spend A Fortune On Her
Vienna broke Jake's bank as well as his heart, has exclusively learned. While the he-said, she-said accusations fly as to why Jake Pavelka andFashion Police The Bachelor's Vienna Girardi: "I'm Posing For Playboy!"
Did you see this one coming? Former Hooters waitress turned jilted Bachelor winner Vienna Girardi is going to strip down for Playboy, hasREALITY TV Vienna Girardi Calls 'Bachelor' Jake Pavelka A "Liar And Fame Whore"
What started out as a rose ceremony is now turning into The War of the Roses, as the bad blood between The Bachelor's Vienna Girardi and Jake Pavelka continuedREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Jake "Is Lying Through His Teeth" Says Vienna's Stepmom
“He’s a liar!” Those are the angry words of Vienna Girardi’s stepmother, responding to charges that The Bachelor, Jake Pavelka, says he spent a fortune onREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Vienna's On-Screen Rivals Offer Off-Screen Help After Breakup With 'Bachelor' Jake
Broken-hearted Bachelor winner Vienna Girardi is finally getting some love -- from her co-stars. has exclusively learned that Girardi, 24, hasREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Bachelor Jake Has ‘Gay Tendencies’ Says Former Contestant
Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi agree on one thing: they didn’t have sex for a long, long time while living together. And while Jake’s post-breakup explanationREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Vienna's New Job - Helping Cancer Patients
Jake Pavelka's ex, Vienna Girardi, is doing what any good gal does after a bad break-up - she's throwing herself into work! spoke exclusively toREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Vienna: I'm Still Afraid Of Jake
The romance may be over, but the war is still raging between The Bachelor Jake Pavelka and his ex-finacee Vienna Girardi, is reporting. After aREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Jake Wasn't In It For The Fame, Vienna Was, Source Says
Jake Pavelka wanted to leave Hollywood and flee to the sanctuary of his native Texas but ex-fiancée Vienna Girardi refused to go with him, according to aREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: 'Bachelor' Jake Pavelka: "I'm Not Gay!"
Although Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi didn’t have sex for most of their relationship, Jake wants everyone to know that he is not gay. In fact, a friend ofREALITY TV VIDEO: The Bachelor's Vienna Girardi Cries Over Split; Says "We Never Planned A Wedding"
Only days after The Bachelor's Jake Pavelka split with Vienna Girardi, the former Hooters waitress cried in a TV interview, saying that the reality sweetheartsREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: "Jake's A Weirdo" Says Bachelor Contestant Who Refused To Have Sex With Him
Jake Pavelka has received support from many people since his split from girlfriend Vienna Giradi, but one ex-Bachelor contestant isn’t part of Team Jake.REALITY TV NEW DETAILS BEHIND FIGHT: ABC Was Forced To End Jake And Vienna Interview Early
The situation between Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi got so ugly during their secret reunion that ABC was forced to end the taping when Vienna dissolved inREALITY TV PHOTOS: The Bachelor's Vienna Girardi Still Wearing Engagement Ring After Split
Just days after The Bachelor's Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi announced they've officially called it quits, a sad-looking Vienna was snapped out in WestREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Jake Explodes At Vienna During Taped Secret Reunion, Makes A Fist!
The Bachelor turned into The Monster when he was reunited with Vienna Girardi on Wednesday to secretly tape a segment for ABC, has learnedREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Jake's Relationship With Vienna Was For Fame Not Love
Jake Pavelka has portrayed himself as the romantic pilot with the heart of gold since his days on ABC's The Bachelorette, but a source tells RadarOnline.comREALITY TV Vienna: Jake Said Sex Before Marriage Was A Sin
One of the main reasons The Bachelor is still a bachelor is because he told fiancée Vienna Girardi that premarital sex was a sin. That’s one of many excuses