All Grown Up! Where The '16 And Pregnant' Stars Are Now

March 23 2020, Updated 3:18 p.m. ET
After MTV announced 16 and Pregnant in 2009 viewers couldn't wait to see the drama. The show following 16-year-old pregnant teens through heartbreaking decisions like giving their babies up for adoption, moving out of their families homes, and finishing school was the first of its kind and a controversial one at that.
Critics feared the show glorified teen pregnancy and warned girls were going to get pregnant in hopes they could be on the TV show.
Despite the backlash, the show touted five successful seasons plus several Teen Mom spin offs following teens like Amber Portwood and Farrah Abraham, who have become full blown celebrities (and porn stars). But what happened to the lesser known girls of 16 and Pregnant?
Some of the girls have four children, some have had issues with the law, and unfortunately one tragically passed away. Read on to see where they are now.
MORE: Teen Mom’ Tragedy: Valerie Fairman ‘Overwhelmed’ By Fame Before Overdose Death
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Kayla Jordan
Who they were: Kayla Jordan, a beauty pageant contestant who loved horses and shooting guns, appeared on Season 2. While she was in high school she got pregnant by her boyfriend J.R. and he proposed to her on the show. Jordan was reluctant to moving into his house because she was dependent on her parents and didn't want to give up that lifestyle. Who would!
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Jordan took it Twitter to discuss her anger that her season of 16 And Pregnant didn't get a spin off. She tweeted, "You know what really gets me? Seeing all of these other 'teen moms' make good money and get to do cool stuff but our season just got skipped like it was nothing." Ouch!
Where Are They Now: In an exclusive interview with RadarOnline in 2010 Jordan explained how she no longer felt like a teen and discussed some of her struggles juggling school and a baby. Kayla and J.R broke up and she met someone new named Zach Bedwell and got engaged. They had a son named Bryce in 2015 but the couple parted ways and she met another man, Dakota Jones. The couple got married and she announced in April 2018 that she is expecting baby number three.
Lizzie Waller
Posted by MTV's Teen Mom Photo Page on Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Who They Were: Lizzie Waller was a Virginia teen in Season 2 and got pregnant by her boyfriend Skylar Sickles. She was motivated to accomplish her musical dreams but had an unrealistic view of what pregnancy meant for her as a teenager. She thought everything was going to be perfect and even overlooked Sickles cheating on the show.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Fans couldn't believe her decision to forgive her boyfriend after he cheated on her with her friend and blasted her for it. Waller stayed of social media except for a private Twitter account and pretty much disappeared from the public eye after the show aired.
Where Are They Now: Waller and Sickles' drama continued until they eventually divorced two years after getting married. Lucky for Waller she met Dave Mortensen who has three children of his own and the couple is engaged. It was last reported that she was pursuing a career as a dental assistant, completing night classes and also took on a new hobby—skydiving! Although she probably had to give her new hobby a break because she was expecting baby number two with Mortenson in June 2018.
Jamie McKay
Who They Were: Jamie McKay was a 17 year old senior from North Carolina and starred on Season 3. She was an honor student and on student council but got pregnant by her boyfriend Ryan McElrath. Unfortunately McElrath was a mess from the start and would often fight with her mother about his behavior. McElrath would also ignore McKay and she couldn't get a hold of him when she went into labor. He eventually showed up hungover five hours later to the hospital. When she returned to school she even found out that he had been cheating on her for several months. McKay didn't have a father growing up and wanted to keep trying but put an end to the relationship and decided to let the courts figure out their custody agreement.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Mckay and McElrath had a nasty custody battle with accusations of drunk driving and cocaine abuse. Between the 2 of them they were also arrested 4 times in 2011. MTV released a special webisode catching up with the girls from season 3 where they were able to talk candidly about birth control and their life and McKay revealed that she went back to school full time.
Where Are They Now: Despite the custody battle McKay got back together with McElrath. In 2012 McKay posted a photo of an ultrasound claiming that she suffered a miscarriage, but later admitted that she had an abortion. The couple had a second child in 2015 then broke up for good shortly after. McKay found love again and started dating a man for several years named David. The couple got engaged and gave birth to their first child in June 2018.
Valerie Fairman
Who they were: Valerie Fairman had one of the most anticipated episodes of the season after a trailer was released of her screaming at her baby's father Matt Pryce. Pryce didn't believe Neveah was his despite them "having sex, A LOT" and she had to get a DNA test to prove it. Fairman was a beautiful girl and her temper and behavior towards her parents was documented as the season continued.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Fairman's parents wished she had never done the show and she was arrested for allegedly assaulting her mom shortly after it ended filming. She was bullied online for her every move and the fame was too much to handle.
Where Are They Now: Unfortunately for Fairman and the 16 and Pregnant community her life ended in tragedy. She was arrested for prostitution in 2015 which made national headlines, and struggled with drug addiction. She was in and out of rehab for five years before she overdosed in her friend's bathroom. Her daughter Neveah now lives with her grandmother and carries her mothers ashes in a locket.
Megan McConnell
Who They Were: Season 2's Megan McConnell was an alternative pink haired teen who came from a military family. Her boyfriend Nathan Stone lived with them and fans criticized her for allowing him to be lazy and play video games instead of getting a job. Regardless of the situation McConnell was always positive throughout her pregnancy and hoped for the best.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: In 2011 McConnell made headlines after accusing MTV of making her lie on the show.
Where Are They Now: In an exclusive interview with RadarOnline in 2010 she was still her positive self and revealed her dreams to become a neonatal nurse. MCconnell and Stone got married and she explained that he put down the video games and got a job but they broke up soon after. She met her new boyfriend Chase Eubanks through Kayla Jordan and the two had a son named Silas in 2015. The family lives together and she is anxiously waiting for Eubanks to propose. In 2o18 she tweeted "At the rate things are going, Chase and I will be common law married before he proposes."
Jennifer Del Rio
Who they were: Jennifer Del Rio was one of the most controversial teen's on the show because there were rumors swirling that the teen got pregnant on purpose just to be cast. She starred on Season 3 with her boyfriend Josh Smith had they had more than a complicated relationship. Their episode focused on their ups and downs, including several physical altercations.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Del Rio came with too much drama and they went way too far on the final episode when Smith was arrested after leaving Del Rio on the side of the road. She moved out of Florida to escape her drama.
Where Are They Now: Del Rio stayed active on YouTube making videos updating fans, and providing tips for new mothers. In 2013 she married Luis Gutierrez and they had a son together name Sebastian. She announced in 2017 that she was pregnant with her fourth child. She is a photographer and continues to be active on social media.
Maddy Godsey
Who they were: Maddy Godsey was a teen from Illinois on Season 5 who got pregnant after a one night stand. Godsey was a volleyball and basketball player and seemed fairly mature but she had recently broken up with her boyfriend and hooked up with Cody Jensen as a rebound. The show followed Godsey as she decided where she was going to live after her mom told her she could only live with her a month after the baby was born.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Godsey did a couple interviews after filming but tried to get back to her life as a teen mom without the cameras.
Where Are They Now: Godsey tried to make it work with Jensen but he proved worthless as a father and partied and cheated on her. Jensen no longer visits Godsey or their daughter Aubrey and she is raising him alone like she knew she would. Godsey is still single but was able to move out on her own with Aubrey.
Ashley Salazar
Who they were: During Season 2 the heartbreaking decision for Ashley Salazar and Justin Lane was hard to watch. They were trying to decide if they should give the baby up for adoption and after her aunt and uncle offered to adopt their baby, they decided it was the best option.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Salazar wanted to pursue a career and moved to NYC after filming to get her education.
Where Are They Now: Salazar and Lane got engaged in 2014 and suffered a devastating miscarriage. Thankfully the couple was able to move forward and successfully gave birth to their son Phoenix Lane in 2017. Salazar also published a book called #BittersweetBlessing.
Nikkole Paulun
Who they were: Nikkole Paulun was a party girl cheerleader and her episode with boyfriend Josh Drummond is known as one of the worst ones in 16 and Pregnant history. Drummond seemed like a total tool, cheated on her and fought with her mother constantly.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: The finale ended with Drummond getting arrested on drug charges so he was busy in jail. And Paulun went back to school to try and regain a normal life.
Where Are They Now: Drummond went to prison in 2011 on multiple counts, including trespassing, assault, domestic violence, battery, and escaping and eluding the police. Paulun tragically had a still born birth in 2013 and was harassed online by cyberbullies claiming it was a hoax. It got so bad that Paulun released her medical records to RadarOnline to prove it. In 2014 she began dating Ryan Rice and the couple had a daughter named Ellie in 2015 but broke up after a brief engagement. Paulun got back with Drummond when he was released in 2016. Unfortunately he again began doing drugs and having violent and erratic outburst—he went back to prison after being charged with felony assault when he allegedly strangled someone he was living with. She is single and raising her two children alone and hoping Drummond stays as far away as possible.
Jordan Cashmyer
Who They Were: Jordan Cashmyer was from Baltimore, Maryland and starred on Season 5 with her boyfriend Derek Taylor. After refusing to break up with him her parents kicked her out and the show focused on their homelessness and struggles.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: The couple was homeless and she shared temporary custody with her parents. Unfortunately she turned to drugs and escorting and gave temporary custody to Taylor's parents.
Where Are They Now: Cashmyer's update is one of the sadder ones of the teen moms. The couple split and Cashmyer went on a dark path. Cashymer attempted suicide in 2014 and stayed in the hospital for mental health issues. She checked into rehab summer 2016 but was arrest twice in 2017 for drug related charges. Cashmyer is open about her recovery and is motivated to be healthy again.
Autumn Crittendon
Posted by Autumn Crittendon Official on Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Who they were: Autumn Crittendon was on Season 5 and was impregnated by her boyfriend Dustin Franklin. The couple lived in Virginia and loved to party but had issues from the start. Crittendon was worried he would be an unfit father because he smoked so much pot, but to everyone's surprise he was able to get a job.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Crittendon was pregnant at the same time as her older sister and they all lived together. The whole family was going through hard times so Crittendon only starred on the 16 & Pregnant Season 5 special Life After Labor.
Where Are They Now: Crittendon met the man of her dreams in 2017 and they got married a month later. She asked fans to donate to her GoFundme campaign to repair her house and was mocked on blogs because of it—but hopefully it looks great!
Whitney Purvis
Who they were: Whitney Purvis was a 16-year-old girl from Georgia who got pregnant by her boyfriend Weston Goza at the same time as her mother. The couple lived with her grandmother and the episode focused on her loneliness and financial problems.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Purvis was only one of two girls in her season not to be selected for Teen Mom. It was revealed that her baby was suffering from a genetic health condition in 2011 and her mom was arrested that same year for possession of drugs. After all the drama Purvis put the show behind her and focused on their babies health.
Where Are They Now: The couple split split briefly in 2011 but were able to temporarily put aside their differences and had their second son River in 2014. Purvis was sadly arrested in 2015 after allegedly throwing a metal wheel through two windows of their home and hitting Goza's leg and side with a metal broom. The couple split and she is an aspiring chef set to graduate from culinary school in 2019.
Ebony Jackson
Who They Were: Ebony Jackson seemed to have the best head on her shoulders in Season 1. She had plans to join the Air Force but had to change her plans and focus on graduating high school.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Jackson and her boyfriend Joshua got married and moved to a military base in Little Rock when he joined the Air Force. In 2013 they starred on a "Where Are They Now" special and it seemed like the family was getting used to their new lives together.
Where Are They Now: In 2011, Jackson and her baby daddy were arrested on suspicion of child endangerment and drug-related charges. It was reported that authorities found the family living in horrendous conditions. Including being surrounded by feces and maggots. Sadly Jocelyn was removed from their custody and Ebony checked into rehab. The couple had a second child but are no longer together. Today Jackson is clean and a certified dog trainer living in Colorado.
Markai Durham
Who They Were: Markai Durham couldn't catch a break on Season 2. James cheated on her early in the relationship and she would get violent with him on the show.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Although Durham wasn't on a Teen Mom spin off she was still followed by cameras. After getting pregnant for the second time with James's child there was an MTV Special documenting her abortion.
Where Are They Now: Durham explained on Twitter that she regretted her decision but in 2013 she had a successful pregnancy with her second child. As of 2018, she was currently pregnant with her third baby and a dental assistant at Concorde Career College.
Izabella Tovar
Who They Were: Unlike most of the other teens on Season 3 Izabella Tovar had a tremendous amount of support but seemed unthankful and resentful. Tovar hid her pregnancy for seven months from her family but still had their emotional and financial support after coming clean. Her boyfriend Jairo Rodriguez seemed to actually love her but it did't seem enough for her.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Tovar traded reality TV for high school.
Where Are They Now: Tovar and Rodriguez got engaged in 2011 and had a daughter in 2014. Despite having two children she received her Bachelors in Psychology from the University of Utah. Unfortunately the couple announced that they were divorcing in January 2018.
Christina Cook
Who They Were: During Season 3 fans were rooting for Christina Cook and her boyfriend Isaiah Robinson. He was a popular football star and rejected a college football scholarship to take care of her and their daughter Destiny. The family drama was a major plot line and they hated Cook so much they made her take a paternity test.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: The paternity test was the beginning to the end of Robinson's marriage to Cook and she stayed relatively quiet on social media.
Where Are They Now: Robinson's mom wanted to sue the network for defamation. The couple broke up and in an exclusive interview with RadarOnline, Cook explained that he chose not to be in their daughter's life. Cook found love again with a man named Dalonte Wallace. They welcome a baby girl into the world named Naomi in 2013.
Aubrey Wolters
Who They Were: Aubrey Wolters was a high school drop out who had a baby with Brandon Akerril in Season 5. The couple decided to get married at a court house on air and had high hopes to make it work. Wolters tried to stay positive but her independent nature had her questioning if she really wanted to be a housewife.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Unfortunately being a housewife isn't too exciting for viewers and the couple just didn't make the cut.
Where Are They Now: Wolder finished her GED and the couple split. In 2011 she was arrested for alleged drug possession and for allegedly shoplifting from Walmart. Wolters was able to overcome the drama and found a new baby daddy in 2013 named Zach and she had her third child in 2017.
Nicole Fokos
Who They Were: Nicole Fokos was a sweet teen who lived with her single mother because her father died. Her boyfriend Tyler Keller was a middle school drop out but one of the most lovable baby daddies in Season 2.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Fokos was relatively drama-free and kept a low profile out of the spotlight after her season aired.
Where Are They Now: Fokos and Keller broke up and neither graduated high school. Unfortunately it was reported Fokos was struggling with substance abuse while she was dancing and lost custody of their daughter. Fokos decided to stop dancing and get sober and even got her GED. In 2016, she was pregnant with her her second daughter with boyfriend and Kenny Navarro and the couple got married in 2018.
Samantha Hernandez
Who They Were: Samantha Hernandez was full of drama on Season 2. The soft spoken, sweet teen was dating Eric Salinas when she got pregnant. Hernandez's mom didn't want her to be with Salinas and forbade her from seeing him. Salinas's mom would arrange secret hookups for them which resulted in her pregnancy.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: The couple tried living together but had to move back with their parents. It's likely her mother forbid the cameras too.
Where Are They Now: Hernandez and her daughter moved in with Salinas but she returned home with her mother. She worked at Best Buy on the weekends and was jealous that Salinas was able to take college classes and she wasn't.

Emilie Mckenzie
Who they were: Season 2's Emilie Mckenzie was a star student, baton twirler and majorette with ultra conservative parents. Her mom kicked her out for not having an abortion so she went to move in with her dad who was just as bad. She was expelled from school for missing class and had to be homeschooled and seemed unhappy and resentful about her new life.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Her baby daddy Daniel Peterson got a scholarship to a college in Alabama and she followed him.
Where Are They Now: The couple divorced in 2013.
Brooke Smitherman
Who They Were: Brooke Smitherman was a teen from Texas on Season 2 and one of the strongest teens on the show. She met her boyfriend Cody Tarrant at a race track and she got pregnant two years later. She had very supportive parents and the couple got married early in her pregnancy.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Quite frankly, their episode was boring.
Where Are They Now: Smitherman and Tarrant had a second daughter named Ryley in 2012. They tried their best but couldn't make it work and divorced in 2015.
Felicia Cooke
Who They Were: Felicia Cooke, hailing from Lewisville, Texas, was on Season 2 with her baby daddy Alex Gutierrez. Her family wanted her to be the first person to graduate high school in their family and after she got pregnant she was dedicated to do so.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Cooke was dedicated to getting her high school diploma.
Where Are They Now: Cooke got pregnant for the second time with Gutierrez but the couple was not in a relationship. She kept the pregnancy on the down low and has stayed off social media since 2015.
Kristina Head
Who They Were: Kristina Head was a teen from Texas who appeared on Season 4. Her story started tragically when it was announced that her baby daddy died from drowning. Head was with him at the time but was luckily rescued.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: Head was relatively drama-free and didn't have the necessary goods for a spin off. Especially as a single mother.
Where Are They Now: Thankfully it looks like Head might have a happily ever after. She met T.J. Head shortly after filming and got married. They had two more children together in 2013 and 2014.
Jordan Zeplin
Who They Were: Jordan Zeplin was on Season 4 and pregnant with her boyfriend Tyler Zeplin's baby. The couple was interracial and Zeplin was worried her family would have problems with the relationship.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: By the end of the episode Tyler looked like they wanted nothing to do with the show.
Where Are They Now: The couple had a baby girl in 2014 and were married in 2015. But it didn't stop there! They had their third child in 2017. Zeplin now runs a cake decorating store.
Summer Rewis
Who They Were: Summer Rewis was a sweet teen who got pregnant with her boyfriend of three years on Season 5. Her mother struggled with substance abuse and she lived with his parents since she couldn't raise her. She got married to her baby daddy Daniel James and they tried their best to make the right choices.
Why They Didn't Get A Spin Off: There hasn't been a Teen Mom: 4 yet but Rewis said she would be open to do the show if they asked her.
Where Are They Now: The couple had boy number two in 2016 and named him Connor. They were married before the episode aired but James cheated on her and she attacked his mistress and beat her up. Despite the infidelity, Rewis stayed with him.
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