Jaycee Lee Dugard
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PHOTOSThe 8 Most Shocking Kidnappings
What kidnappings shocked the world? REALITY TVJaycee Dugard Says She & Daughters Will Live In Hiding For Time Being
By Adam S. Levy - Radar Staff Writer Kidnapping survivor Jaycee Dugard says she’ll continue to live in seclusion with the teenage daughters fathered by her REALITY TVKidnapping Survivor Jaycee Dugard Honored By Oprah In First Public Appearance
By Radar Staff Jaycee Dugard made her first public appearance at a lavish ceremony in New York Friday night at the United Nations, where she was honored by REALITY TVJaycee Dugard Book Soars On Charts, Celebs React After TV Interview
By Adam S. Levy - Radar Staff Writer Following her emotional interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer on Sunday's Primetime, Jaycee Dugard's new book A Stolen Life: A REALITY TVJaycee Dugard’s First TV Interview: ‘You Just Do What You Have To Do To Survive’
By Adam S. Levy - Radar Staff Writer In her first-ever TV interview, Jaycee Dugard tells ABC's Diane Sawyer what it was like to give birth at just 14-years-old REALITY TVABC’s Diane Sawyer Scores First Interview With Jaycee Lee Dugard
By Amber GoodhandRadar Staff Reporter Kidnapping survivor Jaycee Lee Dugard will be giving her first television interview to Diane Sawyer. Dugard, who was held OMG!Jaycee Lee Dugard’s Chilling Description Of Her Abduction
By Alexis TereszcukRadar Staff Reporter It was 18 years of a living hell for Jaycee Lee Dugard. Jaycee detailed her terrifying ordeal in grand jury testimony OMG!Jaycee Lee Dugard’s Kidnapper Phillip Garrido Sentenced to 431 Years In Prison
By Alexis TereszcukRadar Staff Reporter & Jen HegerRadar Legal Editor Justice has finally been served for Jaycee Lee Dugard. Her kidnapper Phillip Garrido was REALITY TVJaycee Dugard Kidnappers Plead Guilty
by Radar Staff Phillip and Nancy Garrido, the husband and wife accused of kidnapping, raping and imprisoning Jaycee Dugard, pleaded guilty to the crimesREALITY TV VIDEO: Carlina White Estranged From Family Again -- The Reason? Money
Carlina White, the 23-year-old Atlanta woman who found out she was kidnapped as a baby in 1987 from a New York hospital, has had a falling out from the family TRUE CRIMETwo High-Profile Suspects In Court Monday -- Carlina White Kidnapper & Tucson Shooter
Two high-profile suspects will appear in court Monday -- the woman accused of kidnapping a baby from a New York hospital more than two decades ago, and the REALITY TVFIRST INTERVIEW: Carlina White Says Of Alleged Kidnapper, 'I Just Hope That The Officials Can Get Her In Their Hands'
Nejdra Nance -- the 23-year-old Atlanta woman who found out she was actually Carlina White, a baby kidnapped in 1987 from a New York hospital by a phony nurse REALITY TVVIDEO: Woman Kidnapped As Baby Finds Real Family -- 23 Years Later!
In one of the most amazing stories we've seen in some time, an Atlanta woman named Nejdra Nance found out she was actually Carlina White, a baby kidnapped from REALITY TVSPECIAL REPORT: Jaycee Lee Dugard Celebrates One Year Anniversary Of Her Freedom
Kidnap victim-turned-survivor Jaycee Lee Dugard has been free from the clutches of her captors – Phillip and Nancy Garrido – for one year as of Thursday and TRUE CRIMEJaycee Dugard Receives $20 Million From California In Settlement
Kidnapping survivor Jaycee Dugard will receive a $20 million settlement from the state of California following a claim she filed against the state's DepartmentREALITY TV State Admission: Garrido Undersupervised For Eight Years
New details have emerged about Phillip Garrido's parole supervision, revealing the man charged with kidnapping Jaycee Lee Dugard was supervised by California'sTRUE CRIME VIDEO: Jaycee Dugard Speaks In New Home Video - "Hi I'm Jaycee"
Jaycee Dugard, her mother and her two daughters bake cookies, ride horses, celebrate the holidays and make a plea for privacy in a series of new home videos ABCREALITY TV Jaycee Dugard Files Claim Against State; Judge Allows Kidnappers To Talk By Phone
Jaycee Lee Dugard has filed a notice of a claim with the state Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board, which could be the first step toward suing theREALITY TV NEW DOCUMENTS: Phillip Garrido Parole Records Detail Confession In Jaycee Dugard Case
Monster Phillip Garrido confessed to abducting, raping and fathering two children with Jaycee Dugard, according to new parole documents obtained byREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: Jewelry Store Raising Money For Jaycee Dugard
The man behind the diamond jewelry fundraising mission for Jaycee Dugard has given RadarOnline.com a tour of his store. [ami-related target="_blank"REALITY TV Jaycee Dugard's Family Broke; Church Paying Their Rent
Jaycee Dugard’s family is broke and is in dire need of financial support. After surviving 18 years as a kidnap victim, and giving birth to two daughters by herREALITY TV Read Jaycee Lee Dugard's Own Words From Captivity
It was revealed in court papers Thursday that Jaycee Lee Dugard kept a secret diary during the 18 years she was held captive in a backyard dungeon by PhillipREALITY TV Why Jaycee Lee Dugard Felt Committed To Her Abductors
Jaycee Lee Dugard’s secret diary entries revealed Thursday in court papers showed a glimpse of her conflicted feelings towards her abductors Phillip and NancyREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Jaycee Lee Dugard Has Started Writing Book Says Pastor
As RadarOnline.com reported earlier, Jaycee Lee Dugard and her family are in such financial straits that a local church is paying her rent. Now, RadarOnline.comREALITY TV Monster Who Kidnapped Jaycee Dugard Wants Video & Photos Of Her And Kids
In shocking court papers released Thursday it was revealed that Phillip Garrido, Jaycee Lee Dugard’s alleged kidnapper, has requested that he be told theREALITY TV Jaycee Lee Dugard's Heartbreaking Secret Diary
It was revealed in court papers Thursday that Jaycee Lee Dugard kept a secret diary chronicling her darkest moments and fears during her time held captive byREALITY TV New facts About Jaycee Dugard's Nightmare In Captivity Revealed In Court Papers
Court papers released Thursday reveal horrifying new details about the ordeal that was suffered by Jaycee Lee Dugard during the 18 years she was held captive byREALITY TV Jaycee Lee Dugard Applies For Driver's License, Gets Birth Certificates For Daughters
Jaycee Lee Dugard is trying to piece together a normal life, one document at a time.[ami-related target="_blank"REALITY TV New Report Slams Garrido Parole Division
David Shaw, the California Inspector General, has concluded his two month investigation into the State Department of Corrections Parole Division's supervisionTRUE CRIME VIDEO: Garrido Rape Victim Says She "Almost Broke Down" During Courtroom Staredown
Katherine Callaway Hall, a Las Vegas woman kidnapped and raped by Philip Garrido in 1976, talked about the emotional moment when she recently faced her attackerTRUE CRIME VIDEO: Family - Jaycee Dugard Riding Horses & Cooking; Daughters Being Home Schooled
Jaycee Dugard and the daughters she bore with her accused kidnapper are adjusting to life well at an undisclosed location with Dugard's mother and aunt, aREALITY TV Jaycee Dugard: First New Photo And Interview
Jaycee Dugard is the cover girl for the upcoming issue of People magazine, in which she discusses her new life. "I'm so happy to be back with my family,"TRUE CRIME Caller Reported Seeing Blonde Girl in 1992. Was It Jaycee Lee Dugard?
Less than a year after Jaycee Lee Dugard was abducted, an anonymous caller from a pay phone at a nearby Oakley, California Chevron station reported to the CostaTRUE CRIME Elizabeth Smart To Take Stand In Competency Hearing For Accused Abductor
Elizabeth Smart is set to give testimony in court about her interactions with homeless street preacher Brian David Mitchell, who abducted her when she was 14 atREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Investigators Dig Up Jaycee Dugard’s Hellish Prison
The hunt for evidence continues in alleged kidnapper and rapist Phillip Garrido's back yard Monday.Click here to see more pictures of digging in Garrido's backREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Gloria Allred Reps Jaycee Lee Dugard's Dad
It's rare to see any high profile case without seeing Gloria Allred's name attached somewhere.Click here to see pictures of the backyard dungeon where JayceeREALITY TV SHOCKING NEW PHOTOS: Inside The Home Of Jaycee Dugard's Kidnapper
A child's sneaker lies in the sand. Dishes are stacked in the kitchen sink. A box of crayons sits next to a filthy fish tank. See shocking new photos inside theREALITY TV Phillip & Nancy Garrido Used Stun-Gun To Kidnap Jaycee Lee Dugard
Accused kidnappers Phillip and Nancy Garrido used a stun-gun to subdue Jaycee Lee Dugard after they kidnapped her, RadarOnline.com can reveal. The shockingTRUE CRIME NEW PHOTOS: Police Continue To Dig Up Jaycee Dugard Crime Scene
Police collected a bone fragment from the home of Jaycee Dugard's accused kidnappers Phil and Nancy Garrido on Wednesday and RadarOnline.com has exclusive newREALITY TV Jaycee Lee To Be Reunited With Pets
There's another happy reunion on the cards for Jaycee Lee Dugard and her two girls, Starlit and Angel - they're about to be reunited with their pets.The petsREALITY TV Phillip Garrido's Bail Set at $30 million
Jaycee Lee Dugard's alleged kidnapper and rapist was in court Monday in Placerville California where he pleaded not guilty to charges associated with the 1991REALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: New Photos From Backyard Prison Where Jaycee Dugard Was Held For 18 Years
A jigsaw puzzle...the Wheel of Fortune board game...a Bart Simpson book. Click here to see the new photos of where Jaycee was held. They seem like ordinaryREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Phillip Garrido's Ex Classmates Talk Out, "He Was A Real Weirdo"
It has been over thirty years since Phillip Garrido attended Liberty Union High School in Northern California, but his former classmates tell RadarOnline.comTRUE CRIME VIDEO: Phillip Garrido's Secret Songs Mirror Real-Life Horrors
Phillip Garrido has been accused of wearing many hats lately: rapist, pedophile, kidnapper. Here's one you probably didn't know: songwriter.Mark Lister, aTRUE CRIME Expert: Bone Found Near Phillip Garrido's Home Appears Human
A forensic expert Wednesday said a bone fragment found in an Antioch, California backyard adjacent to the house of Phillip Garrido -- the convicted rapistREALITY TV WORLD EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Ex-Friend Reveals Jaycee Lee Dugard Kidnapper's Heavy Cocaine Habit And Fall Into Madness
In a shocking world exclusive video interview with RadarOnline.com, an ex-friend of Phillip Garrido's reveals the accused kidnapper's heavy cocaine use andREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: FBI Profiler Reveals The Secrets Behind Jaycee Dugard Photos
The shocking photos of where Jaycee Lee Dugard was held for 18 years reveal that her twisted kidnapper wanted her to worship him at the same time he tried toREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS: Girls Were Afraid of Jaycee Dugard Kidnapper In High School
High school classmates of Phillip Garrido, the man charged with kidnapping and holding Jaycee Lee Dugard for 18 years, reveal he was a misfit and unstable. InREALITY TV BREAKING NEWS EXCLUSIVE: Cops Remove Van From Jaycee Dugard Kidnapper's House
Law enforcement authorities removed a filthy yellow van from the home where Jaycee Lee Dugard was held for 18 years as they continued to comb the crime sceneREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Jaycee Lee Dugard’s Aunt: "Terry And Jaycee Are Going Day To Day And Doing The Best They Can"
In an exclusive interview with RadarOnline.com, Jaycee Lee Dugard’s aunt, Michelle Dugard, opens up about her frustrations regarding the investigation into