Just When You Thought North Korea Couldn't Get Any Weirder! Dennis Rodman & Kim Jong Un Become 'Friends For Life'

Feb. 28 2013, Published 4:59 p.m. ET
Never underestimate the unifying power of sports!
Americans can now sleep easier without fearing the growing nuclear power of North Korea, as the future of U.S. relations with the isolated Communist dictatorship is safely in the hands of outrageous ex-NBA star Dennis Rodman!
The eccentric former Chicago Bulls player, who is better known for his gold grillz, rainbow of hair colors, countless tattoos and piercings and crazy antics that included wearing a full wedding dress to promote his autobiography, is an unlikely candidate to spearhead the "secret visit" that he is calling "basketball diplomacy."
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Despite making an odd pair, Rodman and the DPRK's "Supreme Leader", Kim Jong Un are getting on like a house on fire during the trip, the Guardian.co.uk is reporting -- with Dennis describing the lucky 29-year-old Dictator (who may actually be 30 -- there is mixed information regarding his exact year of birth) as a "friend for life" after the new pals sat chatting without the help of translators, courtside at an exhibition game of the Harlem Globetrotters in the capital, Pyongyang.
In a brief video clip, which you can watch right here on RadarOnline.com, Kim can be seen laughing with glee as Rodman, 51, sits smiling beside him in a 'USA' baseball cap and dark glasses -- and the fast friends look just like any regular (albeit high profile) fans catching a big matchup back home in America.
Thankfully for the sake of nuclear peace, the game - which mixed-up the Harlem Globetrotters and the 12 North Korean players into two teams - ended diplomatically (and not surprisingly) in a dead heat 110-110 draw.
After the matchup, the grateful guest thanked his generous host for the invitation, assuring him: "Although relations between the two countries are regrettable, personally I am a friend of Marshal Kim Jong Un and the DPRK people,” he said, according to Chinese news agency Xinhua.
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Later the firm friends' antics got a lot more raucous when hard-partying Rodman enjoyed a night on the town with North Korea's latest number one, who reportedly plied Dennis and his entourage with free liquor, prompting VICE producer Jason Mojica, who was along for the crazy ride, to tweet, “Um… so Kim Jong Un just got the #VICEonHBO crew wasted… no really, that happened.”
The basketball star's legacy preceded his trip as Kim Jong Un's younger brother, Kim Jong-Chu, is a longtime fan of Rodman's on-the-court performances and has previously been spotted wearing his number 91 Bulls jersey from the nineties.
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Rodman, who has five NBA championship rings filling up his fingers, arrived in Pyongyang Tuesday with the Harlem Globetrotters and a VICE television crew to shoot a documentary about North Korea for HBO, and the group are scheduled to be there until March 5.
"We here at VICE are very pleased that Kim Jong Un could make it to the game and that everyone enjoyed themselves so much," founder Shane Smith said in a statement. "To see everyone letting their hair down and getting into the match made it all the more worthwhile. At the reception afterwards many kind words were spoken and invitations offered. The pictures of the game speak for themselves. And you gotta love the Harlem Globetrotters. They'll put a smile on anyone's face."
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Kim Jong Un is certainly very different to Rodman's usual crowd of party pals, who have included Madonna, ex-wife Carmen Electra, Hulk Hogan and Double Team co-star Jean-Claude Van Damme.
Since retiring from the NBA in 2000, Rodman's reality TV resume has become as full as his professional profile with appearances on Celebrity Big Brother, Celebrity Mole, Celebrity Apprentice, and due to his alcohol issues and DUI arrests, Celebrity Rehab With Dr Drew and Sober House.

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