Kiss It Goodbye: General David Petraeus Smooches Jill Kelley In This 2011 Shot

Nov. 15 2012, Published 1:00 p.m. ET
The saga of disgraced U.S. Gen. David Petraeus continues, and just received these images of Jill Kelley, the Tampa socialite embroiled in the scandal, posing alongside the ex-CIA Director and his wife Holly.
In the shots, taken at a party Kelley and her husband Scott hosted at their Florida home in honor of the military man in the summer of 2011, Petraeus is seen giving a friendly kiss on the cheek to the 37-year-old mother of three, who also allegedly exchanged 20,000 to 30,000 pages of "inappropriate" e-mails with Gen. John Allen, Petraeus' successor as the top commander in Afghanistan.
The e-mails between Allen and Kelley, a volunteer at a Florida military base, were "not the type of e-mails you would want your wife to read," military sources told CNN. Allen said Wednesday he'd "fully cooperate" with investigators moving forward.
Marine Corps chief defense counsel Col. John Baker said the four-star Marine general, 58, "shares in the desire to resolve those questions as completely and quickly as possible."
General Allen, who took over Petraeus' top spot in July 2011, has remained stationed in Kabul commanding the International Security Assistance Force, Panetta said.
MacDill Air Force Base officials on Wednesday banned Kelley from the grounds.
It was Kelley who went to the FBI to alert them of threatening emails sent to her, allegedly by Paula Broadwell, the married author who was later discovered to have had an affair with General Petraeus.
President Barack Obama addressed the fiasco Wednesday, saying, "I have no evidence at this point from what I've seen that classified information was disclosed that in any way would have had a negative impact."
"My main hope right now is that Petraeus and his family will be able to move on," the president added.