R Kelly's Ex Wife Shoots Down His Bizarre Claim That 'The Notebook' Ended Their Marriage

July 13 2012, Published 7:00 a.m. ET
By Debbie Emery - RadarOnline.com Reporter
Romantic films like The Notebook usually add spark to a relationship -- or at least give hope to heart-broken single girls -- but rapper R. Kelly claims that the Ryan Gosling sizzler marked the end of his marriage.
While many fans of the Bump N' Grind singer may be shocked that he even watched such a soppy tear-jerker let alone allowed it to end his relationship, his ex-wife Andrea adamantly told RadarOnline.com that the split had nothing to with the heart touching drama.
"The Notebook came out in 2004 and our divorce wasn’t final until 2009," the star of VH1's new reality show Hollywood Exes told RadarOnline.com.
"Did the movie really have anything to do with the divorce or was that a wakeup call for him to act like a man and realize these are the things he needed to do to step up in this marriage before it is too late?" She asked.
The bizarre explanation for the divorce after 10 years of marriage and three children was revealed in R. Kelly's new memoir Soulacoaster, The Diary of Me, where he writes: "As the film credits started to roll, I couldn't move. I burst into tears. People walking past me patted me on the back, trying to console me. The Notebook was beautiful, and I was crying because its hero and heroine had died together.
"But I was also crying because I remembered a Valentine's Day -- when a helicopter dropped a rainfall of roses -- that had come and gone ... My marriage had died. And there was nothing I could do to bring it back."
However, as Andrea revealed to RadarOnline.com, the real story of why their marriage didn't have a Hollywood ending, and is far more complex.
"Everyone knows that in a break up story there are three sides – my side, his side and the truth, and the truth needs no defense. A divorce is a decision by two grown ups to end a marriage, which is actually a death," she said, agreeing that it is something to mourn over.
"A family has come to an end. My children and I are no longer in the same household as their father, that’s devastating for anyone."
The Kelly's marriage survived accusations of underage sex, allegations of child porn and a well-publicized court case during which R. Kelly was found not guilty, before they divorced in 2009.
Andrea stars in Hollywood Exes with other high profile wives who have all endured similar marriage meltdowns in the media spotlight, including Jessica Canseco, former baseball star Jose Caseco's ex-wife, Nicole Murphy, who was married to Eddie Murphy, Sheree Fletcher, ex-wife of Will Smith, and Mayte Garcia, ex-wife of Prince.

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