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Fashion PoliceBrit Who First Reported On Botox Mom Says She's Victim Of Extortion
By Jose LambietRadar Executive Editor Alley Einstein, the British reporter who first reported on the Botox mom in March, says she definitely witnessed Sheena Fashion PoliceFake Botox Mom Could Lose Custody Of Kids
By Jen HegerRadar Legal Editor The mother who claimed to inject her 8-year-old daughter with Botox, has admitted she made the whole thing up, and Fashion PoliceJailbird: Botox Mom Served Time Behind Bars – For Lying
By Cliff RenfrewRadar Reporter Long before she allegedly lied about injecting her 8-year-old daughter with Botox, Sheena Upton got attention from the law. She Fashion PoliceBotox Bombshell: Mom Could Be Lying About Injecting Daughter
By Jen HegerRadar Legal Editor In a bizarre turn of events, Kerry Campbell may have lied about giving her 8-year-old daughter Botox in a desperate attempt to Fashion Police8-Year-Old Botox Child Being Cared For By Family; Not In Foster Care
By Jen HegerRadar Legal Editor Britney Campbell, the 8-year-old who received Botox injections from her mother, Kerry, is being taken care of by family members Fashion PoliceBotox Mom Under Investigation; Eight-Year-Old Daughter Taken By Family Services
By Jen HegerRadar Legal Editor Kerry Campbell, the woman who told a national television audience that she injects her 8-year-old daughter with Botox in hope Fashion PoliceEXCLUSIVE: Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon Dishes On Latest Trends
Dr. John Anastasatos has been nipping and tucking Hollywood’s most fabulous faces for years. The Beverly Hills based MD, who is known for using the latestFashion Police VIDEO: Kim Kardashian Vows Her Breasts Are 'Completely 100 Percent Real'
In case you were harboring any doubts, Kim Kardashian wants to set the record straight and assure you that her breasts are “completely 100 percent real.” Kim Fashion PoliceNicole Kidman Admits She's 'Tried Botox'
Nicole Kidman admitted she's had some Botox work done, in a new interview with TV Movie, a German publication. [ami-related target="_blank" Fashion PolicePHOTOS: Celebrities Plumpin' Up For Christmas
It's normal to stuff your face over the holidays, but these celebrities appear to have plumped up their cheeks with something other than turkey -- andFashion Police EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: OC Housewife Tamra Barney Says She's Giving Up Botox
On the Real Housewives Of Orange County, Tamra Barney is known for openly discussing her love of Botox. But in an exclusive interview with, theFashion Police Kim Kardashian Says She's Had Botox - Denies Other Plastic Surgery
No Nightline isn’t taking on the economy, Afghanistan or the oil spill; instead they are tackling the biggest issue of all: Has Kim Kardashian had plasticFashion Police Kate Hudson Thinks Botox is “Great”
She may be many years away from needing it, but Kate Hudson is already looking forward to a little Botox. The gorgeous actress gave a candid interview about herFashion Police EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Vanessa Williams: "Dress For Success"
Vanessa Williams is one actress who isn’t ashamed to admit she’s tried Botox. “Yeah, I’ve tried it,” She told in an exclusive interview. “ThreeFashion Police A Call To Arms. Stop Working Out Madonna!
New photographs of Madonna’s arms suggest that her legendary fitness regime may have gone too far. The 50-year-old Material Mom shocked on-lookers in London