Kim Kardashian Says She's Had Botox - Denies Other Plastic Surgery
May 24 2010, Published 11:38 a.m. ET
No Nightline isn’t taking on the economy, Afghanistan or the oil spill; instead they are tackling the biggest issue of all: Has Kim Kardashian had plastic surgery?
Watch the Interview With Kim Kadashian right here on
The 29-year-old reality star tells ABC News’ Nightline’s Cynthia McFadden “I’m totally not against plastic surgery,” but she says “I’ve tried Botox before. That’s the only thing that I’ve done.”
She also says she’s never had her nose done.
“What's funny about my nose, it's my biggest insecurity. I always want to get my nose done . . . I went to the doctor, I had them take the pictures, he showed me what it would look like and it just didn't -- I wouldn't look the same," she said.
Although she didn’t mention it, avid fans of Keeping Up With The Kardashians will remember the episode where Kim underwent a procedure to have her cellulite sucked out.
Now on to the real hard hitting questions: What about her bust?
"Trust me honey," she joked. "if I take this bra off you will tell me I need to get them done."
Now time for a question that McFadden said she didn’t even believe she was asking.
What about that famous butt? “And my butt-- those rumors I just don’t think I’ll ever outlive them,” she said, “No butt implants, no butt inject no anything to my butt.”
Whew! Glad we got that settled.
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