Lady Gaga Piles On 30 Pounds From Her 'Drunk Diet' Says Expert

Sept. 19 2012, Published 2:00 p.m. ET
By Debbie Emery - Reporter
Did Lady Gaga chow down on her meat dress?
The normally skinny singer has suddenly fattened up and piled on the pounds, sparking concerned reactions from health experts who believe she may have been drinking too many calories.
When the 5'1" Bad Romance singer hit the stage for a concert in Amsterdam on Monday, it was clear that there was a lot more of her hitting the scale nowadays!
"Gaga appears to have gained at least 30 pounds," nutritionist Majid Ali, who has not treated the star, told in an exclusive interview.
The wild pop star has always been open about her hard parting habits, having once claimed she follows "the drunk diet… I live my life as I want to." Gaga recently told radio station Sirius FM. "I like to drink whiskey and stuff while I am working," admitting that she regularly works out when she is hungover.
Gaga's liquid appetite is most likely to blame for her recent weight gain, explained Ali. "Alcohol sugars can only be stored as fats. Whereas most sugars can be used as fuel and whatever is left over is stored," he revealed.
"So all that drinking adds up as fat pretty quickly, no matter what the rest of her diet is like."
Realizing that she has a whole load more curves in her controversial stage costumes than before, the 26-year-old Born This Way singer has reportedly vowed to lose 10 pounds by going on a gluten free diet, but has learned it is a not a smart way to slim down.
"Gluten-free diets are for people who have allergies to gluten, are gluten sensitive or have Celiacs Disease - not for weight loss!" explained Jackie Keller, CEO of meal delivery service NutriFit.
"They do not give people more energy. Energy comes from eating a well-balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, eliminating non-nutritive sources of calories (such as vodka), and exercising regularly and vigorously.
"If someone wants to try a gluten-free approach just for curiosity or to experience what other grains, rices, potatoes and yams taste like instead of wheat, then great!" said Keller. "There are many things that contain gluten that aren't particularly healthy, but that doesn't make things that are gluten free automatically healthy either."
Gaga's former super-slim figure and unhealthy habits caused backlash earlier this year when she tweeted, "Just killed back-to-back spin classes. Eating a salad dreaming of a cheeseburger. Pop singers don't eat. I was born this way."