EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: White House 'Gatecrasher' Under Secret Service Investigation For Fake Identities

Sept. 15 2010, Published 12:20 p.m. ET
Real Housewives of D.C. star and notorious White House 'gatecrasher' Tareq Salahi uses fictitious names for various business deals, according to his former limo driver.
The chauffeur, Gregory Wooddell, told RadarOnline.com that the aliases have caught the attention of the United States Secret Service, who has been investigating Tareq even before he and wife Michaele allegedly crashed the White House state dinner.
"I was interviewed by the Secret Service and the FBI long before the whole White House crashing thing," Wooddell said in an exclusive interview.
"It's even freakier to think that they got in while being investigated."
Wooddell revealed he is aware of three names that Tareq allegedy uses: David Mortz, Roger Stern and Kevin Bradley.
"One time Tareq ordered a forklift we needed under the name Kevin Bradley," Wooddell claimed.
"The Secret Service asked for a copy of the receipt from me as part of their investigation because it was in Kevin's name. I have no idea how Tareq paid for things under different names like that."
David Mortz is an apparent online identity used on a polo website with a profile that regularly promotes the Salahis by posting photographs of them and their events.
There are no photos of Mortz himself.
Mortz also has a Facebook account, although again, there is no photo of this mysterious individual; however, Mortz lists the Real Housewives Of D.C. as his only like and interest.
Interestingly, the name Roger Stern -- who is said to be the commissioner of the National Polo League -- appears to be a combination of NFL commissioner Roger Goodell and NBA commissioner David Stern.
"Tareq has also made up affidavits from fake identities to win court cases," Wooddell alleged, noting two cases.
"Sometimes at the winery they'd use helicopters for events and someone filed a noise complaint. Tareq showed up at court with a bunch of affidavits from fake people saying they'd never seen helicopters in the area and the court believed him!"
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Wooddell said the Salahis sued a venue where they'd held a polo event, claiming the power and the generators went out, thus ruining their occassion.
He claimed, "They asked a friend of theirs to lie on their behalf and testify in court for them. When she said no, they brought in a bunch of fake affidavits and won their case."
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Multiple source have confirmed to RadarOnline.com the use of Tareq's aliases.
"They're notorious in D.C. circles for it," said one source.
Claimed Wooddell: "I think they're starting to stray from reality completely and beginning to believe their own lies."
He said that although he was interviewed by the Secret Service and the FBI, he was not asked to testify in front of the still active grand jury investigation into the Salahis 'gatecrashing' incident at the November 2009 White House state dinner.
To the embarrassment of the Secret Service, the Salahis shook hands with President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, without having a formal invitation.
"I think they only subpoenaed those that were around them the day they crashed the White House," Wooddell said.
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The Salahi's former publicist, Mahogany Jones, told RadarOnline.com she too had "heard rumors of that" (aliases) but noted she hadn't "had any personal encounters of him using an alias."
When contacted by RadarOnline.com, the Secret Service declined to comment on its investigations of the Salahis.
Tareq refused to comment in depth when contacted by RadarOnline.com but promised "the real story is coming out" -- a reference to the impending release of their tell-all book about the event.
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