Victoria Jackson’s Bitter Election Tweets: 'In The Good vs Evil Battle… Today… Evil Won'

Nov. 7 2012, Published 8:30 a.m. ET
Mitt Romney may be disappointed he lost the presidential race Tuesday night, but not as much as former Saturday Night Live comic Victoria Jackson who was clearly devastated.
The blonde actress took to her Twitter account to tell her followers how disgusted she was that President Barack Obama had been reelected.
Jackson tweeted on Tuesday night: "I can’t stop crying. America died."
It was just the beginning of the vocal Tea Party supporter’s commentary. She also told her followers: "The Democrat Party voted God out and replaced Him with Romans 1. In the Good vs Evil battle…today…Evil won."
Finally on Tuesday night Jackson, 53, wrote: "Thanks a lot Christians, for not showing up. You disgust me."
It’s not the first time the former SNL star has made controversial comments. Jackson, who has the Internet series The Victoria Jackson Show, previously weighed in on the "legitimate rape" debacle.
In one episode she gave her view on Republican Todd Akin’s comments that the "female body has ways" to prevent pregnancy if a woman is sexually assaulted.
Jackson said: "If I was raped I would have the baby and think of it as God making a blessing out of something bad."
She is also not shy about her opposition on gay marriage. Last year she slammed the TV show Glee for the episode featuring two male characters kissing.
In her column for the World Net Weekly Jackson wrote: "Did you see Glee this week? Sickening!
"And, besides shoving the gay thing down our throats, they made a mockery of Christians – again!"
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