'World’s Ugliest Woman' Proves She’s Anything But In Courageous & Heartfelt Interview

Sept. 12 2012, Published 7:00 a.m. ET
Lizzie Velazquez is used to being ridiculed and stared at by complete strangers wherever she goes.
In fact, she is often referred to by cyber-bullies as the world’s ugliest woman but to hear her talk, it becomes immediately evident that's far from true.
The 23-year-old college senior opened up to Dr. Drew Pinsky Tuesday night about her unconventional appearance and the struggles she encounters because of it, and RadarOnline.com has a clip of her courageous interview.
Lizzie is one of only three people in the world born with a rare undiagnosed condition. She was born without adipose tissue, which means, in layman’s terms, she has no fat, weighing in at a delicate 58 pounds.
She says that when cyber-bullies first began to make her a target, it got to her. After much soul-searching however, she has come to terms with the fact that what these people say are simply words.
While the verbal assaults are challenging, Lizzie insists that these people are just cowards hiding behind a computer screen.
“At the end of the day, these are just words. If they are so proud, then they should show their face,” she says.
When asked how she deals with the constant stares, Lizzie has this to say: “I'm starting to want to go up to these people and introduce myself or give them my card and say, ‘Hi, I'm Lizzie -- Maybe you should stop staring and start learning’.”
Lizzie's new book Be Beautiful, Be You is due in bookstores September 13.
Lizzie is also the author of Lizzie Beautiful, a book published in 2010 that she co-wrote with her mother Rita.
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