Scientology Trying To Discredit Katie Holmes, Ex Member Says She Has Seen Secret Memos

July 27 2012, Published 9:00 a.m. ET
By Amber Goodhand - News Editor
With Katie Holmes' split from Tom Cruise comes a disconnection from the Church of Scientology and one former member claims that instead of being excommunicated, she will be discredited and there are memos floating around the church regarding it.
“Disconnection is the main weapon of Scientology,” Samantha Domingo, ex-wife of Placido Domingo Jr., told The Hollywood Reporter. Samantha left the church in 2009 after 24 years and claims she was immediately declared a "suppressive person" by the church.
“Katie would have been excommunicated normally, and behind the scenes she probably already is. Internally, the wheels are in motion to discredit Katie. We have moles that are pretending to be good Scientologists who report back to us on the outside. I’ve seen internal memos about Katie.”
Samantha said Katie did the right thing by taking Suri with her when she left the church, but warns that she still needs to be careful.
Former Scientology spokesperson Mike Rinder said, "Katie Holmes is probably the biggest suppressive person out there right now."
“Tom, if he were an ordinary Scientologist, would be ordered to disconnect from Katie and because Suri will be living with Katie, he couldn’t see her either,” Rinder told THR. “But because Tom is so high-profile, it would create a total furor if the public knew he was cutting Suri off. This is an example of the church at its most hypocritical.”
Essentially, Tom and Katie's A-list stature will keep their broken family together externally, but internally the former members say the church is strategically making sure Katie is completely disconnected from them.
“Katie flew the biggest middle finger Scientology has ever seen,” former church member Marc Headley said. “If she and Tom were regular Scientologists, Katie would have been declared a suppressive person in one second and Tom would never have been allowed to see her again.”
The former members describe the disconnection they have suffered from their friends and family members once they left the church, and feel a hypocrisy and discrimination within the church because Tom is still allowed to see his daughter Suri so they can avoid a major PR fallout.
As first reported, since their split, Tom has been video chatting with Suri and per his divorce settlement with Katie, he will have "generous visitation rights" with Suri.