Paris Jackson Tweets Early Thursday: Grandma’s Here. Thank You God

July 26 2012, Published 3:00 p.m. ET
Katherine Jackson arrived back at the family compound in Calabasas, California early Thursday after nearly two weeks in Arizona.
Katherine’s granddaughter, Paris Jackson, confirmed Katherine's homecoming in a tweet posted at 2:51 am PT, writing: "grandma's here ! #thankyougod <33"
Paris followed up writing she'd "been awake for 23" hours and that it was "time to #hibernate."
Earlier, Michael Jackson's oldest child tweeted "they promised my grandmother would be home YESTERDAY . why isn't she home ?"
Paris also re-tweeted a series from her uncle Marlon Jackson, who expressed his ire at being out of the loop in the family's ABC News feature Wednesday, then confirming she was safe at home.
"Hello everyone Thank you for your support. I'm tired of not knowing where my mom is. I did speak with her last night but she didn't sound like herself. I was told by Janet, Randy and Jermaine that I could not see my mom. Doctor's order. But I see them on television with her. How come they could not call me so I could be with her as well. my mom is home she look and sound great. thank you everyone for your support, Study Peace."
La Toya Jackson, who's been uncharacteristically staying above the fray in this one, wrote early Thursday that "Prayers Do Come True!!!"
Those with Katherine have also been active on the micro-blogging website, including Jermaine, who re-tweeted a quote that read, "'I just know that this is not a family that does the kinds of things that are being reported.' ~Thomas Mesereau."
Janet Jackson who was at her mother's side with Jermaine during the ABC News piece has stayed silent for the past week.
Perhaps most irate is Randy Jackson, the sibling who many have fingered as the culprit of the movement against Michael Jackson's executors.
"WHY would it be necessary for TJ to take guardianship of the children away from my mother when they were already in his care?" he tweeted after Wednesday's court ruling. "THIS IS NOT OVER."
Keep checking for the latest in the Jackson family saga.

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