Casey Anthony's Costa Rican Hideaway Plans

June 5 2012, Published 11:00 a.m. ET Assistant Managing Editor
Casey Anthony wants to leave Florida as soon as legally possible and is eyeing a move to the central American paradise of Costa Rica, is exclusively reporting.
Anthony has been in hiding in Florida since she was acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, but has recently been making forays back out in to the public, virtually unrecognizable due to the amount of weight she has gained. Anthony is on probation for one year after pleading guilty to writing bad checks and is required to live in Florida. Once Casey's probation ends later this summer, she plans on ditching the sunshine state for Costa Rica.
"Casey is counting the days until her probation ends. She has been researching countries that she could move to and Costa Rica is at the top of the list," a source close to the situation tells "Casey wants to live in a warm tropical setting and the cost of living is extremely low in Costa Rica. She wants to put as much distance as possible from Florida. Costa Rica appeals to her because Americans are warmly embraced by the locals, and she feels this is the best place to start a new life."
However, Anthony's legal woes are far from over. She is being sued by Zanaida Gonzalez for defamation after Casey said a woman with that name kidnapped Caylee.
The defamation trial is scheduled to begin in January and Anthony will be called as a witness by Zanaida's lawyers. "We were finally able to successfully serve a subpoena on Thursday to Casey Anthony's lawyers, ordering her to appear at the civil trial which is scheduled to begin in January 2013,” John Dill, Gonzalez's attorney, previously told
According to reports, Casey Anthony is “annoyed” that she has to testify at the upcoming trial but Zenaida's lawyer minces no words, saying Anthony has only herself to blame.
"Too bad! Yes, we heard that Ms. Anthony was annoyed that she was going to have to testify at the trial," Dill told "This was all brought on by Ms. Anthony herself, she is the one that started down this road and it's time that she be held to answer for her actions. Zenaida's life has been absolutely upended by Ms. Anthony's actions, so, no, I don't feel bad that she is upset. Again, she brought this all on herself."
"Casey just doesn't feel safe in Florida. She believes that moving to a new country is her best shot at moving forward with her life without being constantly reminded of Caylee's death. Casey has always maintained that Caylee was not murdered. Caylee accidentally died according to Casey, she was not murdered," the insider tells
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