Weiner Sexting Partner Reveals Her Identity, Says: ‘He Called Me On Congress Phone!’

May 28 2018, Updated 10:13 a.m. ET
By Dylan Howard
Senior Executive Editor, Star
The woman who carried on a nine-month sexting relationship with Rep. Anthony Weiner is a 40-year-old Las Vegas blackjack dealer named Lisa Weiss.
Following a bombshell joint investigation by RadarOnline.com and Star magazine, Weiss agreed to come forward and be the first woman named of the six who the congressman admitted to sending lewd messages and photos.
You can view photos of Weiss here.
What’s more, the blonde woman has revealed details that show the liberal congressman lied during his tear-jerking confession Monday at a press conference in New York and that he DID use government resources for his extra-marital activities.
Rep. Weiner said he was “deeply ashamed” and repeated 21 times that he accepted responsibility for his actions.
But he also denied he used government resources during his online sexcapades.
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Not so, according to Weiss.
Speaking exclusively to RadarOnline.com, Weiss said she shared 220 messages with Rep. Weiner beginning on August 13, last year — and they were often exchanged during work hours.
In an explicit exchange on March 3 -- the same day he voted on a health care bill in the U.S. House of Representatives -- Weiner bemoaned that he had to end their conversation because he was “off to class.”
The casino worker, who said she once worked as a Democratic campaign worker, also claimed she had steamy phone sex with Rep. Weiner -- using a Government telephone.
Said Weiss: "After a while I said to Anthony, 'Why are writing these messages when we can just speak?'
"I gave him my number and he called me from his office and we proceeded to talk dirty for at least 30 minutes.
"A few days later, I tried to call him back on that number.
"But the number wouldn't connect to his office; instead there was a recorded message that it was an outgoing U.S. Congress line only."
Weiss gave her number to him via Facebook and when Rep. Weiner realized he had missed her call, he sent her a message.
He wrote, “How did I miss this chance to rock your world by phone? Give me another chance! Stalk me baby. Very hot.”
Weiss said she had attempted to contact Rep. Weiner in the wake of the photo scandal when he posted a photograph, a close-up shot of a his privates cloaked in grey underwear, on Twitter.
“I wanted him to know that I had no intention of coming forward and our past was going to be kept hush hush,” Weiss told RadarOnline.com.
“But he didn’t return my messages. I discovered that Anthony is a bad man... and a liar.”
Weiss said she decided to come forward in the past 24 hours after Weiner's "blatant lies."
"I knew the truth all along," she said, adding: “I couldn’t believe that Anthony didn’t own up from the outset.”
“I am a Democrat, I think he is a wonderful congressman and I hope this doesn’t hurt his career. I am still a big supporter of his, despite all of this.”
Weiss said she confided about her experiences with just three close friends.
A stunning portrait of the pair’s long-time pen pal affair has emerged through a salacious transcript of their sexting – with more than 200 messages!
At their height, the pair traded 69 rude messages in one sitting.
Weiner used a Facebook account that he later abandoned and among other perverted things, said:
* He was a “caped crusader” who was "looking for my sidekick."
* Claimed he was “dying of boredom over here. Plus my tights really itch, I need a distraction."
* Entertained the idea of meeting her in Las Vegas. Weiss asked, "Don’t you ever get to Vegas? I just need to have u for one night." He responded, "I have too."
* Asked his online mistress to send him photos of her vagina and admitted “jerking off” to her photos on Facebook.
* Confessed to two timing her on Facebook, with another woman. “I’m guilty of that,” he admitted.
The pair’s relationship began on August 13, 2010, when Weiss sent Rep. Weiner a message to his Facebook account.
She wrote, “i am trying to find the wonderful anthony weiner who i feel in love with for yelling at those damn repubs the other day! and uu are funny as hell on the daily show! your friend requests are full..you must friend me! you are awesome!!”

In a series of stunning reports that prompted Weiner’s remarkable press conference, RadarOnline.com revealed how Weiner used an unflattering Jewish sexual stereotype to reference oral sex.
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Earlier RadarOnline.com revealed how Rep. Weiner told the woman he had a "ridiculous bulge" in his shorts and asked if she "wanna see" it.
RadarOnline.com and Star verified that the account where the messages were sent from belonged to Weiner before he began a new Facebook page.
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