A Closer Look At The Self-Destruction Of Lindsay Lohan

June 23 2011, Published 5:05 a.m. ET
Just five short years ago, Lindsay Lohan was Hollywood’s new “It girl,” drawing buzz as this generation’s Marilyn Monroe.
Since then, the young star’s well-publicized career missteps, battles with substance abuse and brushes with the law have ushered her free-fall from L.A.'s A-list to L.A.’s County Jail.
The fun doesn’t end there: In between the media hysterics and circus-like court proceedings, everyone within six degrees of the starlet, from her parents to Hollywood peers, on down to ex-rehab roommates, have been thrust into the spotlight in the ongoing chain of fiascos.
Now, RadarOnline is taking a closer look into the trials and tribulations of Hollywood’s most enigmatic talent, constantly walking a tightrope of courts, jails, rehabs and red carpets.
Without further adieu, here’s a breakdown of Lohan’s downward spiral:
Criminal incidents:
May 26, 2007: Lindsay is arrested in connection with driving under the influence of alcohol, in Beverly Hills, California.
July 24, 2007: Lindsay is arrested in connection with suspicion of drunken driving and possession of cocaine in Santa Monica, California.
August 23, 2007: Lindsay reaches a plea deal on the seven misdemeanor counts in connection with her arrests. She's sentenced to a day in jail, 10 of community service, and ordered to: a drug treatment program, an 18-month alcohol education program, pay assorted fines, and most importantly, fulfill three years of probation. She says in a statement following the plea, “It is clear to me that my life has become completely unmanageable because I am addicted to alcohol and drugs."
November 15, 2007: Lindsay is spends 84 minutes in jail, in addition to 10 days of community service, three years probation, and an 18-month alcohol education program for her DUI.
October 16, 2009: Lindsay's probation is extended another year when it's revealed she hadn't attended all of the requisite substance abuse treatment sessions she’d been slated for.
May 25, 2010: After blowing off a court hearing to party at the Cannes Film Festival in France, the presiding judge orders Lindsay to wear a clunky alcohol monitoring bracelet known as a SCRAM, submit to drug tests and attend an alcohol-education program.
June 8, 2010: After the SCRAM goes off -- triggered by alcohol consumption -- a judge issues an arrest warrant for the actress, who posts $200,000 bail.
July 6, 2010: Lohan is sentenced to 90 days in jail and 90 days in rehab for her mass of probation violations.
July 20, 2010: Lohan is taken into custody to begin her jail term. She’s released two weeks later, on August 2, due to overcrowding issues.
August 2, 2010: Released from jail, Lohan begins her fourth rehab stint at UCLA; the 90-day sentence handed down by the judge is cut to just 23 days, as LiLo’s lawyer said that "the treating doctors at UCLA felt she had done everything required of her there."
September 24, 2010: Lohan's probation is revoked after she fails a drug test; she's booked yet again, and soon thereafter checks into court-ordered rehab at the Betty Ford Center, where she's ordered to stay through the New Year.
February 9, 2011: Five weeks into the New Year, LiLo has new problems: She's charged with felony grand theft in connection with the disappearance of a $2,500 necklace from a Venice Beach jewelry store. She rejects a plea deal in March, hoping for the best when she battles it out in court.
April 22, 2011: After entering a no contest plea, LiLo is sentenced to 120 days in jail, in connection with a probation violation for taking a necklace from a Venice Beach jeweler. Her attorney Shawn Holley appealed the sentence, and LiLo was released on $75,000 bail five hours later.
April 25, 2011: Lindsay seems to be on the comeback trail in an appearance on The Tonight Show, where she receives a standing ovation from the audience and announces she’ll be starring alongside John Travolta and Kelly Preston in the upcoming John Gotti biopic. She tells Jay Leno: “I’m not a kid anymore -- I’m 24, I’ve made a lot of mistakes and I recognize that. I’m in the clear now, and as long as I stay focused, I can achieve what I want to achieve.”
May 26, 2011: Lohan receives a 35-day house arrest sentence in connection with probation violations. She’s also ordered by the court to wear an electronic monitor and serve 480 hours of community service, expected to be divided between a women's center and a morgue.
June 23, 2011: With her house arrest winding down, Lindsay finds herself in trouble yet again. The actress is summoned to appear at the LAX Airport Courthouse for a hearing to determine whether or not she broke probation after she tested positive for alcohol. Lindsay dodges a bullet though as Judge Stephanie Sautner rules it is not a violation of Lindsay’s probation to drink alcohol during her house arrest and she is sent back home to serve out her sentence.

Rehab Stints:
January 2007, at the Wonderland Center in Los Angeles, California
May 2007, at the Promises Treatment Center in Los Angeles, California
August 2007, at the Cirque Lodge Treatment Center in Sundance, Utah
July 2010, at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California
September 2010, at the Betty Ford Center in Palm Desert, California
Expert David Kaiser, the director of SOBA Recovery Center, who has not treated Lohan, told RadarOnline that Lindsay’s never-ending trouble might be reflective of her failure to properly rehabilitate herself.
“Every move the Lohans make toward a proper recovery is wrong, and I think Lindsay is scared and doesn’t know what to do,” Kaiser said. “This is all a smoke screen and if she doesn’t get intensive inpatient treatment, she could die.”
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