Stolen Guns, Male Prostitutes, Booze Binges & More! New Secret Service Scandal Exposed

July 21 2016, Published 10:01 a.m. ET has obtained proof that the Secret Service is a corrupt zoo — more booze soaked, amoral and sex-fueled than even the Colombia hooker scandal of 2012 revealed!
After a four-year fight, can reveal some of the shocking content of 6,441 never-before-seen government documents exposing astounding corruption in the agency charged with protecting our leaders.
"A male Secret Service Agent assigned to Puerto Rico had his issued firearm stolen by a male prostitute who he solicited online," reads one sensational report dated May 2, 2014.
"Inspectors conducted a review of his issued laptop and discovered the solicitation was made using his government computer…The weapon has not been recovered."
Most of the documents originate with the Department of Homeland Security's probe (DHS) following the 2012 scandal in which agents brought Colombian prostitutes to their hotel.
One particularly shocking report, dated Aug. 8, 2012, states how a National Threat Assessment Center manager kept booze in an office cabinet — and forced employees to drink while on-duty, "so that he could trust them."
"He sexually harassed every subordinate female at the center…publicly asking male employees, 'Where are my little whores/bitches? Have you slept with them yet?'"
That same document added, "One of the females harassed…may have had voicemail messages left more than five 5 times per day via telephone and the manager would summon her to his office.
"He would ask her if she wanted to take showers at his house. The manager labeled NTAC the, 'Nice Tits and Ass Club.'
Other reports discuss so-called "Wheels Up, Rings Off" parties; and "Porno-gate," in which two senior agents were caught with porn on their computers. Another report explains how an agent, "exposed his genitals and started masturbating in front of a woman.
"The woman wanted to report the incident and the agent threatened her with deportation," the report added. "The woman, an American citizen, told him he couldn't do that." obtained the reports through 89 individual Freedom of Information Act requests filed by Dallas trial lawyer-turned blogger Malia Litman.
Litman, 58, has detailed her fight to obtain the documents on her blog, "The Rebuttal to the Rogue."
Still another document details an agent drove drunk in a government vehicle — then contacted a Secret Service support division, "to try to get fake identification cards made for redacted so they could get into bars."
Another, dated June 22, 2012, discusses Secret Service, "K9 units bringing the dogs into hotel room(s), which get trashed, and people are paid off not to report it."
"Confidential Source related another story of an unidentified special agent who missed his…flight out of the country," reads the summary of a DHS interview dated July 10, 2012. "When he arrived at the airport he was accompanied by two prostitutes but was not disciplined."
That same "confidential source," also told DHS about agents, "at the Salt Lake City Olympic Games who were involved with underage females."
"The rumors indicated that alcohol and sex were involved," continued the report.
The documents portray a culture in which misbehavior is not only ignored, but condoned and rewarded.
On June 12, 2012, the DHS interviewed a special agent — his name is redacted in the documents — who told investigators, "General misconduct is 'swept under the rug.' If USSS management likes you and they want to promote you, allegations against you actually help.
"The allegations will be held against you as coercion to do activities at the senior management's direction. The phrase in the USSS is, 'if you don't want anything, they can't do anything to you.'"
In another report, a supervising agent told the DHS that she didn't bother keeping records of agents' misbehavior because she was convinced "USSS personnel routinely conducted illegal searches of her office space when she was not present."

And it seems the Secret Service hasn't changed — even in the wake of the Colombia prostitution scandal. According to a March 26, 2014 DHS report, "three agents, all members of the Secret Service Agency's Counter Assault Team (CAT), along with other advance team members went out in sic Amsterdam Saturday night.
"One of the agents passed out in a hallway Sunday morning...The CAT Team is known to frequently engage in this behavior and participated in similar actions while in Cartegena in 2012.
"These and several others of the advance team were in the Red Light District of Amsterdam during the advance where they were observed engaging with prostitutes. Others who were on the advance team can verify."