Presidential Election 2016
10 Shocking Revelations From Hillary Clinton’s Latest Email Leak

June 27 2017, Updated 3:19 p.m. ET

Hillary Clinton's leaked emails haven't sunk her campaign just yet — but the bombshells keep coming! has learned that some of her most embarrassing emails reveal her lack of confidence in President Obama, her fear of Sarah Palin, and her nicknames for Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich.
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She was "surprised" to hear that a state employee would use their personal email for work related issues. In February 2011, state department employee John Godfrey used his personal email address to send an analysis of the Libyan dictator at the time, Mummer Qaddafi, to Clinton's top adviser, Jake Sullivan. Sullivan then forwarded it to Clinton and the former secretary of state expressed her concern. "Is he in NEA currently? Or was he in Embassy? I was surprised that he used personal email account if he is at State," she wrote. Of course, Clinton is now embroiled in her own email scandal.
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Clinton had little confidence in Obama. In an email sent in 2009, the former secretary of state was sent a blog article written by economist Paul Krugman. In the article, Krugman says "health care could soon go the way of the automobile, with users having no choice but to buy insurance coverage" and that the mandate was a "central policy difference with Hillary Clinton." Clinton showed how little confidence she had in Obama, writing back "let's hope we get the mandate since we know nothing will work w/out it."
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Clinton showed apathy toward Obama. In 2011, Clinton was sent an email citing an ABC report in which President Obama's chief campaign strategist, David Axelrod, compared Newt Gingrich to a monkey. The email asked Clinton why Obama would be trying to take down Gingrich when their focus was supposed to be Mitt Romney, who was running for president at the time. Clinton's response expressed complete apathy toward the situation. The former secretary state wrote back: "Who knows????"
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She fought with the White House operator. In an email chain from 2010, Clinton wrote to aide Huma Abedin about wanting to call a retiring US representative, but said she couldn't because she was trying to convince the White House operator that she was actually Hillary Clinton. "I'd like to call her. But right now I'm fighting w the WH operator who doesn't believe I am who I say and wants my direct office line even tho I'm not there and I just have him my home # and the State Dept # and I told him I had no idea what my direct office # was since I didn't call myself and I just hung up and am calling thru Ops like a proper and properly dependent Secretary of State–no independent dialing allowed," Clinton ranted.

She's no fan of the White House correspondent's dinners. An email sent in 2009 reveals that Clinton told aide Philippe Reines that attending and speaking at the dinners was "one of the huge downsides of the job."
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She discussed her husband's "weird exchange." Clinton and longtime friend Betsy Ebeling wrote each other in 2011 when Clinton revealed a bizarre story from her husband: "Did Bill tell you that on the receiving line of his second speech yesterday, he had the weirdest exchange ever when a woman loudly announced that her father 'circumcised Bin Laden!' What a claim to fame."
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Clinton feared a "Fox-generated media storm" led by Sarah Palin. Clinton wrote in a 2011 email chain about her unease with the State Department's choice to use the terms "parent one" and "parent two" instead of "mother" and "father." She blasted, "Who made the decision that State will not use the terms 'mother and father' and instead substitute 'parent one and two?' I'm not defending that decision, which I disagree w and knew nothing about, in front of this Congress. I could live w letting people in nontraditional families choose another descriptor so long as we retained the presumption of mother and father. We need to address this today or we will be facing a huge Fox-generated media storm led by Palin et al."
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at Saban Research Institute

Univision Chairman and Clinton Supporter Bashes Mort Zuckerman. Haim Saban, a Clinton mega-donor sent the former secretary of state an email in 2010 bashing Daily News publisher Mort Zuckerman. The Daily News recently endorsed the presidential candidate. But in 2010, Zuckerman wrote an article about how Obama is seen as "incompetent" and "amateur."
"WOW!!!! What a hatchet job,„this is the very strong "Coffeee party"„„forget the tea party„„ they're chicken sh,„, compared to this. Just the tilte„„"she wrote.
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Clinton was told German Chancellor Angela Merkel is no fan of Obama. A 2009 email revealed that Sidney Blumenthal, a former White House official, wrote that there was a "profound belief of the Merkel government that the Obama administration is on a disastrous economic path." Blumenthal also wrote, "Obama and Merkel are like oil and water."
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Clinton called Mitt Romeny and Newt Gingrich "Mittens and Grinch." An email from 2012 reveals that not only was Clinton keeping tabs on the presidential election, but she had nicknames for Romney and Gingrich, who were duking it out for the Republican nomination. "If Mittens can't beat Grinch in Florida, there will be pressure on state Republican parties to reopen or liberalize ballot access especially in the caucuses, which as we know are creatures of the parties' extremes," she claimed.