The Bachelor
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REALITY TV PHOTOS: The Bachelor's Vienna Girardi Still Wearing Engagement Ring After Split
Just days after The Bachelor's Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi announced they've officially called it quits, a sad-looking Vienna was snapped out in WestREALITY TV PHOTOS: Jake Pavelka Joins 'Bachelor Pad'
Now that he’s a bachelor again, Jake Pavelka is joining ABC’s summer reality show The Bachelor Pad, has learned. It’s not clear if Jake himselfREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Jake Explodes At Vienna During Taped Secret Reunion, Makes A Fist!
The Bachelor turned into The Monster when he was reunited with Vienna Girardi on Wednesday to secretly tape a segment for ABC, has learnedREALITY TV VIDEO: Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Breakup Of The Bachelor's Jake And Vienna
The Bachelor's Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi have officially called it quits, and Jimmy Kimmel enjoyed a few laughs at the expense of the lovebirds thatREALITY TV Vienna: Jake Said Sex Before Marriage Was A Sin
One of the main reasons The Bachelor is still a bachelor is because he told fiancée Vienna Girardi that premarital sex was a sin. That’s one of many excusesREALITY TV AUDIO: Jake Pavelka's Ex Says She Is Not Surprised About His Breakup With Vienna
The news that Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi have ended their relationship is not exactly surprising to his ex-girlfriend Tanya Douglas, who toldREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: Vienna: I Bought My Shoes For Wedding To Jake
Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi’s reality TV relationship may have been on the rocks a few weeks ago, and has exclusive video of the coupleREALITY TV Bachelor Bust-Up: Jake & Vienna Confirm Their Shocking Split
The fairytale is over.One-time lovebirds Jake Pavelka and Vienna Giradi have ended their engagement, has confirmed.VIDEO: The Bachelor Finale,REALITY TV EXCLUSIVE BLOG: Former Bachelorette Winner On Whether Ali Is Getting Set Up For Heartbreak
Jesse Csincsak, who was the last man standing during Deanna Pappas' run as ABC's The Bachelorette, gave his take on current leading lady Ali Fedotowsky andREALITY TV FIRST INTERVIEW: No Sex Between Vienna & Jake For Four Months
Vienna Girardi has just shot cupid's arrow right through the heart of Jake Pavelka.In her first interview after the shock split was announced, the 24-year-oldREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: 'Bachelor' Jake Pavelka To Be A Great 'Wingman', Says Former Co-Star
Just hours after the shock announcement that the latest Bachelor couple has split, heartbroken Jake Pavelka is getting support from his former BacheloretteREALITY TV VIDEO: The Bachelorette's Ali Cries As She Leaves A Guy On A Volcano
Ali’s European Vacation began on the newest episode of ABC's The Bachelorette as she took the guys on a cool trip to Iceland where she took one step closer toREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Vienna's Rumored New Boyfriend: "I'm Not A Homewrecker!"
The man rumored to be Vienna Girardi's rebound boyfriend after her split from Bachelor Jake Pavelka has told he's no homewrecker![ami-relatedREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Bachelor Pad Reject Reveals Who's Hookin' Up With Who
Riding on the coattails of ABC’s Bachelor and Bachelorette comes the new reality show competition The Bachelor Pad. interviewed BacheloretteREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Expect Hook-Ups On 'Bachelor Pad'
This isn't your typical The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. It's a new show called Bachelor Pad. Some of your favorite castoffs from the hit ABC reality TV show REALITY TVEXCLUSIVE: Former Bachelorette Winner Dishes On Ali's Dates and Show Secrets
Jesse Csincsak, who was the last man standing during Deanna Pappas' run as ABC's The Bachelorette, weighed in on current leading lady Ali Fedotowsky's current REALITY TVVIDEO: Bachelorette Ali Gets Serenaded Three Times In One Show
Ali Fedotowsky is this season’s perky Bachelorette, surrounded by a whole house of hot guys in Los Angeles, so what did she do in the latest episode? She took REALITY TVVIDEO: Ali Goes On Daredevil Date With Possible Bachelorette Winner
On the latest episode of the Bachelorette, Ali takes a leap of faith on a date with one of her favorite guys Roberto, who reportedly is one of the two finalistsREALITY TV PHOTOS: The Bachelor's Jake Pavelka & Vienna Girardi Lookin' Killer In Kauai
The Bachelor Jake Pavelka and his fiancée Vienna Girardi looked every bit the happy couple as they spent a day on the beach in Kauai, Hawaii, andREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Former Bachelorette Winner Reveals Secrets Behind Ali's Dates
Jesse Csincsak, who was the last man standing during Deanna Pappas' run as ABC's The Bachelorette, weighed in on current leading lady Ali Fedotowsky's currentREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Gia Finds Post-Bachelor Love with NHL Star
Bikini model Gia Allemand was in the final three in last season’s The Bachelor and although she didn’t receive the final rose from hunky pilot Jake Pavelka, herREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEWS: The Bachelor's Jake Pavelka & Vienna Girardi Avoid Marriage Question
The Bachelor Jake Pavelka and his fiancée Vienna Girardi looked very much like a couple in love, but stopped short of setting a date to marry whenREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Ali's Bachelor Co-Stars React To Her Quest For Love
Ali Fedotowsky has a lot of support from her fellow The Bachelor contestants who watched her premiere as the Bachelorette on Monday night.[ami-relatedREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Former Bachelorette Winner Sizes Up Ali's Men
Jesse Csincsak, who was the last man standing during Deanna Pappas' run as ABC's The Bachelorette, weighed in on current leading lady Ali Fedotowsky's currentREALITY TV PHOTOS: The 25 Men Vying For The Bachelorette's Rose
When Ali Fedotowsky was on The Bachelor, she chose work over love. But now as the new Bachelorette, she’s choosing love. And has a look at theREALITY TV The Bachelorette Spoilers: Ali, Her Final Picks As ABC Recycles Reality Stars
Chris Lambton and Roberto Martinez are the final twosome who will be battling for the heart--and rose--of Ali Fedotowsky, the star around which ABC's newest TheREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Bachelor Jake Pavelka And Fiancé Vienna Girardi Find Dream Home
Bachelor couple Jake and Vienna may not have tied the knot yet, but they’re already planning their own Neverland Ranch after finding their dream home inREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS: Jake and Vienna Still Going Strong Despite Breakup Reports
Despite reports that Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi have called it quits since the spotlight from Dancing With The Stars and The Bachelor has faded, hisREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: Chelsie Hightower On Jake Pavelka's Dancing With The Stars Elimination
Jake Pavelka was eliminated from Dancing With The Stars Tuesday, as the Dallas pilot-turned-reality TV star's mediocre samba did not sway viewers to keep him inREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Bachelor Jake and Vienna Plan Return To St. Lucia
The Bachelor's Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi fell in love and got engaged on last season's finale of The Bachelor and may be going on an early honeymoon.REALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Dancing With The Stars' Jake Pavelka Dropped Two Sizes
If you thought Jake Pavelka had a six pack before wait until you see his smoking hot new dancer’s body! has exclusively learned that while at anREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Bachelor Jake Pavelka Says He Already Misses Kate Gosselin
The Bachelor’s Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi hit the town in Los Angeles Tuesday night after the results show of Dancing With the Stars and attended AmericanOMG! EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Bachelor's Vienna Dated Drug Lord After Sorority Sister Discovered His Drug Dealing
The Bachelor’s fiancée Vienna Girardi dated an accused drug lord immediately after her sorority sister broke up with him because of his drug dealing,REALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: The Bachelor's Vienna Dated A Drug Lord Before Jake
In the most shocking development yet surrounding The Bachelor, has learned exclusively that Vienna Girardi dated an alleged drug lord up untilREALITY TV Controversial 'Bachelor' Contestant Rozlyn Papa Sues Over Being Linked To Porn Tape
Rozlyn Papa, one of the most controversial contestants on the most recent season of The Bachelor, filed a $1 million lawsuit against several Web sites and KevinREALITY TV Bachelor Jake Pavelka Offers A 15-Year-Old A Rose
Jake The Bachelor Pavelka really knows how to charm the women—no matter what age. [ami-related target="_blank"REALITY TV AUDIO: Jake The Bachelor: God Told Him To Go On The Show Says Ex
The woman behind the Jake The Bachelor cheating scandal that exclusively broke has finally spoken and has leveled shocking allegations that JakeREALITY TV PHOTOS: Dancing With The Stars Best Moments Captured in Pictures
Dancing With The Stars gives ABC its best ratings in 10 years—nearly 24 million viewers. And, it’s because of the all-star cast. has theOMG! Dancing With The Stars Surprises: Bachelor Stars And Another NFL Player Appear
The long-awaited premiere of Season 10 of Dancing With The Stars is upon us, and the celebrity cast has some surprises lined up. has the scoop.Fashion Police EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: The Bachelor's Vienna - Her Wild Bikini Contest Past!
If they seemed like a mismatch on TV, they are even further apart in real life! The Bachelor’s Jake Pavelka chose wild child Vienna Girardi and proposed at theREALITY TV VIDEO: Happily Ever After - Jason Weds Molly on The Bachelor Special
Jason Mesnick is a bachelor no more: The handsome 33-year-old star of 2009's The Bachelor wed Molly Malaney in Monday's The Bachelor Wedding Special on ABC, andREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: Ex-Bachelor Matt Grant's Advice To Guys About Appearing On The Bachelorette "Don’t Do It!"
Matt Grant has some sage advise for any guys that are thinking about becoming contestants on the upcoming season of the ABC hit show The Bachelorette, “Don’tREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: Ex-Bachelor Matt Grant On Jake And Vienna, "I Really Can't See It Lasting"
Season 14 of the hit ABC show The Bachelor: On The Wings Of Love has been the most exciting, scandal-ridden, controversial one to date. People were aghast atREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: I Have Proof Jake 'The Bachelor' Cheated With Me, Says Ex
Tanya Douglas, the ex girlfriend who claims Jake "The Bachelor" cheated on Vienna Girardi with her, is fighting back against accusations that she’s lying – andREALITY TV VIDEO: Bachelor's Vienna Defends Bad Girl Rep To Jimmy Kimmel
The Bachelor's Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! Thursday night, and has the best banter between the witty lateOMG! EXCLUSIVE: Identity Revealed Of Woman Who Claims Bachelor Jake Cheated On Vienna With Her
The woman who says she was seeing Jake "The Bachelor" Pavelka after he proposed to Vienna Girardi is Tanya Douglas from Marianna, Florida, hasREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Vienna's Sister Says Cheating Charge Against Jake "Is A Complete Lie"
Tanya Douglas, the ex-girlfriend of The Bachelor Jake Pavelka is claiming he cheated on Vienna Girardi with her after his TV proposal. But Vienna's sister KaylaREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Woman Who Claims Affair With Bachelor Jake Hires Lawyer
Tanya Douglas, the ex-girlfriend claiming she The Bachelor’s Jake Pavelka cheated with her after he proposed to Vienna Giardi. has hired an attorney, she toldREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: First Interview With Woman Who 'The Bachelor' Cheated On Vienna With!
The ex-girlfriend who says Jake “The Bachelor” Pavelka cheated on Vienna Girardi with her has given her first interview and has all the detailsREALITY TV VIDEO: Ellen Gives “The Bachelor’s” Jake And Vienna “The Newlywed Game” Quiz
Ellen DeGeneres tested Jake “The Bachelor” Pavelka on how much he knows about fiancée Vienna Girardi on her TV show Thursday afternoon. Jake “The Bachelor’s”