The Bachelor
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REALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Bachelor Winner Vienna Girardi Already Making Wedding Plans
Hunky Jake Pavelka proposed to Vienna Girardi on Monday night’s season finale of The Bachelor and her best friend Miss Florida Rachael Todd revealed toREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Jake 'The Bachelor' Cheated On Vienna After Getting Engaged!
Jake “The Bachelor” Pavelka cheated on Vienna after they got engaged while filming the ABC show, has learned exclusively. Jake contacted hisREALITY TV VIDEO: The Bachelor Finale, Jake Picks Vienna!
Despite the tabloid covers and negativity from his other hopeful ladies, The Bachelor’s Jake Pavelka proposed to the season’s villain Vienna Girardi on Monday’sREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Bachelor Jake Pavelka and Fiancé Vienna Girardi Are Moving to LA!
Jake Pavelka's bride-to-be Vienna Girardi is sticking by her man and moving to Los Angeles as The Bachelor continues his reality television experience onREALITY TV PHOTOS: Bachelorette Ali Fedotowsky Was A Yearbook Beauty
This is the new Bachelorette, Ali Fedotowsky, posing in her high school yearbook as an innocent 18-year-old.[ami-related target="_blank"REALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Bachelor Winner Vienna Stripped In Club
The scandalous Vienna Girardi may have won hunky pilot Jake’s heart and a gorgeous engagement ring, but her past may be catching up to her. hasREALITY TV VIDEO: Jake and Vienna Step Out As A Couple, Ali Is The Next Bachelorette!
In the After the Final Rose special following Monday night’s The Bachelor finale, Jake Pavelka and his chosen fiancé Vienna Girardi stepped out for the firstREALITY TV VIDEO: The Next Dancing With The Stars Cast Is Revealed!
Still didn’t get enough of The Bachelor’s Jake Pavelka? Well, have no fear, there is plenty more where that came from! [ami-related target="_blank"REALITY TV EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: The Bachelor Hottie Vienna Girardi Flips Pancakes For Charity
The Bachelor fans have to wait until Monday night to find out if Jake Pavelka choses Vienna or Tenley as the woman of his dreams, but Vienna isn't sitting homeREALITY TV Rain Turns To Sunshine Just In Time For 'The Bachelor' Jason Mesnick’s Saturday Wedding
UPDATE: Guests were starting to fill the seats at 2:50 pm PST. The weather was holding up after a rainy start to the day. The Bachelor Jason Mesnick received aREALITY TV The Bachelor Wedding Plagued By Rain
The Bachelor Jason Mesnick is set to take a walk down the aisle with Molly Malaney just before sunset Saturday but a massive rain storm has everyoneREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: What You DIDN'T See On 'The Bachelor' - Edited Version Eliminated Jake's True Feelings
On Monday’s The Bachelor: Women Tell All, viewers saw Jake Pavelka say he was happy with his final decision, but has learned that ABC did someREALITY TV VIDEO: The Bachelor's Chris Harrison Rips Rozlyn Papa
The Bachelor host Chris Harrison shot down the claims made by ousted contestant Rozlyn Papa on Fox News Tuesday, and's got the full scoop forREALITY TV VIDEO: Rozlyn Papa Denies Having Sex With Bachelor Producer; Implies Host Chris Harrison Is A Cheater
The claws were out on The Bachelor Women Tell All Special when the twenty three women Jake Pavelka kicked off the show returned to face off against one anotherREALITY TV AUDIO: ABC Ramps Up Charges Against The Bachelor's Rozyln And She Fires Back
ABC is now saying that Rozlyn Papa, who was kicked off The Bachelor in the second episode, not only had “an inappropriate relationship” but had sex with aREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE NEW DETAILS: Arrest Report For Ex Boyfriend Of The Bachelor's Vienna
Vienna Girardi is the favorite to win the heart of hunky pilot Jake Pavelka on the final episode of the most scandal-ridden season of The Bachelor yet – but herREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Bachelor Contestant Vienna Girardi's Ex-Boyfriend Arrested For Trespassing At Her House
Vienna Girardi is the overwhelming favorite to win hunky pilot Jake Pavelka’s heart on The Bachelor, and that status has brought her fame and infamy. ButREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Rozlyn Papa - Bachelor Tried To Make Me The Villain!
The woman behind the biggest scandal in Bachelor history held her head high for her return on the Women Tell All episode taping, but she said the show had aREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Rozlyn Papa Attacks Bachelor Host, Accuses Him Of Flirting With Married Woman
Rozlyn Papa, the woman who was unceremoniously escorted off The Bachelor in the second episode for an “inappropriate relationship” with a show producer,REALITY TV VIDEO: The Bachelor - "I See My Future Wife -- In Both Of Them"
And then there were two: With Gia's elimination on The Bachelor Monday, the field is now down to Tenley and Vienna, the last two vying to win the final roseREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Possible Bachelorette Is Reality Show Obsessed Says Fellow Contestant
It’s down to the wire for hunky Bachelor Jake Pavelka and soon the attention will shift to ABC's new Bachlorette. Former contestant Rozlyn Papa spokeFashion Police VIDEO: Melissa Rycroft Dons Bikini & Wedding Gown For Shape
Melissa Rycroft was a real-life blushing bride in December and she recently shared her wedding wisdom (and the secrets behind her fabulous figure!) in theREALITY TV Bachelor Bad Girl Vienna Gerardi Never Watched The Show - Mom Applied For Her!
Vienna Gerardi is one of the most talked about contestants in Bachelor history, with reports swirling that she was a love cheat that stole money from her IraqREALITY TV VIDEO: Ali Walks Away From The Bachelor
Jake Pavelka took the good guy act nationwide on Monday when he went on hometown dates with each of the four finalists to meet their families. What ensued was aREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: 'Bachelor' Bad Girl Vienna Girardi Did Not Cheat On Husband, Says Friend
Bachelor beauty Vienna Girardi became the latest contestant on the hit ABC show to become embroiled in a scandal when allegations surfaced this week paintingREALITY TV VIDEO: Tensions Rise On The Bachelor, "This Rose Ceremony Is Going To Hurt"
The competition was fierce on Monday night’s episode of ABC’s The Bachelor. With only five women left, pilot Jake Pavelka and his chosen ladies explored SanREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: Ex-Bachelor Matt Grant Says ABC Spent Thousands Fixing His "British Teeth"
In the last of a series of exclusive interviews with, hunky British ex-Bachelor, Matt Grant, gives a behind the scenes peek into life on theREALITY TV VIDEO: The Bachelor - "Do I Have To Give Out Two More Roses?"
The Bachelor's hunky pilot Jake Pavelka cleaned house on Monday night's episode, sending four women home in his quest for reality TV romance, and asking theREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: Ex Bachelor Matt Grant "Embarrassed" By Shayne Lamas Proposal
In the season twelve finale of The Bachelor, Matt Grant got down on one knee and proposed to Shayne Lamas with a 2.85-carat platinum and diamond eternityREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Bachleorette Jen Schefft's Recessionista Chic Concept
Bachelor and Bachelorette star Jen Schefft has a new hubby, a killer job in PR and has a great idea for staying fabulously chic in the midst of financialREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: Ex Bachelor Matt Grant Dishes On How Real Reality TV Is
It's the question we've all been dying to hear the answer to - just how 'real' is reality TV? Take a show like The Bachelor, how much is reality and how much isREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: Ex-Bachelor Matt Grant Had His Own Producer Would-Be Scandal
Matt Grant, the main man on ABC's The Bachelor 12th season, titled The Bachelor: London Calling, sat down for a series of exclusive interviews withREALITY TV VIDEO: Michelle Kicked Off The Bachelor - Even Before Rose Ceremony!
Jake Pavelka, star of ABC's The Bachelor, kicked out Michelle on Monday night's episode – even before the rose ceremony-- after the beauty's desperate demandsREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Former Bachelor Contestants On Producer Scandal - ABC Will "Do Anything To Create Drama"
Two former contestants on ABC’s The Bachelor tell that they believe the network has manufactured the show’s scandal this season concerningFashion Police EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: The Bachelor's Caitlyn McCabe Exposed In Racy Bikini Shoot
Scorned former Bachelor hopeful Rozlyn Papa isn’t the only contestant with a scandalous past. has obtained exclusive new photos of 24-year-oldREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Fired Producer Who Had Relationship With 'Bachelor' Scandal Girl Revealed has learned the identity of the senior producer accused of hooking up with Bachelor contestant Rozlyn Papa. Ryan Callahan was fired after rumorsREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Bachelor Producer's Divorce, She Got The Cash, He Got The Cat
Ryan Callahan, the producer at the center of the Bachelor scandal has lost a lot in the past year – his job, his wife and her sizable fortune and his home, butOMG! EXCLUSIVE: Wife Files For Divorce Against Producer Involved With Bachelor Scandal Girl
Before the Bachelor scandal broke and Ryan Callahan was fired from his top producing job on the show, he was already going through a bad run of luck -REALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Chris Harrison Talks Awards And Red Carpet
Award season’s back in full swing and thrilled fans everywhere are gathering for the highly anticipated red carpet arrivals and getting this years top picks.REALITY TV VIDEO: Rozlyn Papa Makes Her Dramatic Exit From The Bachelor
On Monday night, viewers of ABC’s The Bachelor finally got what they had been waiting for: Rozlyn Papa, the woman at the center of the show’s most recentREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Former Bachelor Andy Baldwin Speaks Out On Controversy
Former Bachelor hunk Dr. Andy Baldwin is speaking out about the the controversy involving Rozlyn Papa who was alleged to be having an “inappropriateREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: 'Bachelor' Scandal Girl Has Arrest Record
Before she made headlines by being kicked off ABC's The Bachelor for having an "inappropriate" relationship with a show producer, Rozlyn Papa was no stranger toREALITY TV AUDIO: Bachelor Jake Pavelka Claims He Was Starting To Develop Feelings For Scandal Girl, Rozlyn Papa
Jake Pavelka, the bachelor on this season’s already controversial Bachelor called in to the Valentine in The Morning show Monday to address the scandal that hasREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Fired Bachelor Scandal Beauty Claims ABC Made Her Hide Fact She Has A Son
Fired Bachelor beauty Rozlyn Papa is lashing out at ABC, claiming that the network sensationalized her "relationship" with a producer on the show and alsoREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Bachelor Scandal Woman Says 'I Did NOT Have A Sexual Relationship With Producer!'
Rozlyn Papa has come forward to address the rumors about the scandal surrounding her dismissal from ABC's The Bachelor and she denied the widespread reportsREALITY TV Roll Out The Beefcakes!: ABC's Conveyor Belt Hits Airwaves
ABC's new show Conveyor Belt of Love makes your local meat market seem as romantic as a kiss on atop of the Empire State Building: the show's premise is fiveREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: Bachelorette Jillian Harris & Ed Swiderski Set Wedding Date
It's official! It looks as if Jillian and Ed will live happily ever after all. In an exclusive interview with, Chris Harrison, the host of TheREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Woman At Center Of 'Bachelor' Sex Scandal Exposed has learned the identity of the woman at the center of a sex scandal involving ABC's The Bachelor program. HOT PHOTOS: Rozlyn Papa She is RozlynREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: Bachelor Host Says Scandal Bombshell Will Be Revealed Next Week
The Bachelor started off as a simple dating show but has now become one of the most scandal-ridden shows on TV. This season’s hunky bachelor, pilot JakeREALITY TV PHOTOS: Meet the Girls Of the New Bachelor!
The Bachelor is in its fourth season and hunky pilot Jake Pavelka will step into the shoes of ABC's next television Romeo. Though watchers will have to wait to