EXCLUSIVE: Former Bachelorette Winner Sizes Up Ali's Men
May 25 2010, Published 6:18 a.m. ET
Jesse Csincsak, who was the last man standing during Deanna Pappas' run as ABC's The Bachelorette, weighed in on current leading lady Ali Fedotowsky's current slate of suitors, giving RadarOnline.com his take on the men.
"The guys look super riled up because they have been locked in a hotel room for the past three days waiting to meet their Bachelorette doing nothing but going over in their head what was about to happen to them," Csincsak explained based on his experience on the show. "It's super nerve-wracking."
So what did he think of this season's cast? Read on:
VIDEO: Bachelorette Ali Meets Her Men; "Shooter" Explains His Nickname!
ROBERTO: "Ali called him sexy and cute numerous times tonight and he got the 1st first impression rose tonight. That right there tells me he will not be the last man standing. The last man standing will not get this much obvious camera time on night one that would be way too obvious. The last man standing will not be shown off a ton till later in the season."
CRAIG FROM CANADA: "This guy will be around as long as the cloud of drama follows him- he is very outspoken and that will get him camera time."
JUSTIN BROKEN FOOT: "AKA RATED R hahahhahaha I think this guy will be the Wes Hayden of this season and will be hated on a ton."
KIRK: "You made a scrap book for a girl you never met? Whatever floats your boat bro."
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: The Bachelorette's Ali Fedotowsky Is Over Jake; Wishes Him & Vienna Well
HUNTER: "I love that you told her you had to take a pee in the first 15 seconds you had met her hilarious hahhahaha."
JOHNATHAN TEXAS: "I wouldn't make jokes about roses... You will never look at roses in the same light ever again. TRUST ME."
DERRICK: "AKA Shooter Hahahahhahaha Dude you should have stayed home bro hhahahahahh good luck getting a date after that story. How much did you drink before you told that story in front of a camera you knew was gonna be on a national TV show with 15 million viewers.WOW."

FRANK: I Liked your limo exit. Very Creative WELL DONE."
KASEY: I think this guy went a little deep on the intro (I WILL PROTECT AND GUARD YOUR HEART FOREVER?). Well you got a rose man so I guess it worked."