Dismembered Bodies, Cannibals & More! Top 10 Most Gruesome Crime Scenes EXPOSED

Sept. 9 2016, Published 10:08 a.m. ET

**WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT** Some crimes are so gruesome that investigators are still disturbed by them for years! See the crime scenes that could give you nightmares.

On June 4, 2008, infamous killer Jodi Arias, 36, shot and stabbed Travis Alexander while he was in the shower. Amid the grisly investigation, it was discovered the victim sustained 27 to 29 stab wounds and a gunshot wound to the head. Arias is currently serving as life sentence in prison for the crime.
Los Angeles Police criminalist Andrea Mazzola, usi

Nicole Brown and her friend, Ron Goldman, were infamously murdered in her California home in 1994. The blonde beauty was discovered with multiple stab wounds on her head and neck, along with defensive wounds on her hands. Her injuries were so gruesome that her larynx was visible. Goldman was also discovered with several gashes on his chest, head, face and abdomen. After a highly publicized trail, Brown's husband, O.J. Simpson, was found not guilty for the slayings. As of now, the murders technically remain unsolved.https://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/oj-simpson-agent-claims-confessed-killing-nicole-brown-simpson/

Phoenix mom Octavia Rogers, 29, was accused of killing her three sons in June. Rogers' brother discovered the horrible murder scene and called police when he found his sister with self-inflicted stab wounds on her neck and abdomen. Not long after cops arrived at the scene, Jaikare Rahaman, 8 and Jeremiah Adams, 5, were found partially dismembered in a bedroom closet. The youngest son, 2-month-old Avery Robinson, was found stuffed into a suitcase at the back of the closet. Rogers has since recovered from her own injuries and is set to begin trial on Feb. 16, 2017.

Jeffrey Dahmer, perhaps one of the most well-known serial killers in history, murdered 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. The creep would lure victims to his home, kill them and then have sex with their corpses. He would also save parts of his victims' bodies for souvenirs, masturbation or eating. He was finally caught in July 1991 after one of his would-be victims escaped and notified police. On the day of his arrest cops found a large knife, dozens of polaroid photos showing people in various stages of dismemberment, and the head of a black male in the refrigerator. During a more detailed investigation, officials also found seven skulls, two human hearts, two preserved penises and a mummified scalp, among other horrifying items. "It was more like dismantling someone's museum than an actual crime scene," the coroner said at the time of the investigation. Dahmer was sentenced to life in prison a year later and was eventually beaten to death by a fellow inmate.
Pistorius Steenkamp Crime Scene

South African model Reeva Steenkamp was found bruised and bloody after being shot to death on Valentine's Day in 2013 by her boyfriend, Oscar Pistorius. The disgraced athlete admitted to shooting the model, but insisted that he did it after mistaking her for an intruder. He was sentenced to six years in prison on July 6, 2016.
German Cannibal Sentenced To Prison For Manslaughter

German officials were shocked to discover the dismembered body of Bernd Brandes after his lover, Armin Meiwes, consensually ate him in 2001. After meeting in an online group for people sharing an interest in cannibalism, the pair literally made a dinner date out of eating Brandes alive. '"And now I was getting the feeling that I was actually achieving this perfect inner connection through his flesh. The flesh tastes like pork but stronger,' Meiwes said in the documentary, Docs: Interview with a Cannibal. The 42-year-old killed Brandes, cut his throat, chopped him into pieces and buried his head in his garden. Meiwes, who is the first person in Germany ever convicted for "love cannibalism" was sentenced to eight years in prison.

Seattle mom Ingrid Lyne was violently murdered on April 8, 2016, not long after a date with John Robert Charlton – a man she met online. Lyne's "fresh" remains were later discovered in a recycling bin 2.7 miles away from Safeco Stadium, wrapped in plastic bags. Three separate packages contained Lyne's dismembered body, including her head, arm and leg. As the investigation continued, homicide detectives discovered flesh, blood and a 15-inch pruning saw in the mother-of-three's bathroom. Charlton was charged with her murder in April and at press time, the case is ongoing.
Kholodenko is not suspect

Famous Ukrainian pianist Vadym Kholodenko's two young daughters were found murdered in his estranged wife's home on March 17, 2016, in Fort Worth, Texas. At the time of her arrest, Sofya Tsygankova was charged with two counts of capital murder after police discovered her "kneeling on the floor, just inside of the doorway…rocking back and forth making noises," according to documents exclusively obtained by Radar. She was eventually indicted for two counts of capital murder on June 2, 2016, and pleaded not guilty. At press time, the case is ongoing.

Andre Timothy Jackson Jr. was accused of murdering an 11-year-old boy on his way to school on May 17, 2016, in Houston, Texas. During a hearing June 6, the 27-year-old former Marine wept as prosecutors revealed that the boy, Josue Flores, died after being stabbed over 20 times. He was eventually charged for the murder, and at press time the case is ongoing.

A Russian woman was accused of feeding the flesh of her dying husband to the family dog. The suspect, 46-year-old Svetlana Batukova, was arrested after she was discovered near the bloody body of her husband on April 1, 2016, according to The Local, a European news site. She stabbed husband Horst Hans Henkels, 66, with a kitchen knife and carved pieces of his arm off to the bone and hand-fed them to the dog, cops said. At the time, officials believed that the suspected murderer, a self-professed cocaine addict, was high and drunk during the massacre. Her case is ongoing at press time.