Sarah Palin Got Me Fired! Eyewitness To Wasilla Brawl Says He Was Canned For Speaking Out About Fight Involving Politician’s Family -- Plus Bristol’s Fists Of Fury

Sept. 18 2014, Published 7:04 a.m. ET
Sarah Palin has pulled back from national politics, but is she still powerful enough to get someone fired? Alaskan native Eric Thompson tells he was abruptly fired from his job after speaking out about a brawl he witnessed involving Palin’s family earlier this month. And now, he wants the controversial politico to apologize!
“I’ve been in the industry my whole life and at the same time I didn’t expect to be discharged for telling the truth,” Thompson told Radar, insisting when he spoke about the fight, "I didn’t make any of that up."
Thompson was the only eyewitness who spoke out publicly after the birthday party for his employers Marc and Matt McKenna turned into a backwoods brawl — with the Palins right in the thick of it.
The Palins reportedly arrived to the snowmobile soiree at Korey Klingenmeyer’s house in Anchorage, Alaska in a stretch Hummer limousine and when 25-year-old son Track confronted Bristol’s ex-boyfriend, things went awry fast.
“It wasn’t me who went out and punched the homeowner,” Thompson claimed. “I watched and really it was more out of dismay. I thought, ‘What is going on?’ The person involved was getting punched in the face by Bristol."
“The person she punched, this guy, took straight shots to the face one after the other, after the other, and never retaliated and was just a stand-up person. I admire him for being a gentleman. This is a woman and it doesn’t matter if she’s punching you in the face,” Thompson said.
When the dust settled, however, Thompson told police about the melee, and also spoke out to Good Morning America — but he insists he was just the one that reporters got to first.
“Originally, I was asked to give a statement to the police along with 10 other people,” he added. “The alleged victim didn’t want it misconstrued that he was assaulting her.”
But when Thompson’s Good Morning America interview about the Palins’ unbecoming behavior – which locals refer to as “Wasilla-billy” -- went viral, he got fired within an hour without any reason, he claims.
“There was never any communication between the owner, we were never asked to not say anything or gag order… I’m only guilty of having a little naivete of how the national press works,” he said.
Thompson understands there’s been an influx of unwanted attention, but says he’s not to blame – the Palins are!
“I was sober. I wasn’t in the fray. I wasn’t puking on the lawn or passing out. I didn’t cause any stir or commotion,” he said. “I didn’t do anything to tarnish the company’s image in any way shape or form.
Since his sudden lay-off, Thompson said he’s tried to renegotiate to no avail. But he has no hard feelings toward his former employers – and despite hiring an attorney, he doesn’t plan on taking legal action.
“I really like the guys, they’re the hardest working kids you’ll work for,” he said. “I do respect the fact that they do work hard for their money. They’ve never treated me or my family wrong.”
As for Alaska’s former first family, his feelings aren’t quite as warm.
“I’m sure they’ve got their political spin doctors,” he said. “What they should do is apologize to general public for their conduct. You’re the face of Alaska to people. I mean, come on!
“When you are a public figure, people are looking to you for leadership and to set an example,” he continued. "With privilege comes great responsibility.”

Now that Thompson is unexpectedly out of work, he’s also set up a account for prospective job opportunities and to raise money for attorneys fees, bills – and security cameras!
“That’s how scared I am,” he added. “Some people out there are really big fans of the Palins. I regret that I was naïve in not knowing what was going to happen. But I don’t regret ever telling the truth!"