It’s Almost Over! Oscar Pistorius’ Defense Team Could End Its Case In A Day’s Time – Lawyer Has To Confer With Squad Before Resting

July 7 2014, Published 9:57 p.m. ET
Oscar Pistorius’ defense team plans to close its case after the last witness, a physician who once treated the athlete, completed his testimony Monday, which means the defense would rest tomorrow.
Pistorius’ chief defense lawyer, Barry Roux, told the judge that he and his team would wrap up Tuesday morning after a final meeting with his team.
"We plan to close the case," Roux told Judge Thokozile Masipa.
Once the witness testimony is concluded, both sides will present final arguments and then court will adjourn until Judge Masipa gives her verdict. South Africa doesn’t have a jury system. The athlete faces life in prison if found guilty of premeditated murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.
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The trial resumed Monday amid a controversy involving leaked video footage of Pistorius’ re-enactment of what happened the night Pistorius shot and killed Steenkamp.
The footage was leaked to Australia’s Channel 7, who aired it during its current events segment.