Amanda Bynes' Friend Tells All: Claims She Killed Her Last Dog And 'Could Be In A Mental Institute For The Rest Of Her Life'

July 26 2013, Published 11:03 a.m. ET
The misadventures of Amanda Bynes took a grim turn this week after the actress was placed under a 5150 hold, and now Ana Rivera, a model friend of the actress is sharing text messages she exchanged with Bynes, with disturbing allusions to dogs, fire and mental health, among other facts.
Rivera, 22, said she was "not surprised at all" that Bynes reportedly endangered both herself and her Pomeranian dog with fire in the driveway of a Thousand Oaks, Calif. home this week, spurring the institutionalization.
"I was really concerned when she got that dog for its safety, as the last Pomeranian she had in Los Angeles that she left just wander away and it fell off the cliffs in Hollywood Hills," Rivera said. "She told me about it and started crying when talking about it.
"I’m glad the dog is safe and with her parents. She cant even take care of herself let alone a dog, although without that dog I dread to think what would have happened to her. Over the last year, they’ve been her only friends."
Rivera, who's originally from Denver, said Bynes' bizarre fixation with starting fires was partially a result of her careless smoking rituals.
"She was using a paper plate as an ashtray in her place in New York, so when she put a cigarette out, it would cause a small fire," Rivera said. "She also had a white table made out of fiberglass and there were burn marks all over it where she’d stubbed out her cigarettes."
Cigarettes weren't the only things Bynes would smoke, Rivera said, claiming the What I Like About You star was "chain-smoking" marijuana joints.
"She would smoke five in an hour," Rivera said. "One time she had me roll ten joints and then smoked them all at once."
She said Bynes would even smoke marijuana at the gym, as she once say Bynes get "on the running machine with a joint."
Rivera said there's "no question" that if Bynes doesn't receive help from professionals, "She will die," adding that Bynes can be a very persuasive actress when she wants to be.
"She’s good at being lucid when she’s crazy. If professionals let her out, she will pull the wool over her eyes. If she is not pinned down to the bed, she will run away."
"If she is not pinned down to bed she will run away. She is worse than Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears, no one can reach her. She’s going to have to be there for months and she could even be institutionalized for the rest of her life."

Today, Amanda's parents Rick and Lynn will ask a judge in Ventura County to grant them a temporary conservatorship of their troubled daughter.
The 27-year-old Hairspray star has legal woes on both coasts, as she's due back in a New York courtroom Sept. 26 in connection with her May bong-tossing incident. The ex-Nickelodeon star is charged with reckless endangerment and attempted tampering with physical evidence.