Beyond A Reasonable Doubt: 12 Of Jodi Arias' Biggest Lies Exposed

April 22 2013, Published 7:08 a.m. ET
As Jodi Arias' explosive murder trial winds its way to a conclusion, trial watchers are looking back at the case against Arias, including her bizarre behavior and habitual lies about the murder of her former boyfriend Travis Alexander.
Arias is accused of shooting the 30-year-old motivational speaker in the face, stabbing him 29 times and slitting his throat from ear to ear in his Mesa, Ariz. home in June 2008. She faces the death penalty if convicted.
Arias claims she killed her ex in self-defense.
As the unusual case unfolded over the past four years, Arias, 32, has been caught in a firestorm of lies surrounding her involvement in the murder and her relationship with Alexander.
To help separate the fact from the fiction, is breaking down the 12 biggest lies told by Arias that have been revealed over the course of her murder trial.
1. Arias said she would never harm Alexander
Arias initially denied any involvement in Alexander's murder.
In fact, she insisted she would never hurt her former boyfriend during a recorded interrogation from July 15, 2008 that was played in court during day seven of her murder trial.
"I would never want to hurt him … If I did that, I'd be fully ready to face the consequences. I'm all for the Ten Commandments – thou shall not kill," Arias said on the video that was played for jurors.
Later, Arias admitted to shooting Alexander and attempting to cover up, rather than take responsibility.
2. The last time she saw Alexander
"Jodi stated she last saw Travis in April of 2008," a police officer wrote in a document that was read to the jury during the trial.
However, photos recovered from a camera found at the crime scene and time stamped the day of the murder, revealed that Arias had in fact been at Alexander's house the day Alexander was killed.
The recovered images showed Arias lying naked and in sexually provocative positions on the victim's bed, naked pictures of Travis in the shower, and blurry pictures of the bloody crime scene.
Based on the photos, an investigator wrote: "Jodi was lying about not seeing Travis since April of 2008. This also proves that Jodi was the last person I can prove had contact with Travis prior to his death."
On June 26, 2008 DNA evidence offered more evidence that Jodi was in fact at the crime scene.
The results revealed that hair and a bloody print found inside Alexander's home belonged to Arias and also indicated that a bloody print from the crime scene was a mixture of Arias' and Alexander's DNA.
3 & 4. The Two Different Intruder Stories
After evidence linking Arias to the crime scene was revealed, Arias told authorities that two masked intruders killed Alexander, recounting two different, but both very detailed, versions of the intruder story.
In one version Arias created, two intruders broke into Alexander's house and held her at gunpoint. The intruders argued with each other at one point she said. In another fantastical version she claimed an intruder pulled the trigger of the gun held to her head, but the gun did not fire.
In her male-female two-intruder story, Arias said, "She (the other intruder) was in the bathroom, standing over Travis. I charged her. I ran down the hall, pushed her as hard as I could."
Arias later dropped the intruder stories and admitted to killing Alexander but said it was in self defense. During the trial, prosecutor Juan Martinez got Arias to admit to the jury that both of her intruder stories were lies. Arias testified she couldn't keep her stories straight.
5. Alexander sent Arias letter "admitting" he was a pedophile
Arias claimed Alexander sent her letters before his death, including one in which he admitted to being a pedophile.
But during the trial, Prosecutor Martinez told the court that the letters were tested and found to be forgeries.
6. How she incurred cuts on her fingers after Alexander's killing
During the trial, Arias new love interest at the time of Alexander's murder, Ryan Burns, testified that Arias had told him that the cuts on her hands were from a margarita glass that she broke while working at Margaritaville restaurant in Yreka.
An expert later testified that there was no restaurant by that name in Yreka, indicating that Arias had lied about her job and about how she got the injuries to her hands around the time of Alexander's murder.
Arias hands were bloody and later bandaged after the killing and the cuts almost certainly were the result of stabbing Alexander repeatedly.
GRAPHIC PHOTOS: New Crime Scene Images Revealed In Jodi Arias Murder Trial
7. Her story on Travis Alexander owning a gun
In a recorded interview with Detective Flores on July 15, 2008, Arias told authorities she was afraid of guns. She also initially told police that Travis did not own a gun.
"That is one of the things I am scared of. Guns and public speaking," Arias said.
"That was one of the things Alexander was trying to get me to do -- get out of my comfort zone."
But in the same interview, the defendant admitted to Flores that, if she had killed Alexander, she would have most likely used a gun, calling into question her initial statement.
"I'm not the brightest person, but I don't think I could stab him, I'd have to shoot him … The least I could do is make it as humane as possible," Arias said in that recorded interview.
Arias was really tripped up when she testified that as Alexander supposedly chased her in a murderous rage, she fled into his walk-in closet and grabbed his gun from a shelf. Previously she told police he did not own a gun.
8. Her 'Inside Edition' Interview
Arias said she was approached by the show's producers about doing her infamous Inside Edition interview, and at one point, Arias also alleged that she had been pressured by a prison guard to talk on camera.
However, evidence presented during the case suggested that Arias had reached out to the producers herself.
During the trial, Martinez presented copies of magazines that Arias had used to send coded messages to her ex-boyfriend Matt McCartney, which in addition to including coded messages about his testimony during the trial, also contained the name and number of a former ABC producer. That fact conflicts with Arias' claims that Inside Edition solicited her for her the interview.
9. Text messages and phone calls from Alexander
To support her claims that Alexander grew angry when confronted with his alleged sexually deviant behavior, Arias discussed repeated text messages and phone calls Alexander supposedly sent her after she discovered him masturbating to a photo of a young boy.
But Martinez poked holes in Arias' story, pointing out discrepancies regarding the timing of Alexander's text messages and that none of the text messages from the victim actually referenced masturbation.
Martinez also told the jury that phone records indicate that Alexander called Arias only five times during the entire day, not as persistently as Arias had claimed.
10. Arias' coded messages to Matt McCartney
The prosecutor indicated magazines that Arias had used to send coded messages to Matt McCartney also showed that Arias was trying to get her ex-boyfriend to change his testimony to support her own version of events.

The prosecution shared phrases from the coded messages that, when combined, read as the following: "You f--ked up. What you my attorney next day directly contradicts what I've been saying for over a year. Get down here ASAP and see me before you talk to them again and before you testify so we can fix this."
11. Her alibi the night-of the murder
During the trial, Martinez questioned Arias about how she faked her alibi immediately after she killed Alexander.
Alexander left messages on Alexander's cell phone, visited Burns in Utah hours after the attack claiming she was late because she got lost, and even sent flowers to Alexander's grandmother after his body was discovered. She also sent him an email, writing how much she was looking forward to seeing him soon.
12. Travis Alexander's temper
In her infamous TV interview with CBS' 48 Hours she said Alexander had never threatened her life. "He lost his temper a few times and it wasn't anything that really required me to...I never felt my life was in danger," she said on camera. Later, she testified that Alexander flew into a murderous rage when she dropped his camera on the bathroom floor.
She also claimed during the trial that Travis injured one of her fingers by kicking her repeatedly as she was on the ground and used her hands to try to protect herself.