Jodi Arias Is ‘Evil, Dangerous & She Scares Me,’ Says Her Victim’s Best Friend

Jan. 11 2013, Published 7:00 p.m. ET
As murder suspect Jodi Arias sits quietly in court often seeming to cry on cue during her death row trial for killing Travis Alexander, one person is certainly not falling for her little girl lost act, can exclusively reveal.
“Jodi is evil, dangerous and she scares me,” Taylor Searle, who was both best friends and business associates with Travis, told in an exclusive interview.
“The idea of people like her being around in the world or her ever being free again is frightening."
As previously reported, Jodi, now 32, shot the 30-year-old motivational speaker in the face, stabbed him 27 times and slit his throat from ear to ear in his Mesa, Arizona home in June 2008.
Taylor met Jodi when her and Travis were first dating in 2007, and his initial gut impression was not a good one.
“She rubbed me the wrong way, she was very possessive from the get-go,” Taylor told, as he revealed that he didn’t like Jodi from the moment he met her, and later became the first person to tell the 911 dispatcher that he thought she may have been involved in his friend’s violent death.
“When I first met her we were at his house on a Sunday evening, there were people over from the church and we were all making cookies,” explained Travis’ former roommate. “She presented herself to me as ‘his’ woman and welcomed me to her house.
“To me - as someone who was very close friends with him - she was already trying to make claims my buddy and I didn’t even know her. It really rubbed me the wrong way,” he complained.
“There were always small nuances like this. I was put off by how she was.”
Once the volatile couple had officially split up but were still seeing each other, Taylor didn’t become any more enamored by the sexy then-blonde bombshell.
“Travis always presented the situation as trying to decide what kind of girl he should date,” revealed Taylor. "He would say, ‘Jodi is really hot and I’m super attracted to her, but should I go with that or pick a good Mormon girl who would be marriage material?’" said Taylor.
“I was always put off by her and thought he should find someone he could settle down with, so I was rooting against it for both reasons."
Taylor’s fears became reality when in June 2008 he got a worried call from their mutual friend, Michelle, asking if he knew where Travis was.
“I said ‘Cancun’ because I had gotten the dates wrong in my head,” he told, referring to a trip Travis was booked on.
“She said: ‘That doesn’t make sense as he’s supposed to leave tomorrow with Mimi and she’s standing next to me right now and can’t find Travis.’
“I called another friend and we decided to meet at Travis’ house. I was on my bike, so I got there later than the others but gave them the key code to the gate and stayed on the phone with them.”
Taylor was actually still on the other line when his friends – along with Travis’ roommate – made the horrific discovery of his dead and decomposing body in the bathroom, and he instantly thought of Jodi as the person responsible.
“I immediately suspected Jodi and told the 911 people that I thought it was her,” revealed Taylor, who can be heard in the background of the chilling tapes.
“Then I was afraid she might have hurt someone else so I started calling Travis’ other girlfriends and seeing if they were OK."
When asked why he thought the petite girl could have butchered his friend so brutally, he replied: “It was only a few days earlier when he showed me the message that he was breaking it off. I asked if he was scared she might hurt him. She had been really stalker-ish and all up in his grill,” said Taylor.
“Two and two just came together; he suddenly ends up dead and it all made sense to me.”
Jodi didn’t stop her obsessive mentality even after her former boyfriend was killed, “She immediately began posting all these photos and flooded his Facebook page with pictures of them and tried to position herself as his woman,” explained Taylor. “It was a like a P.R. campaign.
“I was disgusted because I was certain it was her, then she showed up at his memorial acting distraught.”
When Jodi was finally arrested the following month, Taylor said he felt “justified for suspecting her,” especially when she started changing her story - first claiming she wasn’t there, then that two masked intruders had attacked them both, and finally accusing Travis of abuse and citing self defense.
“All the while saying this with a sweet face of an angel,” revealed Taylor.
While he doesn’t want to comment on whether Jodi should get the death penalty, Taylor sincerely hopes she never walks free again and “her ability to influence people is eliminated.

“If she doesn’t get death then I want her to be in solitary. I am afraid of the people she sees in the outside world getting under her spell and being sucked in,” he said with a chill.
Stay with for updates and the daily live-streaming as the Jodi Arias trial continues.
Will Jodi Arias Go Free? Detective Admits He Made ‘Grave Mistake’ In Case