Mel Gibson's Sister Slammed Oksana Grigorieva For 'Negative Energy & Bad Feelings,' Claims Author

June 13 2012, Published 8:00 a.m. ET
By Jen Heger - Assistant Managing Editor
Joe Eszterhas claims that Mel Gibson's sister slammed the actor's ex-girlfriend and baby mama, Oksana Grigorieva, during a dinner party, accusing the Russian-born singer of harboring "negative energy and bad feelings," is exclusively reporting.
The critically acclaimed screenwriter shared an exclusive, unpublished excerpt from his newly released e-book Heaven and Mel, with, detailing the alleged incident.
"We are at dinner at Mel’s sister’s house in Agoura Hills. I notice what looks like an out-house in the side yard. Mel’s sister tells me that it was used to remove negative energy from people.
You went in, you spent some time, and when you came out you felt free of all negativity and anger.
But it seems that it’s been ruined. According to Mel’s sister, Oksana Grigorieva went in and the Negative Energy Remover has never been the same since.
Oksana supposedly left her 'negative energy and bad feelings' in there. Mel’s sister says that someone went to use it after Oksana and came out angry and bitter. It sits empty now. No one ever goes in anymore."
As we previously reported Eszterhas' book covers his experience of trying to work with Mel, and it details everything he previously claimed about the hot tempered actor – his anti-Semitism, his rage issues and his extreme Catholic sentiments.
Eszterhas was working with Gibson on a screenplay when he wrote a scathing letter revealing why he wouldn’t continue their business relationship.
“I’ve come to the conclusion that the reason you won’t make The Maccabees is the ugliest possible one. You hate Jews,” Ezterhas wrote.
Gibson, whose famous angry, violent rants against Oksana Grigorieva were caught on audiotape and published exclusively by allegedly discussed his rage issues with Eszterhas and his wife, Naomi.
“Gibson says to me, 'I’ve tried therapy and it doesn’t work.’" Eszterhas writes in his book. "Mel says to Naomi, ‘I have so much rage and no one can tell me where it comes from.’ Naomi says, ‘Did your dad (Hutton) get that angry?’ Mel says, ‘No. Hutton could work up some steam, but nothing like me.’ Naomi says, ‘Did your brothers?’ Mel grins and says, 'Oh, yeah.'"
Eszterhas claims that during his time working with Gibson, he soon began to realize that the actor was anti-Semitic.
"The sun is setting in Malibu and Mel and I are out on the patio talking about Alan Nierob, my former publicity agent and Mel’s present one, a man both of us view as a friend. ‘Do you know his dad is a Holocaust survivor?’ I ask Mel. He looks at me with that flinty eye. ‘The Holocaust is mostly a lot of horsesh*t,’ he says. I know he’s goading me. He knows how I feel about the Holocaust..'They’re just a bunch of oven dodgers,’ he smiles. It is an actorly smile, the kind of smile Robert Mitchum did so well in The Night of the Hunter," Eszterhas asserts.
The book debuted on the Kindle/Amazon Best Seller list at #10 last Monday, quickly skyrocketed to #3 and is now headed for #1. Heaven and Mel can be purchased on for $2.99.
MEL AUDIO TAPE #1: Mel’s Racist Rant
MEL AUDIO TAPE #2: Mel Gibson Admits Hitting Oksana, Threatens To Kill Her
MEL AUDIO TAPE #3: Another Mel Gibson Slur Caught On Tape In Crazed Rage
MEL AUDIO TAPE #4: Out Of Control Mel Gibson Says He'll Burn Down House After Demanding Sex