Susan Sarandon Claims ‘The Government Tapped My Phone’

April 23 2012, Published 6:12 a.m. ET
By Debbie Emery - Reporter
Controversial activist and actress Susan Sarandon has never kept her opinions to herself, and she is now claiming that her outspoken political opinions have made her a security risk.
"I've gotten my (FBI) file twice," the liberal activist revealed during a Q&A session with filmmaker Michael Moore at the Tribeca Film Festival on Sunday, reported the Los Angeles Times.
"I know my phone was tapped. If they're not surveilling you then everyone else has cameras on phones." She added, "I was denied security clearance to go to the White House next week, and I don't know why."
Moore responded by saying: "I never think about it. It would unwind me. I assume everything I'm saying in an email or saying on the telephone is being looked at,” he added.
The Fahrenheit 9/11 and Capitalism: A Love Story documentary maker also revealed that he thought the phone-tapping scandal that rocked Rupert Murdoch's media empire, News Corp in the UK, could happen in America.
"I'm interested to see what happens with Fox News and phone hacking," said Moore. "I really can't believe it just happens in Great Britain. Because really, who cares about just hacking phones over there?
"I'll make a prediction about something — I think the phone-hacking thing Murdoch is involved in ... is going to be investigated, and it will be found that it's been going on here too. I just have a gut feeling."
As previously reported, Sarandon outraged the Catholic Church recently when she referred to Pope Benedict XVI as a “Nazi” during an interview last October.