Cement Butt Implant Victim Says She Looks Better Now, But 'Still Has A Long Way To Go'

March 13 2012, Published 1:00 p.m. ET
By Debbie Emery - RadarOnline.com Reporter
After suffering agonizing pain and the loss of her looks from having a toxic mixture of cement, mineral oil and a flat tire sealant injected into her face, breasts and buttocks, Rajee Narinesingh says she’s finally on the mend now, although she "still has a long way to go."
In an exclusive interview with RadarOnline.com, the transsexual actress opened up about her painful and embarrassing ordeal, her bright future and her recent appearance on the Howard Stern Show!
“Howard asked me to show some body, and I got a little a naughty,” Narinesingh of Hollywood, Florida told RadarOnline.com in an exclusive interview.
As we previously reported, the preoperative transsexual was the third known victim to receive toxic cement injections from transgender fake doctor Oneal Ron Morris in 2006 to make her look more feminine, but the distorted results were a far cry from the face of her dreams.
Having endured numerous operations to cut the solid concrete nodules out of her face, Rajee won a starring in role in a transgender soap opera called Bella Maddo (www.bellamaddo.com) alongside America’s Next Top Model contestant Isis King.
“Something so bad has kind of turned around into a positive thing with the soap opera and now meeting Howard Stern,” said the aspiring actress, who plays Aunt Norma in the show, which is cast with all transgender stars.
Narinesingh still has concrete in her face and body though, “I have to deal with going out in public and people laughing at me,” she explained, adding: “The irony though is that it is helping my career. My mom said maybe this is turning into a blessing. It’s funny how all of this has taken place.”
Despite some pre-show butterflies, Rajee said she had a blast meeting the self-proclaimed King Of All Media.
“I was embarrassed and nervous when I was sitting in the green room, the more I heard him talk the more I got nervous because I thought I was going to be chopped liver,” she revealed. “I felt like I was walking into a lion’s den.”
Luckily she got a warm reception from Stern, who said he would watch Bella Maddo and even offered to call a friend at NBC and put a word in for show.
Of course, in true Howard-style, things soon heated up as the conversation turned to where Rajee had gotten the fateful injections that still pollute her body.
“He wanted to see my buttocks so I showed him a little bit of ass and he kept begging me. He said, ‘Wow, look at those breasts!’ So I showed him my chest,” she told RadarOnline.com.
But when Howard asked her to flash below the belt, she got a little more embarrassed.
“He asked to see something else down under, but I wouldn’t do that. Only certain people are allowed to see that,” said Rajee bashfully.
“It ended up being better than I thought. I am happy I did it, he was authentic Howard Stern, he commended me on having such a positive attitude, I said if you don't laugh about it you cry about it,” she said.
Four months after she came forward about her ordeal at the hands of Morris, the victim said she is glad she finally plucked up the courage to tell her story.
“When this happened I tried calling Oneal but the number was disconnected and I realized that she had left town,” she told RadarOnline.com, explaining that she alerted police after being prompted by her transgender friends.
“I’m not a revengeful type of person, but they said ‘She did a job on you, if you can stop it happening to others than that’s a good thing.’
“I looked like the elephant woman,” she revealed, describing the hard three huge tumor-like nodules distorting the left side of her face which a surgeon spent four hours and a pair of broken scissors trying to remove.
“I look a bit better now, but I still have a long way to go. It is like a day-by-day process, I still go for treatments every week with the doctor and he may end up doing another procedure,” she explained.
“My right side still has nodules, he is giving me Kenalog injections to ease them.”
Along with the physical pain, Rajee has had to deal with the emotional trauma of being betrayed by a member of her community who she trusted. “It was a sisterhood, she came off very sincere and during the procedure she started crying when she was injecting me.
“She said, ‘Promise me that if you go to someone else they put the right stuff in you, they can concoct things and you have to be careful.'”

Morris is currently out on bail awaiting her hearing in April, and while Rajee has been approached by detectives who say more victims have come forward, she has not yet decided if she will testify.
“I am more hurt than I have hate for Oneal, I know she is going to pay as I am a firm believer in Karma,” Rajee told RadarOnline.com.
“I felt betrayed, I thought I could trust her. I was angry, I was mad about it. I am still scared as I have to live with this and I don’t know what will happen in the future.”