Britney Spears’ Lawyer Accuses Pop Star’s Father Of Harassing Whistleblower Who Spoke Out Against Alleged Bedroom Spying

Britney's dad allegedly went into rehab over the summer.
Jan. 13 2023, Published 5:30 p.m. ET
Britney Spears’ powerhouse attorney was in court this week defending the whistleblower, who accused the pop star’s father of spying on her, demanding the man stop being harassed, has learned.
As first reported, Britney’s estranged father Jamie recently fired off a subpoena to the whistleblower Alex Vlasov.

Vlasov is known for speaking out against Jamie in the New York Times documentary, Controlling Britney Spears. He revealed that while working at the security firm Black Box, Jamie hired the company and instructed them to install listening devices in Britney’s bedroom.
He said Jamie had a team that not only monitored her phone calls but devised a strategy to read her text messages. Jamie, who has previously denied the spying allegations, demanded Vlasov hand over documents.
Specifically, he wanted documents related to Britney or his employment with Black Box. In addition, Jamie wanted answers on whether he had received compensation for his interviews about Britney.
In his motion, Vlasov accused Jamie and his legal team of “abusing and misuses of the discovery process.” He accused Jamie of serving him with a subpoena “to harass and punish Vlasov for blowing the whistle on Jamie’s wrongs, probable crimes and other misconduct while serving as a court-appointed conservator in this matter.”

Vlasov demanded Jamie be sanctioned $10k for trying to demand documents from him.
Now, Britney’s lawyer Mathew Rosengart has filed documents defending Vlasov against the subpoena.
Rosengart pointed out that while Jamie denies the spying allegations and said the scheme was corroborated by “former FBI Special Agent Sherine Ebadi.”
“This spying and eavesdropping conspiracy was unconscionable; equally unconscionable are Mr. Spears’s counsel’s false and unequivocal representations to this Court that the surveillance scheme “DIDN’T HAPPEN, YOUR HONOR,” even as he knew that it did,” Rosengart wrote.

Rosengart said Jamie and his lawyers “outlandish false assertions and pattern of seeking to deceive the court — after attacking Britney, her counsel, and the court — they not attack the whistleblower, Alex Vlasov, who courageously came forward to tell the truth about Mr. Spears and his cohorts, including Tri Star’s Robin Greenhill and his former employer Black Box Security, Inc.”
“Mr. Vlasov’s actions were heroic and he should be lauded. In addition to being harassed and attacked by Mr. Spears and his lawyer, however, he has also, upon information and belief, been blackballed from the security industry by Black Box,” Rosengart revealed. “Now, he is being asked to provide information and evidence to James Spears, a lead conspirator, which was obtained by Black Box, Ms. Greenhill, and by Mr. Spears himself in gross violation of Britney Spears’s privacy.”

Rosengart said, “Providing Mr. Spears and his counsel with unfettered access to review Ms. Spears’s private, improperly-captured communications would also, among other things, repeat the gross injustice and injury that was done to her by the original improper electronic surveillance in the first place.”
Rosengart said Jamie has the information requested because he obtained it through Black Box.
Britney’s lawyer added, “There is no basis for him to harass Mr. Vlasov. In short, despite Mr. Spears and his counsel’s efforts to harm her, Britney Spears will always be an icon. Since her father was suspended by the Court and the conservatorship was terminated, Britney Spears regained her freedom, her autonomy, and her dignity. She signed a multi-million dollar landmark book deal with Simon & Schuster, she collaborated with Elton John on a smash hit Number One song, “Hold Me Closer;” and she has enormous other confidential opportunities which, as a result of her freedom, will be her and only her choice to decide to pursue, or not.
Rosengart asked that the subpoena be quashed. The judge has yet to rule.