Bruce Jenner Began Deadly Chain Of Collisions In P.C.H. Pileup, Official Tells AP

Feb. 19 2015, Published 8:22 a.m. ET
Bruce Jenner began the deadly four-car pileup in Malibu earlier this month that left a Calabasas woman dead, an unnamed police official told the AP Wednesday.
As previously reported, authorities initially said that a 2010 Toyota Prius (driven by Jessica Marie Steindorff) was the first vehicle rear-ended in the crash on Pacific Coast Highway, triggering a chain of collisions that saw Jenner's black Cadillac Escalade barrel into a Lexus driven by Kim Howe, a 69-year-old widow who died after her luxury vehicle careened into the path of an oncoming Hummer H2.
But on Wednesday, the official's account of events was more in line with what Steindorff's attorney previously declared -- that it was the reality star whose actions triggered the sequence that ended in tragedy.
The official told the AP that the Olympian -- who had an off-road vehicle on a trailer hitched onto the back of his Escalade -- was steering out of the way of cars that had slowed down for a red light. Jenner rear-ended both the Lexus and the Prius, the official said, confirming earlier reports that cameras on an MTA bus recorded the events in said order.
Jenner -- who has put his gender transformation journey on hold while dealing with the fallout of the fatal collision -- passed a sobriety test at the scene, and submit a blood sample for authorities, police said.
Should he be found guilty of criminally negligence in the chain of crashes, he could be prone to felony charges and jail time. No charges have been filed in the case as of early Thursday.