Foxy Knoxy BETRAYED: Ex-Lover Raffaele Sollecito Turns On ‘Evil B*tch' Amanda As He Faces 26 Years For Meredith Kercher Murder -- And Knox Won't Help Him Beat The Rap

Jan. 23 2014, Published 6:37 a.m. ET
Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito were branded a modern-day Romeo & Juliet when they were both imprisoned for the 2007 murder of Knox's roommate, Meredith Kercher. But now, Sollecito is turning on the woman who was once his only ally, branding Knox an "evil bitch" who is "selfish, mean, and cruel" -- all because she wouldn't marry him in a scheme designed to keep him out of prison!
As has reported, Sollecito proposed to Knox in March 2013, hoping she would marry him and help him flee the retrial and potential reconviction for Kercher's murder. When Knox refused, he turned to his online pen pal, Idaho woman Kelsey Kay to air his anger.
According to a new report in Star, Sollecito told Kay Knox was "a selfish, mean, cruel girl," and an "evil bitch."
Now Kay tells, that was only the half of it.
GALLERY: Amanda’s Jail House Letters
"I think his feelings were hurt," Kay explains. What's more, she says, it seemed that Sollecito felt Knox was obligated to help him because of the couple's unique history.
"He came across very entitled, like he had saved her during the first trial in Italy by not turning on her," Kay claims, "and that maybe she was obligated to do the same for him."
"I've read text messages … between the two of them," Kay says. "The text messages were often him texting her and her not responding. And he portrayed that to me as she was insensitive, and didn't care."
But in the few messages that Knox did send Sollecito, Kay says, she seemed like an entirely different woman than her ex-lover claimed.
"There were some texts about them not being able to marry, and Amanda explained herself in a very elegant way," Kay reveals.
Sollecito's responses, however, were "more desperate, needy," Kay says.
Indeed, Kay previously told about Sollecito's desperate bid to secure a green card through marriage to a woman outside of Italy. His plain failed, however, and now he is facing a new verdict in the Meredith Kercher murder retrial.
Knox has said that she will attempt to stay in the U.S. if reconvicted. Sollecito, however, could be heading back to prison, even though his prior conviction was overturned in 2011.