The Jodi Arias Trial: 8 Pieces Of Evidence The Jury Won’t Hear

April 26 2013, Published 7:24 a.m. ET
With closing arguments in the bombshell four-month murder trial scheduled for May 2 and 3, the jury will soon have to decide whether defendant Jodi Arias goes free, spends the rest of her life behind bars, or is executed by lethal injection for the brutal slaying of Travis Alexander — but they will have to make the difficult decision without seeing some of the crucial evidence.
As the trial draws to a close, has collected 8 pieces of shocking and insightful information that for a variety of legal reasons didn't make it into the courtroom while the jury was present.
1. Jodi's Jail Rap Sheet
Far from a model prisoner, Arias' disciplinary action report shows that the murder defendant was embroiled in a fight with her cell mate at the Estrella Jail in Phoenix, Ariz. on July 27, 2009, which she claimed was self defense.
She also had a number of bizarre violations of prison policy such as hiding pens under her sink, possessing 19 unauthorized pictures, disobeying her instructor and possessing unauthorized creams including anti-itch, anti-fungal and acne lotion, according to records obtained by HLNTV.
2. The Reflection In Travis' Eye
Defense expert and image enhancement expert Bryan Neumeister examined a photo of Travis in the shower that revealed a reflection of Jodi in his eye, holding the camera -- backing up her story that she was holding the camera with two hands, claiming that when she dropped it Travis attacked her, forcing her to act in self–defense.
The defense argued that if Jodi was holding the camera, she couldn't have been holding a knife.
3. Styled By Her Defense Team!
The jury members have most likely noticed that Jodi often dresses remarkably similar to her defense attorney Jennifer Willmott, but what they don't realize is that the brunette lawyer is responsible for providing her with clothes for court each day, reported HLNTV. The clothes are bought from bargain and discount stores.
4. Friends Told Police Fears Over 'Psychotic Obsessive' Ex-Girlfriend
When Travis' friends found his bloody body on June 9, 2008, they immediately suspected Jodi and relayed their fears in both the frantic 911 call and a statement to police by pal Mimi Hall. "I was worried because he had told me about an ex-girlfriend who had done some pretty serious -- as in psychotic obsessive -- things to him and his friends," she told investigators in the official report.
5. The Bizarre Interrogation Video
From random singing and doing handstands to touching up her make-up, a twisted behind-the-scenes tape from her police interrogation shows a very manic side of the femme fatale killer. At one point she says to herself, "You should have at least done your makeup Jodi, gosh," and then breaks into a song with the lyrics, “…it might change my memory.”
6. Her Father Told Police She Planned To Flee
Damning videos of Jodi's parents, William and Sandy Arias, filmed separately after her arrest paint a very troubling picture of their aspiring artist daughter, with her father revealing that she told him, "All I know is I got to leave." He also gave police disturbing insight into Jodi's split personality saying, "Sometimes she'd call real sweet, and 10 minutes later, she'd call in a rage, you know, just screaming at my wife. She did that over the last year and a half."
7. Her Mother Told Police Jodi 'Had Mental Problems'
Jodi's distraught mother tearfully confessed to Detective Esteban Flores that her daughter had “mental problems" and continued, "Jodi would freak out all the time. I had quite a few of her friends call me and tell me I needed to get her some help. We don’t have a good relationship, me and Jodi."
8. Emails From Travis Calling Himself A 'Sociopath'
Travis has been heard in court from beyond the grave in dirty texts, wholesome videos and even a phone sex recording – but one thing the jury didn't get to read was a series of emails that were sent between he and his friends Chris and Sky Hughes, which had the subject line “You crossed the Line” and were written January 29, 2007.

According to AZCentral, the emails allegedly include “A response from Mr. Hughes … wherein he asserts that he believes Jodi would be his (Travis’) next victim and that Jodi was just another girl that he (Travis) was playing.”
There is also a response from Travis where he allegedly replied by writing, “I am a bit of a sociopath," and Sky saying that he thought of Jodi as a "booty call."
The defense in the Jodi Arias trial will call one additional witness next week, and closing arguments are expected on Thursday and Friday. The case will then finally go to the jury after four grueling months.