Isabella Cruise Reunited With Scientology Boyfriend After He Reportedly Quits Sea Org

Jan. 25 2013, Published 6:53 a.m. ET
Isabella Cruise and boyfriend Eddie Frencher have proved that true love is even stronger than the iron-clad ties of the Church Of Scientology, is reporting.
Last August, Frencher joined the controversial church's elite clerical order, Sea Org, which requires a billion year contract. However, Scientology expert and former Village Voice Editor in Chief Tony Ortega is reporting that a "billion years" turned out to be just five months as the Los Angeles-based musician has already left.
Tom Cruise's 20-year-old daughter began dating Eddie a year ago, but when he joined the strict sect, officials reportedly told Ortega that Isabella had been ordered to either join herself or end the relationship.
As previously reported, there was speculation initially that Isabella would follow in Eddie's footsteps and sign up herself, but her father’s reps released a statement, saying: “Isabella is not a public figure and deserves privacy. However, she is not joining the church’s religious order.”
Both of the lovebirds grew up in Scientology, where the pressure to join Sea Org begins at an early age and young members are taught that no one has more dedication or deserves more respect that its officers, who work long hours for very low pay and live under spartan conditions with little privacy, according to former members.
According to Ortega, Isabella and Eddie celebrated their romantic reunion by posting photos of themselves on their private Facebook pages, and a Frencher family member reportedly confirmed to one of the journalist's informants that Eddie had indeed left the religious order, and that he and Isabella are engaged to be married.
Sea Org was first created by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard in the late 1960s in order to staff his small armada of ships that sailed the Mediterranean and Atlantic, and he ran it from the helm of his flagship, the Apollo. The super-secretive ‘higher order’ has been grounded since 1975, but the uniforms and naval ranks remain.
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