Grinning Teen Robs Bank, Brags About It On YouTube & Gets Arrested, Claims 'It Was The Best Day Of My Life!'

Dec. 4 2012, Published 7:00 a.m. ET
As Forrest Gump once said, "Stupid is as stupid does."
With that in mind, meet Hannah Sabata. After robbing Cornerstone Bank in Waco, Nebraska of more than $6,000 on November 28, the 19-year-old criminal mastermind took to Youtube - with her face in full view - to brag about her heist and inadvertently throw a bone to cops, who subsequently arrested her in connection with the theft.
However, Sabata remained unrepentant even as she was led away in handcuffs, grinning broadly for the cameras and proclaiming: "It was the best day of my life!"
Sabata boasted of her robbery in an eight-minute video - titled "Chick Bank robber" - telling her tale through a series of hand written cards, with a description that reads, "I just stole a car and robbed a bank. Now I'm rich, I can pay off my college financial aid and tomorrow i'm going for a shopping spree. Bite me. I love GREENDAY!"
In the clip, Sabata, wearing the same outfit she did during the robbery, authorities said, flaunts her ill gotten gains, flashing a huge fan of cash, and holding up a sign that reads, "I told my mom today was the best day of my life... she just thinks I met a new boy."
She also brags about stealing a "shiny new" Pontiac Grand Am, then says she committed the heist "with a gun, a pillow case, and a note."
And, as if she hasn't already admitted on camera to enough illegal activity for one day, Sabata goes on to say she has just finished smoking marijuana and intends on purchasing more with her bank heist booty. She adds that "the system is a game," and that the government "stole my baby... and they took him away before I could even take him home ... and they charged me with child neglect ... I may not be a mother anymore but I can still find purpose."
Officials confirmed the Youtube video would be used as evidence as the case progresses.
Police said that Sabata passed a note to the bank teller saying, "You are being robbed! NO ALARMS OR LOCKS OR PHONES or INK BAGS! I have a loaded gun. You have 2 minutes."
Authorities confirmed that the entire amount robbed was recovered, just $30 short. Sabata's scheduled to appear in court on Wednesday, December 26.

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