Don't Try This At Home! Viral Video Shows Shocking Dangers Of Fake Butt Implants That 'Flip Inside Out'

Nov. 29 2012, Published 6:30 a.m. ET
By Debbie Emery - Reporter
A disturbing YouTube video warning women about the dangers of fake butt implants has gone viral due to graphic images that literally show her botched silicone "flipped inside out."
Instead of the plump, baby smooth behind the victim was wishing for, she got a huge protrusion popping out from under the skin of her butt cheek, which she explains in the 20-second clip as, "my implant flipping backwards.
"I don't think an implant's supposed to do that. It shouldn't be able to flip," the unidentified woman reveals with concern as she shows viewers the downfall of her reckless cost-cutting.
The shocking evidence of the botched procedure possibly from an impostor acting as a medical professional has been shared more than 20,000 times since it was posted on Facebook, with countless concerned comments including one critic who said she would rather hit the gym than a backyard surgeon.
"I prefer to go harder on the squats, lunges, hamstring curls and the gluteous kickbacks," she wrote.
The vivid visual evidence of implants-gone-awry is just the latest in a wave of medical disasters spawning from women's desires to have Kim Kardashian's behind, or in some cases, transexuals wanting to look more feminine.
"More and more when I hear these stories about people dying, I get scared and a lot more concerned," Raj Narinesingh, a victim of cement injector Oneal Ron Morris, recently told in an exclusive interview, talking about her fears for her life.
As previously reported, the preoperative transsexual was the third known victim to receive toxic cement injections from fellow transgender Morris in 2006 to make her look more feminine, but the distorted results were a far cry from the face of her dreams and she was left with hideous lumps in her face and body.
Narinesingh, from Miami, Florida, was reacting to the revelation that Morris "Tracey Lynn" Garner had injected such huge quantities of the poisonous cocktail into a woman's butt that she suffered fatal blood clots in her lungs.
"I feel like I am a walking time bomb," the self-proclaimed "Cement Face" told "These victims don't die right away, it's after the substance has had some time in your body."
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