Church Of Scientology Wife Scandal Grows: Nazanin Boniadi Had Breakdown Post Tom Cruise Breakup

Sept. 5 2012, Published 2:00 p.m. ET
By Jen Heger - Assistant Managing Editor
After reportedly being handpicked by Scientology to be Tom Cruise's next wife, then allegedly punished by the church after she was dumped by the actor three months later, stunning actress Nazanin Boniadi suffered a breakdown a source tells exclusively.
"Naz had a breakdown after her breakup with Tom Cruise, partly because of the punishment she endured," a source tells "She was forced to clean toilets with a toothbrush at the Church of Scientology headquarters in Florida amongst other chores. Naz worked 10-15 hours a day and was told she was being punished for talking about her relationship with Cruise.
"She fell very hard and very fast for Tom, but he just grew bored with her and moved on. However, Naz wasn't able to do that and when she was finally released from her punishment at the Church of Scientology she didn't know what to do and she was just absolutely lost. Naz had a total and complete breakdown. Naz's mother, who was also a member of the Church at the time, recognized her daughter was in trouble and needed to get immediate mental health attention. Her mom truly saved her daughter's life."
As we previously reported, a bombshell new report in Vanity Fair claims that Shelly Miscavige, the wife of Scientology leader David Miscavige, headed up the task of finding Tom an appropriate mate. Candidates were reportedly told they were auditioning for a new training film and were asked a series of questions including "What do you think of Tom Cruise?"
Iranian-born actress and longtime Scientology follower Nazanin Boniadi was the winner in the girlfriend derby, according to Vanity Fair, and went on to date Cruise from November, 2004 to January, 2005.
Boniadi had to reportedly sign multiple confidentiality agreements and ended up falling head-over-heels for Cruise. But in short order, he decided she wasn't up to the task, sources told Vanity Fair, and complained to her, "I get more love from an extra than I get from you."
Meanwhile, the Mission Impossible star and the Church of Scientology have vehemently denied, the allegations. "Lies in a different font are still lies — designed to sell magazines," Tom's rep said.
However, director Paul Haggis, the acclaimed writer/producer/director who left Scientology in 2010 after decades in the controversial organization, has come forward and confirmed the article, insisting a new wife was recruited for Tom Cruise. The Oscar-winner also pulled no punches in condemning Scientology officials for how they treated Boniadi after her arranged romance with Cruise failed.
"I was deeply disturbed by how the highest ranking members of a church could so easily justify using one of their members; how they so callously punished Boniadi and then so effectively silenced her when it was done. It wasn’t just the threats; they actually made her feel ashamed, when all she had been was human and trusting," Haggis told Showbiz 411.
"I’ve met quite a number of people who have been treated shamefully but are afraid to speak out...Most of the others are just ordinary people...They live in fear of retribution, legal, financial or personal...They fear an incredibly wealthy organization that boasts that it seeks truth, empowers people, brings families together, encourages independent thought and free speech, and champions human rights. I would like to say that i don’t know how its members, many of them good and intelligent people, can remain so purposely blind when they are faced with evidence like this every day, but then I am no one to talk. I was happily blind for many years, so I know the shame that Naz feels."
"Naz is a very private person, and she doesn't like having her life out there for everyone to read about and speculate upon. She is focused on her work and is thankful for the support she is getting from her family and friends. Naz just lights up a room when she walks in and she is in a much better place now than she was in those dark days after her relationship with Tom ended," the source tells

A rep of Boniadi said she wasn't available for comment.
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