Kate Gosselin 'Sick' and 'Needs Help' Jon’s Pal Writes In Vitriolic New Book

Sept. 28 2012, Published 12:00 p.m. ET
By David Perel - Executive Vice President/Managing Editor RadarOnline.com
Kate Gosselin spanks her children, is “sick” and in desperate need of mental help.
Oh, and she also has the audacity to park facing the wrong way near a UPS store.
This is just a partial list of Kate’s alleged sins and transgressions, presented in painful detail by “author” Robert Hoffman in Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World, a self-published e-book.
Hoffman is a friend of Kate’s ex husband Jon Gosselin and admits early, "I like Jon Gosselin a lot. I’ve traveled with him and partied with him and have been with him through his highest highs and his lowest lows."
Hoffman has also been through Jon’s garbage.
And that’s where he claims he found a treasure trove of documents contained on tossed computer equipment, documents including Kate’s journal, numerous emails, contracts, tax returns and more.
During what seems like one bazillion pages, Hoffman may have accomplished the impossible: in trashing Kate every way imaginable he may actually have made her more sympathetic, if only by virtue of the fact that she is a target for his relentless vitriol.
Many of his allegations cannot be repeated here as they lack adequate substantiation and Hoffman writes, "I’ll be sued by one or more parties before this is over." He then claims: "I’m writing this book for the Gosselin kids," and relates an anecdote about Collin that not only seems ridiculously thin as justification but quickly evaporates into the endless stream of Kate bashing.
Kate’s greed is chronicled in such painstaking detail that even her biggest detractors will probably feel woozy reading all her emails begging for freebies. Yes, they are outrageous and no doubt great fodder for the continuing Jon vs. Kate debate.
Hoffman delivers lots of mind-numbing details about contracts, vacations, friendships gone bad and Kate’s fake and boorish behavior. He claims to have spoken to hundreds of friends and family members but it is Kate’s discarded computer hard drive that provides the majority of the material in this 38 chapter snoozefest.
What about the rumors of Kate's closer-than-friends relationship with Steve Neild? Hoffman doesn’t know. But he does gleefully repeat a story about an unnamed man allegedly bragging about a romantic relationship with Kate.
While Jon is busy making one bad decision after another, Hoffman says, “Kate Gosselin continued to prance around like a peacock..with her bodyguards, her handlers, her public relations team, her media trainer, her team of lawyers and her protective network family feeding her a script of talking points for the week – pretending to be mother of the year, fooling millions of people while pursuing her Hollywood lifestyle on the backs of her eight beautiful children.”
And that’s the nicest thing he says about her.
In short, Hoffman’s gripes/allegations/rants cover these topics: Kate is a money-grubbing, freebie-seeking machine; she spanks her children beyond the point that is acceptable; she exploits her children in countless ways; she’s really, really mean and much, much more.
At one point, Hoffman blurts his impressions into one tell-all sentence (partially redacted by RadarOnline.com to remove libelous material). He writes: “Kate Gosselin washed out of community college after three months and is a gum smack uneducated (redacted) who tells mostly lies and says “um” a lot.”
Um, alrighty then!
To be fair, there are countless examples of Kate’s boorish behavior and the most incendiary allegations that will not be repeated on RadarOnline.com due to the author’s lack of corroboration. Hoffman “gathered” his information while working as a freelance reporter for Us Weekly but all of his new information is from her discarded hard drive, which offers endless (boring emails) about contracts, trips and more.
“You sold your family and your children’s souls to the Devil, to make a quick buck for yourself.
Shame on you Kate Gosselin,” he writes in chapter 10.
While Hoffman brags that he now has possession of 5,000 family photos, personal documents, tax and business records plus contracts, he actually takes time to disapprovingly note that Kate has read 50 Shades of Grey.
And yes, he really does go into great detail about how she parks facing the wrong way outside of the UPS store.

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