Mel Gibson: The Holocaust Is Horse (Bleep)

June 7 2012, Published 7:00 a.m. ET Entertainment Editor
WARNING: Story Contains Offensive Content
Mel Gibson’s hateful anti-Semitic words are coming back to haunt him with the publication of a new book in which he is quoted as saying the Holocaust is “horsesh*t.”
Screen writer Joe Eszterhas has published his new e-book titled Heaven and Mel about his experience trying to work with Mel, and it reveals everything he previously claimed about the hot tempered actor – his anti-Semitism, his rage issues and his extreme Catholic sentiments,and has a few excerpts from the shocking new tell-all.
“The sun is setting in Malibu and Mel and I are out on the patio talking about Alan Nierob, my former publicity agent and Mel’s present one, a man both of us view as a friend. ‘Do you know his dad is a Holocaust survivor?’ I ask Mel. He looks at me with that flinty eye. ‘The Holocaust is mostly a lot of horsesh*t,’ he says. I know he’s goading me. He knows how I feel about the Holocaust…
“’They’re just a bunch of oven dodgers,’ he smiles. It is an actorly smile, the kind of smile Robert Mitchum did so well in The Night of the Hunter.”
Eszterhas was working with Mel on a screenplay when he wrote a scathing letter revealing why he wouldn’t continue their business relationship.
“I’ve come to the conclusion that the reason you won’t make The Maccabees is the ugliest possible one. You hate Jews,” Ezterhas wrote.
Gibson, whose famous racist violent rants against his ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva were caught on audiotape and published exclusively by discusses his rage issues with Eszterhas and his wife, Naomi.
“’Says to me, I’ve tried therapy and it doesn’t work.’ He says to Naomi, ‘I have so much rage and no one can tell me where it comes from.’ Naomi says, ‘Did your dad (Hutton) get that angry?’ Mel says, ‘No. Hutton could work up some steam, but nothing like me.’ Naomi says, ‘Did your brothers?’ Mel grins and says, Oh, yeah.’”
Eszterhas also writes about Mel’s extremist Catholic views.
“Mel lit up another Winston as soon as he finished the first one, and I saw now that he was a chain smoker, just like I had been for so many years. This time he made less of an effort to blow the smoke out the door. I started to cough a little bit and cleared my throat. ‘Geez, I’m sorry,’ Mel said. ‘It’s okay,’ I said, and Mel kept smoking. ‘How old is your priest?’ Mel asked. ‘In his forties somewhere. He’s not really a priest then.’ I didn’t understand. ‘Any priest who came after Vatican II in the Sixties isn’t a real priest,’ Mel said. I still didn’t understand. ‘That’s when the church got ruined,’ he said. ‘Read Bella Dodd. Who’s Bella Dodd? I’d never heard of Bella Dodd. She’s a former Commie who testified about the Commies taking over the Catholic Church.’”

Heaven and Mel can be purchased on for $2.99.
MEL AUDIO TAPE #1: Mel’s Racist Rant
MEL AUDIO TAPE #2: Mel Gibson Admits Hitting Oksana, Threatens To Kill Her
MEL AUDIO TAPE #3: Another Mel Gibson Slur Caught On Tape In Crazed Rage
MEL AUDIO TAPE #4: Out Of Control Mel Gibson Says He'll Burn Down House After Demanding Sex
MEL AUDIO TAPE #5: Mel Gibson Completely Loses It: 'B*tch, C*nt, Wh*re, Gold Digger!'