Lindsay Lohan's Teeth Show Signs Of ‘Definite Neglect,’ Smoking And Red Wine

Oct. 13 2011, Published 6:00 a.m. ET
Not so long ago it was Lindsay Lohan's ground-breaking fashion choices that caught everyone's attention on the red carpet, but on Wednesday night all eyes were on her startling teeth, prompting speculation about what could have happened to her pearly whites.
As previously reported, in a close up of 25-year-old Lindsay’s teeth at the THQ launch party in Los Angeles they seem to be stained brown and almost rotting, a far cry from the million dollar smile she used to have.
"There are signs of definite neglect," Dr. Naz Tofigh of Thirty-2 Advanced Dentistry in West Hollywood told in an exclusive interview.
"This is what someone looks like when they haven’t been to the dentist for a long time and they just haven’t taken care of themselves."
Dr. Naz went onto explain how the discoloring of Lindsay's teeth is a tell-tale of sign of heavy smoking and drinking.
"There are a lot of stains on her teeth, the yellow spots are typical of people who drink a lot of red wine and smoke."
Along with the side affects of the Mean Girls star's social habits, she also has heavy tartar build-up and a chipped tooth, all indicators that former image-conscious star is neglecting both her looks and her health.
"These are definitely the teeth of someone who doesn’t care because this is not a clean mouth," she explained, adding that Lindsay's late-night lifestyle doesn't help. "Any kind of bad health and lack of sleep affects your gums."
Along with quitting both smoking and red wine, Lindsay needs, "a good cleaning, teeth whitening, and a night-guard as she looks to have been grinding her teeth down, which could be from stress," advised the dental expert.
Dr. Naz went on to explain that good teeth and oral health goes far beyond just looking good and affects your entire body.
"Periodontal disease is connected to so many other health aspects, and can lead to diabetes and make people more prone to heart attacks and strokes.
"When you have bacteria in your mouth it affects your whole blood stream," said Dr. Naz.
Along with an emergency trip to the dentist, Lindsay is due back in court for a status update with Los Angeles Judge Stephanie Sautner in just a few days and those close to her are worried that she is not on the right path, has reported.
“As someone that is supposed to be in recovery to an addiction to drugs and alcohol, Lindsay shouldn't be partying until the wee hours of the morning," a source close to the starlet said.

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