Brooke Mueller Says Charlie Sheen Punched Her Last Week, Thinks He's More Famous Than Obama, Planned To Shave Denise Richards Head & More!

May 28 2018, Updated 10:15 a.m. ET
The gloves have come off again.
Charlie Sheen physically abused and threatened to behead Brooke Mueller, and prevented her from speaking with her sober companion,leading her to fall off the wagon, Mueller said in a court declaration she filed Tuesday, successfully obtaining a temporary restraining order against the Two And A Half Men star, and has all the details on the ongoing saga as it unfolds.
In addition, Mueller claims in the court docs the Two And A Half Men star brags he’s more famous than President Barack Obama, was hatching a plan to shave the head of his ex wife Denise Richards, and called his manager Mark Berg a "jew pig."
Read the court documents
Here’s how the latest series of events went down:
According to Mueller, Sheen told her during a chat on Sunday, "I will cut your head off, put it in a box and send it to your mom!" adding that "if you are having this conversation taped, then consider it done.
Mueller said that just a week ago, on February 23, Sheen "threatened to stab my eye with a pen knife ... spit on my feet and punched me in the arm."
She said that a few days later, on Saturday February 26, Sheen took their 23-month-old twins Max and Bob "from my care in violation of our custody orders.
"I have asked that he return the children to me and he refuses," Mueller said in the declaration. "I am in great fear that he find me and attack me and I am in great fear for the children's safety."
Mueller said in the declaration she and the twins "had little or no contact" from Sheen's Christmas Day 2009 arrest until they began getting along better this past January.
"He was not sober at that time, however, our discussions were pleasant for the first time in a long time," Mueller said. She said that in early February, Sheen told her he'd sobered up and would continue to stay clean, and invited her to move into his Los Angeles mansion with the twins.
Mueller said in early February, Sheen told her he'd sobered up and would continue to stay clean, inviting her to move into his Los Angeles mansion with the twins.
"I made a big mistake and moved the children and myself in," Mueller said in the declaration, noting that Charlie already had two lady friends of his, porn star Bree Olson (real name Rachel Oberlin) and new girlfriend Natalie Kenly, living there.
Mueller said she fears that Charlie is insane, and that their trip to the Bahamas started off on a rocky start.
"I'm very concerned that Sheen is currently insane,” Mueller said in the court papers. “In addition, last week Sheen insisted that I travel with him and his two girlfriends to the Bahamas. I did not want to go, however, I was afraid I would enrage Sheen if I did not go.”
Mueller said prior to leaving the Bahamas, she found Sheen “destroying things in the bathroom.
“He was in a rage because he could not find his checkbook. He then took the house phone and chucked it from the second floor window and threw it into the pool,” Mueller said.
She said that on the trip to the Bahamas, Sheen “randomly told everyone on the place that he hated his ex-wife, Denise Richards, violently and he was going to have her hair shaved off."
Mueller said she saw Sheen drinking liquor in the Bahamas, and on the morning of February 23, they had an argument that turned violent.
Mueller said Sheen began following her “around the house shining a flashlight in her eyes so I could not see. I asked him why he was doing this to me, and he yelled, "I'm untouchable, I'm Charlie Sheen, I'm more famous than Obama!’
Mueller said Sheen then punched her in the arm.
“He was holding a pen knife and told me he was going to stick it in my eye,” Mueller said. “During his tirade against me, Petitioner also spit on my feet. Fortunately, I was able to return to Los Angeles immediately."
Mueller raised more accusations Sheen is an anti-Semite, claiming he sent her a text message saying, "I must execute mark b like the stoopid jew pig that he is..." in reference to his manager, Mark Berg.
Mueller admitted to using drugs in the Bahamas with one of Sheen's girlfriends, but that she has been sober for one week.
"I have not been perfect and I have struggled with my own sobriety issues over the past year and a half. Sheen has not supported my recovery and rehabilitation in any way. He mocks my recovery efforts." Mueller said.

She added that Sheen “wouldn't allow her sober living companion to stay with her at the house, because, "she didn't need it." (Mueller said she’s currently in day treatment.)
Sheen is not allowed to have any access to his children, or Mueller, pending the restraining order hearing on March 22. Sheen has been stripped of custody until then.
In the meantime, stay with for more exclusive content on the Charlie Sheen saga as it unfolds.