EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: Tila Tequila On New Movie Role -- 'It's Really Emotional'
Jan. 26 2011, Published 8:41 a.m. ET
Tila Tequila has made the almost improbable leap from reality-television to network sitcoms and even feature films, and she sat down with RadarOnline.com in an exclusive new video interview to dish on what it was like to co-star with William Shatner.
"I got this role for &#*! My Dad Says alongside William Shatner and everybody, and I'm really excited about it because usually it's just me cameoing as myself, but this time I got to go on there as an actress playing another person," Tila told RadarOnline.com.
"I come in, and there's William Shatner and the first thing I think of is, 'Oh my gosh, he's that dude on Priceline!'"
All joking aside, Tila said despite being nervous for her real first acting gig, the cast and crew was very friendly and made her feel right at home.
"William Shatner is amazing. He was asking me about the Vietnam War, and he was very fascinated about my upbringing and my family and things like that," Tila said.
After snagging her role on the hit CBS show, Tila said the offers started pouring in and she's currently playing the lead on a film with an award winning director -- hinting it's Darren Aronofsky.
"The person who is directing this, they've won awards before, and I'm so honored to work with this guy and so in shock that he would take me on," Tila said.
"To give you a little hint, have you guys seen Requim For A Dream? Have you seen Black Swan? Well, I love those movies."
Without giving away the movie, 29-year-old Tila said her role is that of a girl who was abducted at age 11 and forced into child prostitution by the time she was 13.
"It's based on a true story," Tila told RadarOnline.com.
"It's going to be a really hard role to play because it's really emotional."
As RadarOnline.com was first to report, the Shot At Love star has made a lot of big changes in her life this year - by realizing she needed help and getting sober.
"I'm really happy these days. I never ever want to go back to that dark place where I was last year," Tila said in the exclusive interview.
Look for Tila's appearance on &#*! My Dad Says this Thursday, January 27 on CBS at 8:30/7:30c.
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