EXCLUSIVE: Gordon Ramsay's Mistress Writes Open Letter To His Wife

Nov. 15 2010, Published 8:39 a.m. ET
The postman has a special delivery for Mrs. Gordon Ramsay.
The fiery television chef, who last week wrote an open letter to his mother-in-law begging for forgiveness after firing her husband (his father-in-law)from his embattled empire, is about to deal with another kitchen knightmare.
The woman with whom Ramsay had a tawdry affair has penned an open letter written to his wife - and RadarOnline.com has the special delivery!
In the over-the-top condescending correspondence, mistress Sarah Symonds "reaches out" to Tana, claiming she's on her side and advises Tana to "stand-up for herself."
In part, Sarah writes:
"I come to offer you my support with much credibility Tana, as, after my affair with your husband was exposed, I've worked extremely hard to reform myself. And now, as the first and only Infidelity Analyst in the world, I use my intimate inside knowledge (and lessons learned by my mistakes of the heart) to help women everywhere live in the truth."
Symonds also conveyed how she now helps women who have been cheated on and blasts the Hell's Kitchen star and other men accused of cheating.
Hell's Kitchen Mistress To Publish Tell-All Book About 'Flash' Gordon Ramsay
"I especially help wives all over the world by mentoring them on how NOT to be used and humiliated by their husbands, especially celebrity ones who think they can have it all. So, hand on heart, I write to you here today with all good intentions, because after reading - along with the rest of the world - all that is being said about you by Gordon, and by your father, I really feel for you.
"I mean, it cannot be easy for a woman like you to be perceived by both of them as SO weak, and so easy to manipulate."
Ramsay denied the affair with Symonds when it was first revealed in 2008 and he and Tana are still together despite their personal and business scandals.
But Symonds believes the foul mouth chef is just stringing his wife along.
Symonds, 40, poked fun at the celebrity chef, after it emerged he was having a $400,000 wine cellar installed in his London mansion, as part of a lavish extension.
"When I read about the wine cellar I laughed out loud as it was so poignant to me, since the first few times we met, Gordon told me he was being made to sleep in it as his wife, Tana, was p*ssed off at him," Symonds told RadarOnline.com in an exclusive interview.
Read her entire letter here:
Dear Tana,
I can't help but write this open letter to you after reading Gordon's 'heartfelt' interview in today's Daily Mail. I had to reach out to you and offer you my support at this ghastly time, especially due to the weak individual he is trying to portray you as.
I come to offer you my support with much credibility Tana, as, after my affair with your husband was exposed, I've worked extremely hard to reform myself, and now, as the first and only Infidelity Analyst in the world, I use my intimate inside knowledge (and lessons learned by my mistakes of the heart) to help women everywhere live in the truth. I especially help wives all over the world by mentoring them on how NOT to be used and humiliated by their husbands, especially celebrity ones who think they can have it all. So, hand on heart, I write to you here today with all good intentions, because after reading - along with the rest of the world - all that is being said about you by Gordon, and by your father, I really feel for you. I mean, it cannot be easy for a woman like you to be perceived by both of them as SO weak, and so easy to manipulate. Tana, you are a successful woman, mother, and author, and represent what so many married women aspire to be. What they are saying is damaging and it's unfair of them I think. They are the ones with the secrets, with the clearly dodgy dealings!! To me this is classic behavior of the typical narcissist; to deflect any wrong doing by immediately going on the attack, but aiming to use a weaker person in the scenario to look as though they are being the 'big man'. Yawn!
I know full well what it is like to be manipulated by bullies and powerful men with huge egos Tana, and sadly your husband featured as one of them in my life for way too long. I can now totally and absolutely see why he'd always tell me that he and your father were "so tight," as - from what is unfolding for all to see - it seems they share so MANY of the same 'qualities,' or rather, traits should I say! Not least in how they are dealing with this ugly debacle for all the world to see. It is hard to even get through the interviews they're giving, as every word is dripping with such hatred and innuendo. I guess they are both trying to be the first to expose each other and spill the dirt. Bit like kids in a playground really. Pathetic!
Tana, after the news of my affair with Gordon broke, I read in an article somewhere that you said you, "admired you mother and father greatly", and that you'd always, "wanted a marriage like they had!" I swear that is why I truly thought you stayed with Gordon when you found out he had been cheating on you with me, and with others, as I thought you were perhaps referring to the secret life your father had too. I assumed you'd perhaps been brought up in a Jimmy Goldsmith type household, where everything was out in the open.
So, to read in Gordon's interview today that, "Tana still does not know everything about her father, but she is certainly getting up to speed — and that is a little scary. She knows about 90 per cent. She has been shocked. She struggled. It is a big blow. She had this perfect image of her daddy and it is not there....", then again, hand on heart, I am honestly blown away. My God, you must not know who to trust anymore, and I don't blame you!!!! It seems that both men have lied to you and manipulated you, but sadly you have let them Tana. You are way too nice, and way too good for them. I always recommend wives show more backbone at times like these. Show them what you are made of and stand up to these men. Regain some self-respect and dignity and not let your man/men treat you as a weaker individual. After all, men (whoever they are) will ONLY walk all over you IF YOU LET THEM!
Just reading the interview Gordon gave today to the Daily Mail was like wading through treacle. I question how a 'man' can sit there and say all those things about another man's private life, when he himself has so many skeletons in that department. Also, how can he still try to pull the wool over the eyes of the general public by pretending to be such a family man, worried about his kids and his wife etc, when he never seemed worried about them when he was with me, and doing his own thing. I find it all very bizarre, and I have to wonder if he is indeed having a breakdown, has become 'that monster,' or is perhaps on some kind of wrong medication for those pesky mood swings. Perhaps you ought to check?
When I read that he referred to you as being used as a "target" by your family when his back was turned, in order to, "try to manipulate and poison," my heart went out to you. Making you out to seem as though you have no mind of your own and could be poisoned that easily? And the kicker was, when he referred to you as, "the weak point," they all saw you as? WHAT??? God... that was low. Furthermore, he refers to you as in floods of tears and is constantly listening to you bawling your eyes out? That is hugely sexist, let alone something that is best kept private. If only Gordy would own up to his part of what drives you to these floods of tears eh Tana? Mind you, that would take integrity, so we better pass on that one.

Anyhow, I am in your corner Tana as I certainly know how hard it is to discover that people you've loved and trusted are not who you thought they were at all. It is HEARTBREAKING. Trust me, I know that feeling. And, although I don't know your mother from Adam, if she really did give you that advice about dumping Gordon, she kinda has my vote here I have to say....
Take care.
Peace and hugs
Sarah x